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Madison Baptist Association (IN) Minutes

This church was organized on the 14th day of February, 1818, in a log school house in Wirt, with 21 members, to-wit: Brethren William West, Robert Harbert, John Stevens, Wilson Moncrief, James Burns, Thomas Glover, Daniel Stogsdill, John Burns, Abner Moncrief. William Harbert, James Harbert, and Sisters Mary West, Delilah Burns., Sarah McDonald, Nancy Glover, Lucinda Glover, Fanny Glover, Rebecca Marshall, Jane Harbert, Elizabeth Burns, and Rachel Johnson.

They adopted the Articles of Faith of the Silver Creek Association, and the rules of decorum of the Mount Pleasant church, from which body most if not all bore letters of admission. The church continued to meet once in each month, in this school house for the space of about nine years, when they occupied a small brick house, built for worship, but which was not finished for several years. This house was afterwards enlarged and continued to be occupied by the church until the summer of 1851, when it was torn down and a new one built, 46 by 60 feet, which was first occupied in November, 1851, and is still used.

At the meeting of the Silver Creek Association in the summer of 1818, Elders Stogsdill, William West and William Moncrief, presented a letter from this church, and were received into that body in which she was represented until the year 1827, then in the Coffee Creek Association, until the year 1833, when she united with the Madison Association which had been formed in 1832 from a part of the Coffee Creek Association, and in this connection she still remains.


Elder Daniel Stogsdill was chosen Moderator at the organization of the church and served as preacher and Moderator until January, 1823, when he took his letter from the church. From this time until June, 1828, the Church was supplied with preaching by Elder Jesse Vawter, Thomas Glover, William West, and others. At this time Thomas Hill, jun., took charge of the church, and continued his labors until the year 1833. Elder Thomas Hill, sen., accepted a call of the church in March, 1833, and continued as pastor for the space of three years. Elder William Wallace became pastor of the church in June, 1836, and continued his labors for three years.

In the month of June, 1839, Jesse Miles accepted a call from the church, and continued his labors as pastor of the church until April, 1842. Elder Isaac Christie then became pastor of the church until January, 1845. For the ensuing three years the church enjoyed the labors of Bro. Andrew Baker. In January, 1848, Elder Thomas Hill accepted the call of the church and continued his labors until the summer of 1855, when from failing health he was compelled to resign his labors except with his home church.

Elder W. Y. Monroe accepted the call of the church, and commenced his labors in October, 1855, which were continued for the space of seven years. In November, 1862, Robert Stevenson was called as pastor, but from the condition of his health, preached but two Sabbaths, the pulpit being supplied for the remainder of the year by Elder Thomas D. George, who had been previously ordained by this church. In the month of December, 1863., W. Y. Monroe accepted a call for one year. In January, 1865, Elder T. D. George took charge of the church and served as pastor for one year, when Elder Thomas Hill, whose health had been partially restored again, consented to serve us for one year.

In March, 1867 Thomas M. Matthew was ordained and called as pastor of the church, which position he occupied until November of the same year, when he was dismissed, and Elder Hill again called. Elder Robert Stevenson, in December, 1868, accepted a call as pastor, which position he still fills, preaching one Sabbath only in each month.


John Burns was the first deacon of the church, having been ordained previous to the constitution of this church. February, 20, 1819, William West was ordained as deacon, and served until his removal, which was in November, 1830. Abner Moncrief was set apart to the office of deacon, which office he still holds. In November, 1842, Woodford G. Coleman was ordained a deacon and in October, 1866, Deacon Moncrief having become too old and feeble to attend to the active duties of the office, Elisha Golay was ordained a deacon.


Daniel Stogsdill, who has been already spoken of in connection with the pastorate of the church, was an ordained minister at the time of uniting in the constitution of the church, and was dismissed by letter in January, 1823.

In July, 1822, Thomas Glover, William West and Wilson Moncrief, were invited to exercise a public gift, but neither were ordained during their connection with this church. Wilson Moncrief was further licensed in December, 1841. In November, 1837, Elder Jesse Vawter, who had been intimately connected with the organization and building up of the church, (though a member at Mount Pleasant), united with the church in which he remained until his death, which occurred on the 20th of March, 1838, being in the 83d year of his age.

In June, 1854, Thomas D. George was invited to exercise his gift as a public speaker, and in November, 1857, was regularly licensed to preach the gospel of Christ. In September, 1861, he was ordained to the ministry in which capacity he labored earnestly and faithfully until November 16, 1869, when he was called home.

In October, 1863, Thomas M. Matthew was licensed to preach, and in March, 1867, was ordained and called to the pastorate of the church. He Soon after took his letter from the church, and in November of the same year was dismissed in disgrace from the pastoral relation.


Owing to the imperfect manner in which the early records of the church were kept, many items of interest are lost. The first baptism was in June, 1822. Since the first constitution of the church, with 21 members, there have been received by baptism, 472; by letter, 159; by relation, 53; restored, 6; dismissed by letter, 356; excluded, 106; died, 68; leaving as shown by our statistics, 164.

The first record we have of the church agreeing by a vote to pay money for the preaching of the gospel is in December, 1833; previously each individual member giving or not giving, as he felt disposed. And in 1862 is the first record we have of the church agreeing with their pastor for a stipulated salary. In May, 1849 was the first collection on the Sabbath.

Of the twenty-one members constituting the church, two still live, to-wit: James Burns and Abner Moncrief.

[From Madison Baptist Association Minutes, 1872, pp. 6-7. From Franklin (IN) College Library, Special Collections. jrd]

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