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History of Elkhorn Association
By J. E. Farnam.

Tenth Decade.

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The Association held its ninety-first anniversary with the Stamping Ground Baptist Church, Scott County, Ky, August 15th, 16th, and 17th, 1876. Introductory sermon by Elder L. B. Woolfolk from Hebrews x:4. Delegates from twenty-five churches presented letters and organized by electing Elder George Hunt, Moderator and B. W. D. Seeley, Church. Messengers from Franklin, Concord, Shelby County, and Long Run Associations were received and invited to seats. In place of the usual circular letter a "Historical Sketch of the Association," prepared by Dr. B. Manly, was read, and the writer was requested to continue the history, furnishing an abstract thereof for publication in the minutes of the Association for next year.

The history of the Great Crossings Church, prepared by Prof. J. N. Bradley and read on the occasion of the centennial celebration of said church was ordered to be printed in the minutes of this year.

The Association adopted the following resolution:
Resolved, That in lieu of the circular letter, the history of some one or more of the churches in this Association be written by some one appointed thereunto."

A committee was also appointed to endeavor to obtain the histories of the churches of this Association which have become extinct.

Elder J. P. Boyce, by invitation, addressed the Association in behalf of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville. His address was followed by remarks from several brethren in advocacy of the claims of the Institution upon our churches.

Reports on Foreign, Home and State Missions and on Ministerial Education, were read and discussed.

It was also
Resolved, That we earnestly recommend to the Baptists of this Association to contribute, in addition to what has been secured, so that the $30,000, which we desire to raise for the endowment of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, may be secured and the whole amount of $300,000 from Kentucky be obtained before June 1, 1877.

Resolutions were offered and addresses made "In Memoriam," in reference to Bro. J. M. Frost, Sr., whose death occurred on the 24th of: May, 1876.

No. [number] Sunday Schools in the Association, 25; Sunday School scholars, 1586; conversions in Sunday School, 44; church members, 2978; licentiates, 4: total membership, 2882; number of Sunday Schools, 25; teachers, 235; total number of pupils, 1638; conversions in Sunday Schools, 137; total reported amount of contributions to objects of Christian benevolence, $10,926.25.
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The Ninety-Second Session was held with the South Elkhorn Church, Fayette County, Ky., August 14th, 15th and 16th, 1877. John Stout was chosen Moderator, and B. W. D. Seeley, Clerk. Introductory Sermon by W. M. Pratt, from Ex. xxxiii:14. Delegates from twenty-four churches were enrolled, and Messengers from ten Associations were received and invited to seats and to participate in the deliberations of the Association.

Miss Mary Hollingsworth, Matron of the Baptist Orphans' Home at Louisville, being present, was invited to present the claims of that Institution, and a collection, amounting to $136 was taken up therefore.

Dr. B. Manly, by previous appointment; read in the place of the Circular Letter a sketch of the early history or the Association, and was requested to continue the same next year. The committee appointed at the last Session of the Association to procure histories of extinct Baptist Churches once belonging to this body, reported, through Elder Cad. Lewis, history of the Big Spring Church, which was ordered to be printed.

Reports on State Missions, Home Missions, Foreign Missions, on Education and on Sunday Schools, were made and discussed.

A resolution recommending that "each church of the Association send its pastors and deacons, to meet at Lexington with the the Upper Street Church on the 28th of September next, to consult in regard to to missionary work in our bonds," was adopted.

The claims of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary were presented by Elder J. E. Carter.

In reference to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, it was was unanimously.

Resolved, That in the opinion of this body, so soon as the sum of $300,000 has been subscribed there should be no further effort to carry the endowment, at present, beyond that sum; but that the field should be open for other important enterprises to which we are pledged, and that a Committee be appointed to communicate the substance of this resolution to Dr. J.P. Boyce.

Brethren R. M. Dudley, Cad. Lewis and George Hunt were appointed as the Committee.

Resolved, That we urge upon the Trustees of Georgetown College to take steps to enlarge the endowment of that Institution at the earliest expedient time, and commend the enterprise to our brotherhood as one worthy of our earnest and hearty co-operation.


The Ninety-third session was held with the Cane Run Church, Fayette County, Ky., August l3th, 14th, and 15th, 1878. John Stout, Moderator, B. W. D. Seeley, Cerk. Introductory sermon by J. M. Frost, Jr., from 2 Cor. xii:1-6.

Delgates from twenty-six churches were enrolled, and messengers from eight corresponding Associations presented letters and were invited to seats.

The usual reports on Missions -- Foreign, Home, State, and Domestic -- were read and discussed.

Nineteen churches complied with the recommendation of the Association last year to send delegates to a meeting to be held in Lexington for the purpose of devising a plan for more efficient effort "to occupy and have the Gospel preached in the vacant places within our bounds," and the Executive Committee recommended the adoption of the fo1lowing resolution:

Resolved, That we request the churches of this Association to make a special contribution during the month of October for missionary work
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within our bounds, to be devoted, under the direction of the Executive Comittee of the Association, to aid the churches in Paris and Nicholasville in securing pastors who shall devote one-half of their time to missionary work in Bourbon and Jessamine counties.

Resolved, That this Association heartily approve the general and special management of the Louisville Baptist Orphans' Home by the Board, and we do especially endorse the efficiency and highly satisfactory government of Miss Mary Hollingsworth during her entire connection with the institution.

Resolved, That it is the duty of the Excecutive Committee to secure, if possible, collections from all the churches in our Association, and thus remove the necessity of agents visiting them.

Preaching at the stand by Elders Keyes, Carter, and Berry.


The Ninety-fourth anniversary of the Elkhorn Association was held with Hillsboro Church, Woodford County, Ky., August 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1879. Delegates bearing letters from twenty-eight churches organized by electing John Stout Moderator, B. W. D. Seeley Clerk, and W. B. Galloway Assistant Clerk. J. E. Carter preached the Introductory sermon from Acts 26:23, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."

Messengers from Corresponding Associations -- Franklin, Boone's Creek, Concord, Bracken, Shelby County, Salem, and Campbell County -- presented letters and were enrolled.

Reports on Home Missions, Foreign Missions, on Education, and on Sunday Schools read and discussed.

Rev. M. T. Summer, Secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society, located at Philadelphia, was invited to address the Association in behalf of the society which he represented; and a resolution commending the society "to the confidence and sympathy of our churches" was adopted.

R. M. Dudley was appointed to continue the "Annals of the Association" hitherto furnished by Dr. B. Manly.

Appropriate resolutions were passed in reference to the life and labors of Rev. R. T. Dillard, whose death occurred since the last session of the Association.

The transfer of Dr. Manly from the College at Georgetown to the Theological Seminary at Louisville and the appointment of Dr. Dudley to the Presidency of the college were endorsed by appropriate resolutions.

Preaching at the stand by Elder G. Clay Smith and Lansing Burrows.

Contributed during the year to objects of Christian benevolence, as reported Ministerial education, 280.40; State Missions, $561.00, Home Missions, $3,196.31; Foreign Missions, $546.47; Sunday Schoool, $633.76; Orphans' Home, $253.75.


The Ninety-fifth session of the Association was held with the Glen's Creek Church, Woodford County, Ky., August 17th, 18th and l9th, 1880. Delegates from Twenty-eight churches organized by electing John Stout, Moderator, and B. W. D. Seeley, Clerk.

Introductory Sermon by R. M. Dudley from Rom. 4:5.

Messengers from Corresponding Associations: Franklin, Shelby County; Bracken, Baptist, Tate's Creek, North Bend and Long Run presented letters and were invited to seats.

Resolved, That during the Association no speech of more than ten minutes shall be made except by Chairmen of Committees making reports, who shall be allowed fifteen minutes.

Dr. Dudley read, as the circular Letter, the 4th and 5th decades of the
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history of Elkhorn Association, which was received and ordered to be printed in the Minutes.

The usual Reports of Committees made and discussed.

The Executive Committee reported appropriations made by them in aid of churches in the Association, as follows: To Bryan's Station, Fifty Dollars; to Bourbon County, One Hundred and Fifty; to Jessamine County, One Hundred Dollars; to Williamstown, One Hundred Dollars.

Committee on the "Bible and Publication Society" reported the following resolution, which was adopted: "that we recommend the literature of the American Baptist Publicaiton Society" to our Churches and Sunday Schools." (The Mt. Vernon Church was received in the Association.)


The Ninety-sixth meeting the Elkton Association was held with the Nicholasville Church, Jessamine County, Ky., August 16th, 17th, and 18th. 1881. John Stout was chosen Moderator; B. W. D. Seely, Clerk; J. N. Bradley, Assistant Clerk.

Delegates from twenty-eight churches presented letters and were enrolled.

Messnegers from seven Associations received and invited to seats.

In place of the Circular Letter an installment of the history of the Elkhorn Association, embracing the years 1816-1829, was read by Dr. Dudley. Adopted and the writer requested to continue the history.

The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That we, the members of the Elkhorn association, do deeply sympathize with the brethren at Danville in the loss of their meeting-house by fire, and that we invite the churches in our Association and solicit aid to enable them to rebuild their house of worship.

Reports made and dicussed on Education, on Foreign, Home and State Missions and on Sunday Schools.

Sums raised for these objects, as reported by the churches, as follows: On Ministerial Education, $380.41; Foreign Missions, $587.24; Home Missions, $425.16; State Missions, $902; Sunday Schools, $919.61; Orphans' Home, $129.

Preaching at the stand by Elders Pratt and Dobbs.


The Association held its Ninety-seventh session with the Baptist Church at Mt. Pleasant, Ky., August 15th, 16th, and 17th, 1882. John Stout, Moderator; B. W. D. Seely, Clerk.

Introductory Sermon by Elder Lansing Burrows from Matt. 27:6-7.

Delegates from twenty-eight churches and messengers from four Corresponding Associations, viz: North Bend, Long Run, and Baptist.

Miss Mary Hollingsworth was "recognized as representing the Baptist Orphan's Home at Louisville."

Dr. Dudley read, as the Circular letter, a continuation of the history of Elkhorn Association, which was adopted and the writer requested to continue the history.

The Executive Committee reported as collected for State Missions, $977.10; for Home Missions, $511.46; Foreign Missions, $403.45; for Ministerial Education, 487.25; State Sunday School Board, $77.21.

Sermons preached at the stand by Dr. Manly and Elder G. F. Bagby.

Four hundred and thirty-seven dollars were contributed at the stand for the Orphans' Home.

Resolutions were passed urging upon Kentukcy Baptists the duty of
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their educational interests at Georgetown by patronizing the College and the Female Seminary located there.

It was ordered "that any member of this body present at any Association with which we correspond, be authorized to represent this body."

Resolved, That this Association heartily endorse the action of the last General Association, appointing a committee whose duty it should be to suggest a plan by which we may be able to make permanent provisions for aged and disabled ministers.

Resolved, That Bro. W. M. Pratt be invited to close the services of this afternoon with such remarks as he may deem appropriate to the occasion.

Appropriate resolutions were passed in reference to Prof. Danford Thomas, deceased, and ordered to be published in the minutes.

The Ninety-eighth session of the Association was held with the David's Fork Church, Fayette County, Ky., August 11th, 12th, and 13th, 1883.

Delegates from twenty-nine churches were enrolled and organized by the election of John Stout, Moderator; B. W. D. Seeley, Clerk; J. R. Howard, Assistant Clerk. Introductory sermon by J. J. Taylor, on Luke l7:20-21.

Messengers from ten corresponding Associations were received and invited to seats.

The following visiting brethren were also invited to seats and to participate in the exercises of this Association: Elders J. L. Burrows, of Norfolk, Va.; J. W. Warder, Corresponding Secretary of the State Board; I. T Tichenor, Corresponding Secretary of the Home Mission Board; J. M. Frost. Jr., of Staunton, Va.

Dr. Pratt read the report of the special committee on the Centennial resolutions recommending, that besides the ordinary exercises of the Association and interwoven with them, the appointment of persons to prepare and present on the said anniversary addresses on the history of the Association upon the work of the Association and upon the deceased ministers of the Association; that persons be appointed to present a brief history of the churches that now belong or may have belonged to the Association, all of which shall be compiled under the title of "The Memorial Volume of the Elkhorn Association." We recommend further the endowment of a chair in Georgetown College, to be called the "Elkhorn Memorial Professorship." The report was discussed and unanimously adopted, and Dr. R. M. Dudley appointed agent of the Association to raise the amount necessary to endow the Memorial Chair.

The seventh decade of the history of the Association was read by Dr. Dudley and adopted.

Reports on Home and Foreign Missions, on State and Domestic Missions, on Sunday Schools, and on the Orphans' Home were read and discussed.


The Ninety-ninth anniversary of the Association was held with the Silas Church, Bourbon County, Ky., August 12th, 13th. and 14th, 1884.

Delegates from twenty-nine churches organized by electing Dr. E. H. Black Moderator, and B. W. D. Seeley Clerk. Introductory sermon by J. A. Booth from Eph. 2:3, "We all were by nature the children of wrath."

Messengers from eight Corresponding Associations were received andd invited to seats.
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The reports from committees on Home and Foreign Missions, on Sunday Schools, and on the Orphans' Home were read and discussed.

Hinton Baptist Church applied for membership in the Association, and the application was referred to a committee, on whose favorable report the church was received to membership, and the hand of fellowship was extended to its delegates by the Moderator.

President R. M. Dudley, appointed at the last session of this body to solicit subscriptions to endow a chair in Georgetown College, reported that he had procured for this purpose in bonds and pledges, about $9,000 of the $25,000 proposed to be raised for that purpose, as a Centennial Memorial.

Brief biographical sketches of Rev. Lyman W. Seeley and Deacon John Stout, deceased during the last Associational year, were ordered to be entered upon the minutes.

Preaching at the stand by Elders Pratt and Bent.


The One Hundreth Anniversary of Elkhorn Association was held with the First Baptist Church of Georgetown, Scott County, on the 11th, 12th ad 13th of August, 1885. Introductory Sermon by J. C. Hiden, from 1 Timothy 3.15 "The Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth."

Delegates from twenty-six churches organized by electing Dr. E. H. Black, Moderator, and B. W. D Seeley, Clerk.

An Address of Welcome on behalf of the church and the citizens of Georgetown was made by Dr. John A. Lewis, which was responded to by W. H. Felix. Messengers present from twelve Corresponding Associations were enrolled; and visiting Ministers from Ohio, Alabama and South Carolina were invited to seats. The Reports on State Missions, on Education, and the Tenth Decade of the History of the Association, were made and adopted.

The second day of the Session was appropriated to "Centennial Exercises," R. M. Dudley addressed the body on "The Work of the Association" -- what it had accomplished during the Century of its existence.

W. M. Pratt delivered an address on "The deceased Ministers of the Association." Thomas Rodman made an eloquent appeal for the "Orphans' Home."

The following telegram from the "General Association of Colored Baptists of Kentucky," was received: "The General Association of Colored Baptists send christian salutations to you in your Centennial Session, and ask your hearty co-operation and aid in the important educational work we are doing;" and W. M. Pratt was directed to make a suitable response.

On the third day of the session Reports from Committees were made on Foreign Missions, on Home Missions and on Sunday Schools, and on Education. A committee was also appointed to prepare a Memorial Volume, and to report to the Asssociation at its next session.

Statistics for the Centennia1 year: Number of Churches, 29; ordained Ministers, 22.

[Elkhorn Baptist Association Minutes, 1886, pp. 26-31. -- jrd]

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