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History of the Butlerville Baptist Church
Madison Baptist Association Minutes, 1873

     This Church was organized the 24th day of June, 1826, in a school- house near Allen Campbell's, with 15 members, to wit: Fielding Denny, John Butler, Caleb Moncrief, Benfield Griffin, Robert Thompson, Jane Denny, Barsheba Butler, Jane Moncrief, Aquilla Griffin, Sally Thompson, Nancy Maddox, Nancy Campbell, Hannah Griffin, Lydia Maddox, and Elizabeth McCollister. They adopted the Articles of Faith of the Silver Creek Association. They continued to meet once a month, from house to house, for three years, in which time they built a log meeting-house, 26x30 feet, in which they continued to meet until December, 1857, when the Church moved to Butlerville, and held their meetings in a school-house, about four years, in which time they built a frame meeting-house, 50x36 feet, and in November, 1861, they first met in it, and still occupy it. In September, 1860, the name of the Church was changed from Concord to that of Butlerville.


     At the meeting of the Silver Creek Association in the year 1826, Brethren Caleb Moncrief and Fielding Denny presented a letter from this Church, and were received into that body, in which she was represented until the year 1827; then in the Coffee Creek Association until the year 1833, when she united with the Madison Association, which was organized in 1832, out of a part of the Coffee Creek Association, and in this connection it still remains.


     Elder John Vawter accepted a call as Pastor on the first Saturday in August, 1826, and continued his labors each month for the term of four years, after which Elder W. T. Stott, together with C. Moncrief, supplied them with preaching until June, 1844. In June, 1844, Elder John Vawter accepted a call as Pastor, and continued four years. In August, 1849, Elder Caleb Moncrief accepted a call as Pastor, and continued until February, 1852, when Elder M. B. Phares accepted a call, and labored one year as Pastor. In April, 1853, Elder J. B. Swincher accepted a call and served eight months as Pastor. In March, 1854, Elder C. Moncrief again accepted a call, and served as Pastor until January, 1858. In January, 1858, Elder Jonathan Alle accepted a call, and served as Pastor until May, 1860. In May, 1860, Robert Wilson accepted a call, and served as Pastor one year. In August, 1861, Elder Richard Kelly accepted a call as Pastor, and served the Church until May, 1865. In April, 1866, Elder Thomas Hill accepted a call, and served six months as Pastor. In April, 1867, Elder James S. Reed accepted a call as Pastor for half his time, and served one year and six months. In May, 1869, Elder John Stott accepted a call, and served as Pastor one year. In July, 1870, Elder R. Kelly accepted a call, and served as Pastor one year and six months. In July, 1872, Elder James B. Swincher accepted a call as Pastor, and continues to serve the Church.


     Caleb Moncrief was the first Deacon of the Church; he was ordained the second Saturday ill January, 1827. In January, 1838, Brethren John Butler and William McCaulie were ordained to the office of Deacon. In July, 1842, Brother Berry Johnson was set apart to the office of Deacon. In January, 1851, Brother Thomas Chilton was ordained Deacon. In 1851, Brother George Stribling was received by letter, and having been ordained Deacon, was invited to serve the Church as their Deacon. In May, 1854, Brother William Griffith was chosen and ordained to the office of Deacon. In November, 1862, Brother Peter R. Miller was ordained to the office of Deacon, and served until his death. In June, 1868, Brother Jesse R. Vawter was received into the Church by letter, and having been ordained to the office of Deacon, was invited to serve the Church as their Deacon. In May, 1871, Brother Edward Hutton was received into the Church, and having been ordained to the office of Deacon, was invited to serve the Church, and is still her Deacon.


     Brother Caleb Moncrief, one of the number who went into the constitution, was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry in October, 1837. He labored faithfully in the cause of his Master until his health failed. He was a member of the Church until his decease, which occurred in January, 1870, aged 78 years. In December, 1847, Brother James Moncrief was licensed to preach, but was not ordained during his connection with the Church.


     Owing to a defection keeping the books, the correct number received and dismissed in the different ways cannot be shown. The first baptism was in July, 1828, the last in February, 1870. The first record we have of the Church agreeing, by a vote, to pay money for preaching of the gospel, was in June, 1852; and in 1867, is the first record we have of the Church agreeing with their Pastor for a stipulated salary. Of the fifteen members who went into the constitution of the Church, but one is living, to-wit: Lydia Maddox.

[From Madison Baptist Association Minutes, 1873, pp. 7-8. — jrd]

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