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History of the Bethel Baptist Church
Madison Baptist Association, 1876

     The Bethel Baptist Church was organized on the fourth Saturday in August, 1828 in a log house four and one-half miles west of New Marion on the Vernon & Versailles road.

     This church was organized with seventeen members, to-wit: Br'n. Joseph Clark, William M. Johnson, Zachariah Wiley, Joel Kirby, Eli Steel, Lawson Stephenson; and Sisters Elizabeth Clark, Lucy Clark, Frances Collins, Elizabeth Young, Susannah Holton, Lavisa McLasha; Mary Kirby, Frances Kirby, Elizabeth Stephenson, Jane Merrel and Catharine Reed — three of whom are still living.

     The church continued to meet once a month in the old house until 1857 when they erected the present house of worship.


     Bro. Lawson Stephenson was licenced [sic] to preach on the fourth Saturday in August 1828. Bro John B. New served the church one or more years as pastor. In August 1835, Elder William F. Stott became pastor of the church and continued until 1839. In May 1839, Elder Isaac Christy received a call from the church, and continued his labors until 1843. At this time, Bro Andrew Baker became pastor of the church, and labored until April eighteen forty-four. At this time, Bro A. Neill received a call from the church, and served one year as pastor. In September eighteen forty-five, Bro Jacob Cox took charge of the church, and served as pastor until April eighteen forty-six, when Elder Isaac Christy once more took charge and served as pastor until April eighteen forty-eight, when Bro Jacob Cox once more became pastor, and labored with the church until November eighteen forty-eight, when Bro. Robert Wilson took charge as pastor and labored with the church for four years. In April 1858, Bro John Alley took charge, and served the church for one year, when Bro Robert Wilson once more became pastor and labored until November eighteen sixty-one, when Bro George Wate became pastor of the church and labored until April eighteen sixty-two, when Bro Robert Wilson once more took charge. In December eighteen sixty-four, Bro John Stott accepted a call of the church and commenced his labors in March eighteen sixty-five, and continued until February eighteen sixty-seven, when Bro Robert Wilson once more took charge. In June eighteen sixty-nine, Elder T D George commenced his labor with the church and served but a short time, when from impaired health, he was induced to give up the care of the church. Bro Francis M. Huckleberry accepted a call of the church in December eighteen sixty-nine, and labored acceptably for the space of two years. In January eighteen seventy-two, Elder Nelson Johnson commenced his labors with the church and labored until March eighteen seventy-four. In December eighteen seventy-four, Elder James Stephenson took charge of the church, which position he still fills.


     Bro Joseph Clark was chosen first deacon of the church on the fourth Saturday in October eighteen twenty-eight. Bro Joel Kirby was elected [in] eighteen thirty-seven. Bro Francis Holton was set apart as deacon eighteen thirty-nine; in May eighteen forty-one Benjamin Richards was chosen deacon. In September eighteen forty-six, Bro James East was chosen deacon, and released in eighteen forty-seven; and Bro Thomas Shelton was chosen in his place, and released in eighteen forty-eight; and Bro John Kirby was then chosen in his place, and released In August eighteen forty-nine. In November eighteen fifty, Bro Barnet P. Johnson [chosen] deacon and served until eighteen fifty-four, when he removed his membership. In April eighteen fifty-six, Bro Jared Vancleave was chosen deacon and served until his death in eighteen sixty-one. when Bro Henry Waddle was chosen to fill the vacancy. In July eighteen sixty-four, Bro William H. Holton was chosen deacon, which position he still occupies. Bro Richard Kelly was set apart to the office of deacon in October eighteen fifty-seven and released in August eighteen sixty- four, when Bro Francis Merrel was chosen in his place and released in March eighteen seventy-six. In eighteen sixty-five, we received Bro John Perkins, bearing a letter from West Fork church, and he, being a deacon of that church, was retained as deacon here, in which position he stil1 remains.


     Since the first constitution of the church, there have been received by baptism, three hundred and twenty-four; by letter, one hundred and thirteen; by relation, sixty-six; total number received, five hundred and three. Dismissed by letter, two hundred and thirty-five; excluded, eighty-four; died, eighty-nine; leaving as shown by our statistics, ninety-five members at present.

[From Madison Baptist Association Minutes, 1876, 7-8. — jrd]

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