This editorial begins with comments about a trip to Missouri. Then the editor gives an extended description of his visits to the associational meetings of Baptists around the state of Kentucky. -- Jim Duvall
The Christian Respository
By Samuel H. Ford, Editor
November, 1859
"Editorial"Owen County, Ky. — On my return from Missouri, I found I had a string of appointments in Owen county, leaving me but four days intermission. But from the cares and burdens of two years' constant confinement, and an overtasked body and mind, I felt greatly refreshed. I had seen the companions of my boyhood and youth, had met their eyes and found them lit with the same genial light. Many a true hand had grasped mine, and many a loving heart had blessed and prayed for me. I "thanked God and took courage." After preaching at New Liberty, Popular Grove, Muscle Shoals, Owenton, and Long Ridge, I started with Elder Bagwell Garnett for the Elkhorn Association. It is a rough and lonely road from Owenton to Stamping Ground. The land is poor and broken, and but few houses along the road. But the time passed happily. I was with a brother in Christ. Our conversation was mainly concerning the cause in "Sweet Owen," the banner county ; for we venture the assertion, that there is no county in America where there are more Baptists
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to the population, than in this. It has (I think) 22 churches, and about 3000 members — and they are genuine Baptists, too — sound, liberal, and thriving. There are two or three small Reformed societies in the county, and two Methodist. I preached once in Owenton, on an ordinary occasion, when there were 14 Baptist preachers living in the county to hear me. New Liberty numbers over three hundred members, and I know of no more active, loving church anywhere. Lewis Alexander, the pastor at Liberty, is a father in Israel, wielding a wide and blessed influence over the county. The land in Owen is strong and productive. The staples are corn and tobacco.We arrived at Stamping Ground on Thursday night. It is a little town of some five or six hundred inhabitants. Its name was given to it by the pioneers, because it was the gathering place of the buffaloes. It is associated with the early history of the Baptists of Kentucky. Hero Elijah Craig preached, and Joseph Reading was pastor, as also Wm. Hickman, and Jas. Suggett, and James Black ; and here joyous and disastrous scenes have transpired, affecting at this day the denomination throughout the West.
We entered the village the night preceding the meeting of the Association, and drove immediately to the meeting-house. The old house, around which so many memories cluster, has been entirely removed and a new building erected. I could not gaze on the remaining relics of the past without a sigh. Pity it was torn down. But they have erected a fine, commodious house of worship which does credit to their taste and liberality. George Hunt is pastor. They had recently enjoyed refreshing showers from the Lord, and some seventy had been united to the church, making about 500 members. They have preaching once a week.
On Tuesday morning, the 17th of Augnst, the Association met. The introductory sermon was preached by John Smith, of Jessamine — an excellent sermon. Y. R. Pitts was elected Moderator, and Wm. M. Pratt, Clerk. The Association appropriates the second day to preaching. James Kirtly of Boon[e], Lewis Alexander of Owen, and myself, were chosen to preach at the stand. It was a beautiful place, and an immense crowd was gathered. I was informed by the Moderator that it was a general desire that I should preach on the history of the Baptists, with which I complied. Never was I received with heartier congratulations or more cheering evidences of affection. My very heart was moved. I blessed God for the sweets of true friendship and brotherly love. Tho promptness of the Moderator carried all business through by ten o'clock on Thursday. Y. R. Pitts is one of the best Moderators I am acquainted with. On Thursday, sermons were preached by Brethren Varden, of Paris, and V. E. Kirtly, agent of the Mission Board. This Association permits no collection to be taken up at its anniversaries. The delightful services were closed by a sermon from the venerable Dr. Ryland T. Dillard. This venerable man of God is regarded and loved as a father throughout all that country. By all classes respected and revered for his nobleness, his dignity, his piety, and talent, there are few men in any country more generally and devotedly esteemed. In closing his sermon, he alluded to the past. Remembered when
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the stand was occupied at that same spot years gone by, and those who occupied it: John Taylor, and James Suggett, and William Hickman, and Silas M. Noel, and Edmund Waller, when he was comparatively a young man among them. They were all gone. Their graves are around us, their spirits resting above. He referred to his age and infirmities — the oldest minister, and nearly the only old minister in the Association. A new generation of preachers has sprung up around him. He would soon sleep with the pioneer ministers of Kentucky. He could hardly expect to meet with the Association again; but he rejoiced to hear his young brethren preach the truth as they had during that meeting. He exhorted them to be firm, immovable. He closed with an eloquent appeal to the members and brethren to labor for God and truth, and, closing with a hymn, gave the parting hand amid a scene of affectionate tenderness which will be long remembered. Never in my life (I think) was my feelings so deeply moved. Loved man of God, never will that fatherly farewell be forgotten. Never.I had been invited to remain at Stamping Ground, and preached Thursday and Friday nights to large congregations. I left that lovely place with material evidences of their appreciation.
I expected to have returned at once, but the solicitations of the brethren at Dry Run, Georgetown, and Cane Run, and Great Crossings decided my stay in Scott county till Tuesday. I accordingly preached at Dry Run on Saturday and Saturday night. This is one of the old churches of Kentucky, and has all the evidences of its antiquity. Since James Black's removal to Missouri, it has been under the charge of Bro. B. F. Hodges. On Sabbath I went to Georgetown. Bro. A. W. La Rue had resigned the charge of the church, which I found was much regretted. Dr. Campbell had not then returned from Europe, and all were anxious for his health and safety. There was, as I learned, a determined opposition, if not hatred, among the Reformers, to him and the College, as also to Professor Farnam's school; but in greater than inverse ratio are the confidence and determined energy of their friends. The only possible hope of affecting or injuring the College or its officers, is rancor, suspicion, or disaffection among Baptists. This may be attempted, but the envyings and heart-burnings of restless, ambitious spirits, are getting to be so well understood by the people that nothing of this kind can succeed.
Professor Farnam conveyed me in his carriage, in the afternoon, to Cane Run meeting-house, near Lexington, where I addressed a large audience, and again preached at Georgetown at night. On Monday I was conveyed by Elder Y. R. Pitts to his hospitable mansion, and preached at night at the Great Crossing church, another of the oldest churches in the West. With this church I was not personally familiar, yet many things connected with it, made it dear to me. With one of its old pastors, James Suggett, I was for years associated. He emigrated to Missouri in 1834. I became acquainted with him soon afterwards. He was a man of "infinite humor" — such a stock of anecdotes and personal recollections. And I was, though a youth, just as fond of hearing anecdotes as he was of telling them. Many a time have I
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known him to talk a whole company out of the room, leaving me his only listener. And I treasured many of them up. He would tell me of the old fort at the Crossing; the Indians lying in ambush in the cane brake; of his own hair-breadth escapes; of the Craigs; the big meeting at the "Crossing" and " the Stamp." Then of his conversion and first exercises in public; of Stone and the Stoneites, and the battles that were fought. How he was a Major in the War of 1812, and how they fought, and how they suffered. Indeed, the old father, long since gone to his reward, made the Crossing a familiar place to me. And there a lovely being, who went forth from our embraces to return mantled in death, passed her sunny childhood, and there rendered her vows to God and his people. Sad is it to realise that the bright form, blooming with the light of love, of intelligence, of spiritual beauty, is seen to-day giving her young heart with its wealth of affection at the bridal altar, looking not on the broad field of usefulness and longing for the work of good, suddenly fading like the star of morn in the dark storm-cloud of death. Sad, sad. But there is a clime where the stars, never fade and the clouds never darken. And thou art there, Sister!I cannot thus dwell on the many points we have visited; yet, as this is the first time I have thus indulged, I shall more hastily proceed.
Franklin Association was the next place of gathering. It met Tuesday morning. The rain fell in torrents. I had preached twice a day for weeks — sometimes three times, and a great deal of it in the open air — and was beginning to feel a little fatigued. But the Association was to be held at the Forks of Elkhorn church, of which Elder Pitts was pastor. So he geared up, and away we started through the rain. We had some 15 miles to go, and did not reach the meeting-house till about 1 o'clock. Elder Tharp, of Frankfort, was preaching. The place is about 5 miles from the capital of the State. He was preaching on the term Christian — what constituted this character, &c. He said, among other things, that "Christian" was the general name of nil believers; Baptist, Presbyterian, and the like, specific names; and when all came right, and took the Bible, &c., "Christian" would be the only name. Tharp is a sound, good man, but I felt like asking him who told him all would be called Christians. Why did not the Apostles, in addressing the churches, call them Christians, and Christian churches? I believe this word " Christian " is the best abused word in our language. Where is Christian baptism, Christian church, Christianity, Christening, Christendom, and their correlatives, found in the Book?
Elders Varden, Pratt, and the writer, were appointed to fill the stand Wednesday ; Elders Berry, Force, and Thompson, of Shelbyville, on Thursday. It was a pleasant meeting. Difficulties have occurred in it not yet healed, but, it is hoped, will soon be forgotten. Henry Wingate, of Frankfort is the Moderator.
Concord Association was interrupted on account of the rain, yet we saw many true and dear friends there. Preached at Owenton on Sunday morning, and at the house of Bro. Garnett at night. By the way, while traveling through
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the State, I found considerable inquiry for Sister Garnett's book. It ought to be placed in the hands of every young Baptist. The home of its author is the sweetest spot in "Sweet Owen." With all her cares of home, servants, and family, her heart is alive to the cause of Christ — and the last we heard of her she was accompanying her husband among the hills of Eagle Creek, visiting the houses of the poor to preach Jesus to the destitute.The following day we attended the Sulphur Fork Association. The session wag mainly engaged in debating the question of receiving "Alien immersions," that is the immersions of Pedobaptists and Reformers. It was decided that such immersions were invalid and ought not to be received. This is pretty much the general sentiment throughout Kentucky, and growing stronger yearly.
Long Run Association. — This body comprising the "churches of Louisville, and Jefferson and Spencer counties, and most of the churches in Shelby. It has long been considered one of the largest and most efficient associations in the State. For several years back a scene of conflict and disagreement has been witnessed at its sessions. A disposition to Northernize it, turned it into a general debating society — passing useless strings of resolutions and recommendations to the General Association made it anything but a useful or pleasant gathering. It had, therefore, dwindled down into a two-days' business meeting in the week, without feeling or interest. The following is the Western Recorder's account of the last meeting :
"Long Run Association. — This body held its fifty-sixth annual session with the church at Floyd's Fork, Jefferson county, (not far from Louisville,) commencing Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Elder John Dale, of Shelby county, a venerable man of God, beloved by all who knew him, opened the services with prayer, after which Elder S. H. Ford, of Louisville, by previous appointment, preached the introductory sermon to a large and attentive audience with great acceptance and effect. After refreshment, the delegates repaired to the house for the transaction of business. Letters from 25 churches were read, giving a cheering account of the state of things within the bounds of the Association. Total number of delegates present, 96; whole number of ministers, 23. Elder Smith Thomas was re-elected Moderator, and the proceedings of the entire meeting were unsurpassed for harmony and brotherly love."This meeting of Long Run Association, as was remarked by all who are acquainted with ansociational meetings in our State, may be regarded a model session in every particular, and gives the most positive assurances of a beginning of a new order of things, which will eventually, by the direction of God, be instrumental in the accomplishment of much good. Spirituality only abounded. Brethren, very property, forgot Self, and aimed to devise liberal things for the spread of the truth. V. E. Kirtly, agent of Indian Missions, was present, and raised one hundred and nine dollars for Home Missions. Liberal contributions and payments were also made for the General Association of Foreign Missions, the Waller monument, and the education of poor young men at Georgetown College, who have been called to preach the Gospel. The Western Recorder and Christian Repository, as usual, were well remembered and endorsed unanimously by the Association, and recommended to all as highly worthy of the most liberal patronage, thus setting aside the old adage that "a prophet has no honor in his own country." Elders Berry and Ford were chosen by private vote to fill the stand on the last day of the association. The preaching was at the stand, and the audience was immense. The close of the meeting was peculiarly interesting, and it was with much reluctance that the vast congregation parted after giving each other the right hand of fellowship."
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Such was our Association. Such a session it has not enjoyed since I Imve been acquainted with it. An Executive Board was appointed to employ a missionary, which, we trust, has by this time been done. It will be gladdening to thousands abroad, in this and other States, to know that the Association to which the Louisville churches belong is a strong, conservative body, moving on in unity and peace.The Daviess County Association embraces the churches lying along Green River, from the Ohio River as far back as Ohio and McLean counties. This is comparatively a new country.
In company with Elder E. G. Berry, (Moderator of Sulphur Fork Association,) and several of his family, we took boat for Owenton to attend the Daviess county Association, which was to meet October the 1st. After a pleasant trip down the beautiful Ohio, we landed, in the rain, at Owensboro, and met, on landing, a dear old friend. Elder Isham Allen, who took me in his buggy, and we started at once on our way to the Association. This was Thursday evening. The meeting commenced, some 16 miles out, on the following day. So we went, by request, to Elder J. G. Howard's to spend the night. He is the Moderator of the Association, and has been since its organization. He is a native of North Carolina, but has been one of the pioneers of this region. Age has not dimmed his ardor, nor the accumulation of wealth his simple and genial hospitality — a staunch, true Baptist, destitute of jealousy, rejoicing at the ability and success of the rising ministry that has grown up around him. "He is a lover of good men," and is beloved by all. We started the next morning with these venerable brethren to Whitesville, and arrived there as the delegates were assembling. It was an inclement day, but the meetinghouse was filled. Elder J. M. Dawson, the author of that most excellent tract on the Final Perseverence of the Saints, preached the introductory sermon on the importance of the work of Home Missions. It was timely and practical, and was discussed in a clear and effective manner.
The Association demurred greatly at the action of the Board of the General Association in laying down the terms of auxilliaryship. I explained the matter to them, and especially the 25 per cent plan, which they finally adopted. Bro. Berry and the writer preached at the stand on Saturday, while the delegates met in the house. Elders John Bryce, J. C. Coleman, and the writer were elected to preach on Sunday. We met that night, with Bro. Ellis, and the question was proposed what subjects we would handle to-morrow. The unpleasant effects of three diverse subjects, one after the other, leaving no distinct impression on the mind of the audience, was the subject of remark. It was proposed that we take the same general theme, and the "commission" was proposed as the text. Bro. Coleman proposed to take "the heel of it" — "Teaching them to observe all things," &c. Bro. Bryce said he would take "Baptizing them," &c. I was asked if I would be willing to lead off with the first clause, "Go teach all nations." It was agreed on, and we all retired, for it was then nearly midnight. The morning broke bright and warm. We met at the stand at 10 o'clock, and such a concourse! I heard it estimated that there were at least five thousand persons on the ground. When the hum of voices was hushed by the singing around the stand, the exercises commenced by singing, and prayer by Elder Isham Allen. To describe the preaching at such meetings is usually unnecessary, but everything at this one was peculiar. The sun, by some mismanagement in the erection of the stand, shone with power on the spot were the preacher must stand. A brother stood beside me holding an umbrella to shield me from its rays while I was going to preach to that immense crowd, among whom were some thirty preachers, from a text on which I had never written, or preached from. It was, take it all in all, a specimen of Western life. I announced to the audience our plan of preaching from the three clauses of the text; how we came to agree on it, and that
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all was extemporaneous, and each speaker limited to an hour. I then commenced. * * * * Elder Bryce followed on " Baptizing them." Elder Bryce is the second oldest minister in Kentucky. He is 75 years of age, and has been fifty years a preacher. He was pastor of the first church in Richmond many years ago, and succeeded Spencer H. Cone, at Alexandria. For eight or nine years he had been pastor of the church at Henderson, a large and influential body. He preaches twice every Sabbath, and rode over forty miles to attend this Association. His stately form, some six feet three inches in height, is not bent with age. His locks are black as the raven. He stood there in the midst of that attentive audience with his benevolent countenance and clear voice, pleading, like an aged patriarch, for the simple ordinances of the Gospel. It was a grand sight. His hour having expired, a hymn was sung, and the next was Bro. Coleman. The announcement of the plan had actually chained the audience. They had become fatigued with sitting on uncomfortable seats for now nearly three hours; but instead of moving off, there was a continued rising to the feet and gathering nearer and nearer to the stand. Bro. Coleman has the most powerful voice of any man I know of in the West. He is the present Moderator of our General Association, and by all means the most powerful preacher of his age in the State, I think. "Teaching all things whatsoever I have commanded you." He struck with rapidity and power at the perversions of truth introduced by human authority.In company with Bro. Coleman, I visited Panther Creek, in Ohio county, where we both preached two succeeding days. Returned to Whitesville on Wednesday, where I preached at night. Started for Goshen, and filled an appointment on Thursday at Friendly Grove, where Brother Isham Allen is pastor, and where I met with six or seven ministers, among them Bro. Howard, on their way to Goshen.
The Goshen Association once embraced all the churches now in Daviess. It was formed from the Salem Association some fifty years ago. It covers parts of Mead, all of Breckenridge, Hancock, Hardin, and portions of Ohio counties. Bro. D. Dowden, of Litchfield, is Moderator, and Bro. English, Clerk. On arriving at the Union meeting-house, I found it had been requested by the brother appointed to preach the introductory sermon, and decided by the brethren, that I should fill his place. I complied, and preached on the Unity of Brethren. The Association appointed delegates to the Southern Baptist Sabbath School Union Agency to pay their traveling expenses, as did Daviess County Association also. On Saturday night, after preaching by Bro. W. Head, the Moderator very unexpectedly stated there were four ministers in the Association, who were too poor to take the Christian Repository, and he wanted, at once, the amount made up, and the magazine sent to them. It was responded to immediately. It was a thoughtful and generous act.
I preached again on Saturday, and Bro. Coleman on Friday night. On Sabbath we again preached to a large assemblyi but though the house was very large, not more than half the people could get in. At night we went to Hawsville, on the Ohio River, and enjoyed the kind attentions of Bro. Stone and his lady. Hawsville is a quiet, intelligent community; but it is darkened by the recent Low tragedy, in which that desperate man was massacred in the jail.
When we arrived at the Baptist church, we found it pretty well filled. It had been understood that I was to have preached there on Saturday night, and Bro. Coleman Sunday night; so that this was his appointment, as I got Bro. J. English to fill my place. But it was urged that we both preach, and, being assured that the congregation would hear two sermons, we consented, and both preached. The congregation continued to increase till the house was filled, and we learned, all the denominations in the town were pretty much present. We preached on
, and the like — full,out, and fearlessly — and the audience did, sure enough, listen with deep interest for over two hours. Nor was our Baptistic preaching offensive, though, it was, as we heard, unusual there.
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Our appointments were still ahead for each day through Daviess county. I preached at Yelvington on Monday night, where they have a beautiful new house and a strong church. Bro. Hays is their pastor, and Dr. Bennett and Bro. Jesse are licentiates. We enjoyed the hospitalities of Bro. Edwin Haws, and started, next day, for Southampton, where I preached at night, and again met with Elder Howard, and slept beneath his roof. At Macedonia Bro. Coleman preached in the day time, and at night I addressed quite a large congregation at Bethabara, the strongest church, I should suppose, in all that country. Pity they haven't preaching every Sabbath. They are well able to have it Bro. Haynes, an estimable young brother, is their pastor.Our next appointment was at Owensboro. Here they are building a splendid church-house. I went with Bro. Charles Moorman to take a look at it It will surpass any house I know of in the State, belonging to the Baptists, out of Louisville. By the way, the Baptist houses, through all this county, surpass the houses of the other denominations by far. A fair was going on near Owensboro, and we visited it. It gave me a more correct and a better opinion of the prosperity and wealth of the surrounding country. But I concluded that it was about the last fair I would ever attend. They are getting so numerous, and have so many appendages of shows and sights, that their influence must be evil.
I found that at Owensboro, the list of the Repository numbered Sixty subscribers — and all its warm friends. Pretty well for Owensboro.
We passed on towards Little Bethel Association, having met at Owensboro Brethren Howard, Allen, Ellis, Dawson, and Miller, and that night I addressed a full house at Bethel, Henderson county. The following morning, Friday, the Little Bethel Association convened at Grave's Creek, Henderson county. I had now traveled nearly three weeks with Bro. Coleman, conveyed from place to place in his buggy, drawn by " faithful Charley," and had preached each day, and sometimes twice a day without intermission. I began to feel wearied. On driving up to the meeting-house we were met by Father Bryce, with his genial smile and warm greeting. He stated that the brother appointed to preach the introductory sermon was absent, and he was alternate, but could not preach, and that one of us must go right into the pulpit and preach. I insisted that it must be Bro. Coleman, as I had pretty well preached myself down, and had preached the introductory sermon at the last association. He consented, and preached a most powerful sermon. "Let us go up and possess the land, for we are well able to overcome it." Yes. it was a powerful sermon. I thought at the time, I should like to hear him preach that sermon in some Boston or New York pulpit. If it wouldn't make the people stare and fairly jump from their seats, I am mistaken. He dwelt, towards the close, on the duty of Baptists to go up, in the strength of God and truth, and take the land. To battle all the time; every sermon, every hour, debate, discuss, proclaim, war with every error, and fight, with the spiritual weapons of truth and prayer, vigorously, fearlessly, constantly — and we will take the land — the world. " We are able in the strength of God to overcome it." And this man has reason to know that God blesses the uncompromising advocacy of truth. He has baptized more Methodists and Presbyterians than any preacher of his age (I presume) in America. And if they had been Immersed by Pedobaptists, he baptized them again; for he publicly declares that Alien Immersion is not baptism, and he has no church fellowship for its subjects. God speed the time when the denomination will be a unit on this.
But to the Association. John Bryce was elected Moderator, and J. Morris, Clerk. The Association embraces the churches of Henderson, Hopkins, Marion, and parts of Muhlenburg counties. There is a great destitution of preachers in it. Two useful men, Elders Morrison and Withers, have recently fallen asleep in death. There are few more destitute fields in Kentucky, considering the number of churches and population, than this Association. All was harmony during the meeting. A protest was entered against the action of the Board for enacting, as was thought, a law regulating auxilliaryship.
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It was agreed that the Executive Board was not a law-making body, and had transcended their duty as an executive. I endeavored to convince them that the Board had no such design; but as I had not read the action of the Board I could not make a defense, but prevailed on the body to adopt the plan of inviting the agent, and allowing him one-fourth of his collections for the General Board. With Brethren Coleman and Mathews, I was appointed, by private vote of the Association, to preach on Sunday. The day was cold, yet the audience was large; but I found it difficult to preach in the chilly, open air with a keen wind blowing in my face. I managed to speak an hour, and was followed Bro. Coleman, who took up a subscription amounting to some two hundred dollars for missionary objects. Bro. Mathews followed with an excellent sermon. At night I had the pleasure of listening to Bro. Pope Yeaman, at the meeting house. He was a Methodist till a year ago. He was, also, a lawyer of ability and influence. Under the preaching of Bro. Coleman, he renounced his Methodism, Armenianism and all, and was baptized by him. He was soon after licensed, and has been since ordained; has given up all for Christ. He has recently been called to the church at Nicholasville, Jessamine county, Ky. He is a most promising young minister. May they make him a bright and shining light.The Association closed on Monday. Father Bryce was appointed a delegate to the Southern Baptist Sunday School Union, his expenses to be paid by the Association. The Association closed amid tears and sad farewells. Many brethren were there from churches which had had no preaching for a year. Brethren left that meeting to go home and meet with opposition and ridicule from circuit riders and proclaimers, with no minister to defend the truths which Baptists hold. They had come there hoping to secure some helps. I saw one manly looking brother pleading with brother Coleman to visit them. When, at last, after telling all his engagements, he said it was impossible, the brother burst into tears, and said, ''What, what shall we do?" Is there no way of supplying that country? Ought not the General Association or some other organization locate some one in Hopkins or Union county?
It was thus we parted. Brother Coleman, with whom I had now spent near three weeks in constant and cheering labor, bade me adieu, pressed me to his very heart, and wept aloud. God bless him — and Father Bryce, that dear man of God, and father in Israel! I never, I think, parted with brethren with such feelings of tenderness and deep affection. May we meet above, far from toil and persecution.
Louisville was in the same place when we returned, with all its fuss and feathers, its noise and confusion, its piety and infamy. It is still here, and in it thousands of true and loving hearts beat — men and women whose religion is not mere fashion and sham, but who love principle better than partyism. And here, on Sabbath, among those we love, we sat down to hear a strong and affecting sermon from our pastor brother, J. M. Bennett, and partook of the sacred feast in memory of tho Redeemer's love. Ah, there is no place like home. And thus, indulgent reader I have told you some of my labors and travels, of the sights I have seen, and the things I have heard, while trying to gain rest from the crushing burdens I have struggled under the past two years. I might have spoken of other "sights and sounds" — but, enough. In future I shall concentrate whatever energy or ability I may have on the Repository. I believe, from present indication, that it will not be long before it reaches ten thousand subscribers. I shall not, however, while strength holds out, cease to preach the ever-blessed Gospel — and am willing to preach every day of my life, and die in the glorious work. -- S. H. F.
========= [From The Christian Repository and Family Visitant, No. LXLVI, November, 1859, pp. 864-872. Document from Google Books.]
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