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Minutes of Bullittsburg Baptist Church
From the Churchbook
Boone County, Kentucky, 1829-1830
1828 In Progress

p. 170
January Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh Meeting house 1st Saturday in January 1829

Bro. Joseph Botts Mod'r

Bro. William Spencer and Sister Frances Spencer his wife Received by letter -- Bro. Spencer being unanimously rec'd as a minister of the gospel -- on motion of Bro. Ed Graves It is agreed that Bro. Spencer be & he is appointed a moderator of this Church, and to act as such in turn with those heretofore appointed -- Except Bro. Edw'd Graves who upon his own regard is released from actng as a Moderator.

On motion of Bro. Reuben Graves it is agreed that the Bro. Deacons of this church apportion a sum as near twenty dollars as they conveniently can among the white make members of this church and ot report the same to our next Meeting

On motion of Bro. Edw'd Graves It is agreed that the Brother Deacons of this Church pay out of the funds of the church the expenses of any of her members who may be sent by the church on businefs. While they are traveling or attending to the object & businefs of their appointment

Upon application Letters of dismifsion are granted to Bro. Jefse Terrill & Sister Abigail Terrill his wife they being about to remove from this neighbourhood

On motion of Bro. Edw'd Graves It is agreed that Brethren Walker Graves & Milton Garnett be and are hereby appointed as Singing Clerks in addition to those heretofore appointed

Att Willis Graves Clk
sign'd Joseph Botts Mod'r

p. 171
February Meeting 1829
At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in February 1829

Bro. Robert Kirtley Mod'r

Sister Ellen Walker Received by letter

Bro. John Grant & Sister Polly Grant his wife having removed back into our Neighbourhood & not having Joined any church in their Absence - return'd to this Church the letter granted them in April 1828 & they are Received accordingly

The Bro. Deacons reported that they have apportioned the sum of $20 - 50 cents upon the free white male members of this Church agreably to the directions of the Church at our Last Meeting

A Letter was rec'd from Pleasant Run Church Rush County Indiana setting forth that John Lyons an Excluded member of this church now living in their vicinity, had recently applied with a repentance to said church for admifsion as a member - & that s'd church had posponed his reception until she rec'd an answer on Sanction from this Church - On motion It is agreed that Our Bro. Clerk by letter inform s'd Church that said Lyons was Excluded here for intoxication & that inasmuch as he has lived for Several years in their vicinity & their members being acquainted with his general course of conduct - that this church under all the circumstances is willing for s'd church to act at her discretion in relation to the reception of said Lyons

On motion It is agreed that the Bro. Deacons, & Brethren Reuben & Willis Graves be appointed a committee to draw off & make out a new list of the names of the present members of this Church

It is reported to this church that Suckey a black member of this church belonging to Sister Dicken has departed this life

Adjourn'd Attest Willis Graves Clk
Sign'd Robert Kirtley Mod'r

p. 172
March Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house Saturday 7th March 1829

Bro. Joseph Botts Mod'r

On motion it is agreed that we take into consideration the situation of such members of this church as have absented themselves by removal or otherwise or may reside out of the Knowledge of the church which being done - It is agreed that Bro. Reuben Graves write to Sister Ann Craig who resides at Versailes Indiana & who has been about from us for several years, & request of her an answer in relation for her desires as to her desires in relation to her membership with us, & to make report when he receives the answer

By Jo's Brown having absented himself for a considerable time & whose residence is unknown. It is agreed that Bro. A. Graves be approved is ascertain where Bro. Brown is & to & report to our next meeting

Bro. Geo Gaines laid in a complaint against Kezia a black member lately belonging to himself for absconding from him without leave or provocation for absenting herself form this church for a considerable length of time - The matter being taken up - & said Kezia being absent - & it not being practicable to deal with her as is usual she is fou nd guilty of sin & Excluded

It being made known to this church that Fanny a black member formerly belonging to David Watts was several years ago taken by Capt. Benj Johnson to the state of Mifsifsippi where she yet resides as is supposed - In consequence of this distance & lengths of time she has been absent It is agreed that she be Excluded

p. 173
a complaint was laid in by Bro. R. Graves ags't Silvy a black member formerly belonging to Bro. Benj Watts for absconding & running a way from Bro. Watts & herself from this church - The matter was taken up & she being absent & it being unpracticable to deal with her as its customary - she is found guilty of sin & Excluded

Agreed that we be adjn'd until our next meeting in course
Att Willis Graves clk

(sign'd) Joseph Botts Mod'r

April Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house Saturday 7th Apl 1829

Bro. Robert Kirtley Mod'r

Bro. A. Graves made report that upon enquiry he had learn'd that Bro. Jo Brown left this country on a visit to the lower Country with an intention of returning but had remain'd longer than had intended. But he was expected to return shortly

It is reported & made known to this church that Bro. Benjamin G Willis & (inked out) Nancy Tanner have departed this life since our last meeting

Request was Rec'd from the church at East Bend by Bro. Wm. Kirtley for this church to send helps to afsist said church on the 4th Saturday in the present month in a matter of difficulty in said church. It is agreed that we answer said Request & Brethren Whitfield Early Edw'd Graves Reuben Graves & Rowland Botts are helps to attend said church

Sister Eliza Cave rec'd by letter - Agreed that we be adjn'd until our meeting in course
Att Willis Graves clk

Robt. Kirtley Mod'r

p. 174
May Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in May 1829

Bro. Jo's Botts Mod'r

Upon application it is agreed that a letter of Dismifsun be granted to Sister Ann Craig

Bro. Edw'd Graves reported that himself & Brethren R. Botts & R. Graves attended at East Bend as a committee agreably to an order of this Church, and that the matter of dfficulty for which they attended was attended to, and was as he hoped amicably adjusted

Adjn'd W. Graves Ck
Sign'd Joesph Botts Mod'r

June Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh Meeting house 1st Saturday in June 1829

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Mod'r

Upon application it is agreed that Letters of Dismifsion be granted to Bro. Jno. Langly & sister Margaret Langly

It is reported to this church that Sister Joanna Conner had departed this life since our last meeting

On motion of Bro. Jno Thomas it is agreed that the constitution of this church be read - which being search'd for & not found, on motion it is agreed that the clerk examine the Records & ­­­___ for s'd constitution & report at our next meeting

Att W Graves ck
Robt Kirtley Mod'r

p. 175
July Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in July 1829

Bro. Jo's Botts Mod'r

Sister Frances Cornelius rec'd by letter

A report was made by our Bro. Clerk that he had examined the Records & for the constitution of this church and read what he had found upon the subject, which was by a vote of the Church Satisfactory

Upon application It is agreed that a letter of dismifsion be granted to Sister Nancy Noble who has removed to the State of Ohio

Bro. Willis Graves is appointed to prepare a letter from the church to our next Afsociation and report it at our ne next meeting - and Brethren Robt Kirtley Wm Spencer, Jo's Botts, Whitfield Early Edw'd Graves Reuben Graves & Willis Graves are appointed as mefsengers to said afsociation

Upon application it is agreed that a Latter of dismifsion be granted to Sister Leah McCarty

Agreed that we be adjourn'd until our next meeting in course Att Willis Graves Clk
Sign'd Joseph Botts Mod'r

August Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house Saturday 1st day of August 1829

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Mod'r

Bro. W. Graves produced a letter prepared from this church to the afsociation which was read & approved - and on motion it is agreed that we request of the afsociation to a ppoint a yearly meeting at Bullittsburgh

adjn'd Att W. Graves ck
Ro. Kirtley Mod'r

p. 176
Sept'r Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Saty in Sept'r 1829

Bro. Joseph Botts Mod'r

Upon application Letters of dismifsion are granted to Sister Jane Willis - Bro. Henry Field & sister Lucy Breedlove

Ajn'd Att R. Graves c Pt.
Joseph Botts Mod'r

Oct'r Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house Saturday 3rd Oct'r 1829

Bro. Joseph Botts Mod'r

Bro. Edw'd Graves laid in a complaint agst Bro. Carter a black member belonging to Sister Susan Watts for profane swearing & departing from the truth. The matter was taken up & heard - and He found guilty of sin - and Excluded

Bro. Edw'd Graves laid in a Complaint agst Sister Mary a black member belonging to Sister Susan Watts for the Sin of fornication The matter was taken up, heard - and she found Guilty of Sin and Excluded

It is reported to this church that Sister Linny Morris - & sister Hannah Whitaker have departed this life since our last meeting

on motion of Bro. Reuben Graves it is agreed that we take Bro. Jo's Botts preaching gift into consideration - several of the Brethren present expressing desire for Bro. Botts to be encouraged by the church to continue preaching - & in consequence of their being but a few members present today & in order to get the mind of the church more fully. It is agreed that the matter be posponed until our next meeting. It is agreed that our next meeting be on Friday __fere the 1st Saty in Nov. as the yearly meeting comes on at this place on Saturday -

Att Willis Graves ck
Joseph Botts Mod'r

p. 177
Nov'r Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Friday in Nov'r 1829

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Mod'r

Bro. Reuben Graves laid in a Complaint agst Bro. Jo's Brown for having left this church & gone to a considerable distance for us & remain'd away for upwards of two years without making any communication to us

The matter being taken up - It is agreed that Bro. James Graves be appointed to write to Bro. Brown concerning this complaint against him, and request an answer from him - and to report to the Church when he answers it or in a reasonable time

The Reference respecting Bro Joseph Botts preaching was taken up, and Bro. Botts being absent It is agreed to pospone the matter until Our next meeting -

Upon application It is agreed that a Letters of dismifsion be granted to Bro. Willey Cave and Sister Eliza Cave his wife they beng about to remove to Gallatin county -

A request is rec'd from the church at the Forks of Gunpowder by Bro. D. Hoshal for this church to send them Helps at their next monthy meeting to aid them in the Ordination of a Deacon. It is agreed that we answer the request by agreeing to send Brethren Wm. Spencer Willis Graves & Michael Glore as helps

On motion of Bro. Reuben Graves it is agreed that we take into consideration the propriety of appointing Elders in this Church and that it be posponed until our next meeting for further consideration

Agreed that we be adjn'd until our next meeting in course Att W. Graves ck
Robert Kirtley Mod'r

p. 178
Dec'r Meeting 1829

At a meeting of the church at Bullittsburgh meeting house 1st Saturday in Dec'r 1829

Bro. Robert Kirtley Mod'r

Bro. Michael Glore laid in a complaint against himself for having interrupted Bro. Wm. Montague while preaching at this place at our last meeting which being taken up, and He acknowledging his Error - & sorrow for so doing - is by a vote of the church excused

Bro. William Hensley laid in a complaint against himself for having been intoxicated & for using profane language & getting into an affray while intoxicated, which being taken up and He found guilty of sin - and upon his making satisfactory acknowledgement He is Restored

The Reference respecting Bro. Joseph Botts preaching gift was taken and considered, and by a unaanimous vote of the church, Bro. Joseph Botts is encouraged and licensed to go forward and preach the gospel Wherever God in his providence may otherwise direct or cause him to go

The reference respecting the appointment of Elders upon motion is posponed until our next meeting

Upon application Letters of dismifsion are granted to Brethren Philemon & Benj'm Crifsenberry

The Brethren appointed as helps to attend the church at The forks of Gunpowder at thier last meeting in the Ordination of a deacon reported that the day On which they were to have attended was so unfavourable that they did not attend nor did the Church at Gunpowder meet and the Ordination therefore did not take place

Agreed that we be adjn'd Att W. Graves ck
sign'd Rob't Kirtley Mod'r

[p. 179]
At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh 1st Saturday in Jany. 1830.

Br'o Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
The reference respecting the propriety of appointing Elders in the Church taken up & partly investigated & cont'd. until next Meeting.
Upon application. Letters of dismission are granted to B'r. W'm B. Haydon & his wife & Bro. William Cave & wife & Br'o Pachal Early.
Brethren W'm Spencer, Rob't Kirtly, & Willis Graves are appointed to draft a form for a church letter for dismission of members & present it at our next meeting.
adjn'd. Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
att R. Graves, CK P Tem

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house Saturday 6th. Feby. 1830.

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Mod'r.
Bro. Reuben Graves laid in a complaint against Br'o Jn'o Ross for the sin of drunkeness & other impious acts. the matter was taken up & Brethren Whitfield Early & Jn'o H. Walton are appointed to see Br'o Ross & request his attendance at our next Meeting.
The Reference respecting the propriety of appointing Elders in this Church taken up & the matter being investigated � by a vote it is considered inexpedient to appoint Elders.
The reference respecting the form of a Letter of Dismission was taken up & considered � And it is agreed that the following form be adopted for Letters of dismission from this Church

"The Baptist Church of Christ at Bullettsburgh, Boon County, Kentucky � Holding the doctrine of Election, Justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ, final perseverance of the Saints through

[page 180]
grace unto glory, believers baptism [by] immersion and that Jesus Christ is essentially God according to the Scriptures �
To any Church of our faith & Order � This is to Certify that our beloved Bro � (or Sister) � is a member in good Standing & full fellowship with us & dismissed from our watch care when Join'd. to you. By Order of the Church["] �
Agreed that we be adjourn'd.
Rob't Kirtly, Mod'r.
Att. W. Graves CK

March Meeting 1830
At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh Meeting house 1st Saturday in March 1830.

Bro Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
The reference respecting Bro John Ross taken & the matter heard � & He found guilty of Sin & failing to attend & give satisfaction is Excluded.
Upon application � Letters of dismission are granted to Sisters Emaline Fisher & Betsy Alloway.
A number of tracts from the Baptist general tract society 47 in number including all the numbers up to 48 except No. 22 � were produced & offered as a donation to this church, which were rec'd. accordingly.
On motion of Bro Jn'o Terrell Jun'r. it is agreed that we reconsider the form of the "Letter of dismission["] adopted at our last meeting and the matter is Continued until our next meeting for further consideration.
Agreed that we be adjn'd.
Joseph Botts, Mod'r. Att.
W. Graves CK
[page 181]
April Meeting 1830

At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh meeting house Saturday 3rd. of April 1830.
Br'o Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
Br'o Demass Moss rec'd. by Letter as a minister of the Gospel.
The reference respecting the reconsideration of the form of the Letter of dismission adopted by this Church was taken up and upon consideration it is agreed that the form of the Letter heretofore adopted be continued with the exception that whenever an officer of the church obtains a letter of dismission that their standing as an officer be inserted in the Letter.
Bro. William Terrill inform'd. that Church that He does not agree to or accord with this Church in opinion in relation to the doctrine held by them.
It is agreed that Brethren W'm Spencer, Jo's Botts, Jn'o H. Walton, Michael Glore, & Rob't Kirtly be appointed to visit & converse ^ & labour with B'ro Terrill in relation to such difference of sentiment & make report.
It is reported to this church that Rob't a black member of this church belonging to B'ro Jn'o Ryle has departed this life.
Rob't Kirtly, Mod'r.
W. Graves, clk
[page 182]
May Meeting 1830.

At a Meeting of the Church at Bullettsburg meeting house 1st . Saturday in May 1830
Br'o Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
The reference in relation to Br'o W'm Terrill was taken up � And the committee appointed to see and labour with Br'o Terrill reported that they had attended to the object of their appointment and Br'o Terrill being present & heard and it appearing to the Church that Bro Terril denies the deity of Christ � or that He is essentially God according to the scriptures and He denies the imputed righteousness of Christ � and of the total depravity of man, which being contrary to the doctrine held by this Church and the admonition this day given him being considered the first � The matter is continued until our next meeting.
It is reported & made known to this church that sister Polly Graves has departed this life since our last meeting.
Upon application it is agreed that a Letter of Dismission be granted to Br'o Demas Moss as an ordain (sic) minister.
adjn'd � Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
W. Graves clk.
[page 183]
June Meeting 1830.

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house Saturday 7th. June 1830.
Br'o Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
The reference respecting B'ro W'm Terrill was taken up and He being present & heard � He now acknowledged the total depravity of man. But still denies the deity of Christ, or that He is essentially God according to the scriptures, and of the imputed righteousness of Christ, for which denial, & for requesting to be considered no more of this Church, � He by a vote is found guilty of sin � & He being considered a Heretic after the first (and to day) the second admonition. He is accordingly by a vote rejected or excluded.
Upon the application & request of Br'o James Graves He is released from acting as a deacon of this Church.
On motion of Br'o Whitfield Early it is agreed that we take into consideration the propriety of appointing one or more additional deacons to this church which is continued until our next meeting for further consideration.
adjn'd � Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
Willis Graves clk.

July Meeting 1830.

At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh Saturday 3rd. of July 1830.
Br'o Jo's Botts, Mod'r.
The reference respecting the appointment of one or more additional deacons to this church was taken up and upon consideration it is agreed that we appoint two additional deacons and on motion the matter of appointment is pospon'd. until our next meeting.
Bro Rob't Kirtley is appointed to write our letter to the next N. B. association & report it at our next meeting � and Breth'n Rob't Kirtley, W'm Spencer, Jo's Botts, Whitfield Early, Edw'd Graves, & Willis Graves, are appointed as our messengers to bear the same.
Upon application a Letter [of] dismission is granted to B'ro W'm B. Ewing.
The matter respecting B'ro Jo's Brown was taken up and for his long absence & not having communicated to us and He being out of reach of this church to deal with him as usual He is found guilty of Sin and Excluded.
adjn'd � Joseph Botts, Mod'r.
Willis Graves clk.
[page 184]
Augt Meeting 1830.

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh meeting house 1st Sa't. 7th. Aug't. 1830.
Bro. Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
Bro. Jo's Botts laid in a complaint against Breth'n Jn'o Terrell, Jr. & Fountain Terrill for having left our church & join'd another body of people not holding the doctrine of this church and with whom we have no Union.
The matter being taken up they are by a vote found guilty of sin and Excluded.
Sister Polly B. Acre rec'd. by Letter.
The reference respecting the appointment of two additional deacons was taken up and by a vote of & unanimous consent Breth. Rob't Cornelius & Mills Wilks are chosen & selected as deacons of this Church & Bro Wilks being present & consulted He agrees as it is the wish of the Church, that he will act. � Bro Cornelius being absent it is agreed that the ordination of Breth Cornelius & Wilks be posponed until our next meeting.
Bro Rob't Kirtley reported a Letter to the association which being heard is approved as our Letter. It is agreed that we request a yearly meeting with us.
It is made known to the church that Sister Sophia Franks has departed this life since our last meeting.
adjn'd � Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
Willis Graves clk.

At a meeting of the church at Bullettsburgh 1st Saturday in Sept'r. 1830.

Bro Jo's Botts, Mod'r.
On motion the matter respecting the ordination of Breth'n Rob't Cornelius & Mills Wilks as Deacons to this church taken up, & on a vote of the church some objecting to the ordination it is continued until our next Meeting.
It is reported that Bro Alfred Sandford has departed this life since our Last meeting.
adjn'd � Jo's Botts, Mod'r.
Reuben Graves clk.
[page 185]
At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh
1st Saturday in Oct'r. 1830.
Bro Rob't Kirtley, Mod'r.
The Reference respecting the ordination of Breth Cornelius & Wilks as deacons was taken up & on motion (for want of unanimity) it is agreed to discontinue the reference.
On motion it is agreed that the Breth'n Deacons apportion a sum near Twenty Dollars among the free male members of this Church & make report thereof at our next meeting.
Upon application being made Letters of dismission are granted to Br'o Joshua Botts, & Sister Emily Botts his wife.
adjn'd Rob't Kirtly Mod'r.

att Willis Graves CK At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh
1st Saturday in Nov'r. 1830.

Bro Jo's Botts, Mod'r.
Sister Polly Terrill & Bro. Benj Terrill Rec'd. by Letter.
Upon application being made Letters of Dismission are granted to Sisters Phebe Brown & Hetty Wilson.
The Bro Deacons reported an apportionment of Twenty Do'ls. upon the free white male members of the Church which being satisfactory is Rec'd.
On motion of Bro. Reuben Graves ^ it is agreed and leave is given to the members of this church to Establish a tract Society in our meeting house.
It is reported to this church that Guy a black member belonging to W'm Goodridge has departed this life.
adjn'd � Joseph A. Botts, Mod'r.
att Willis Graves CK

At a meeting of the Church at Bullettsburgh
1st Saturday in Dec'r. 1830.

Bro Rob't Kirtley Mod'r.
Sister [Molly ?] Ushly a black member belonging to Sister P. Terrill return'd. the Letter granted ^ her / by this Church & she rec'd. accordingly.
Thos. Whitaker being present is invited to preach.
adjn'd Rob't Kirtly Mod'r.
R. Graves CK P.T.
* * * * * * *

[From the Boone County Public Library, Main Branch, Burlington, KY. Typed from copies by James K. Duvall.]

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