Baptist History Homepage
Bullittsburg Baptist Churchbook

[p. 96]
Jan'y 1823
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Jan'y 1823 —

Bro. Rob't Kirltey Moderator —
bro. Tony (a black member belonging to bro. Ben Watts) laid in a complaint against himself for getting into an affray, & after investiagation, brethren Jno. Terrell & Jas. Graves are appointed a comitee to investigate the matter between him & other brethren concerned in the affair & mak[e] report at next meeting —
The refference respecting the attenation of our fifth rule, taken up & often diliberation the following is adopted in lieu thereof. All trespafses and offences shall be dealt with agreeable to the 18th of Mathew which we so understand that those of a public, an acknowledgement must be made to the church —
Agreed to adopt the following & annex it to our rules of decorum. If any free male member fail to fill his Seat at two church meetings Succefsively is requested to come froward at the next & give his reasons for the Same. And on his failing to do so it is the duty of the church to Send for him acordingly —
Agreed that the Deacons aportion the Sum of between ten & twenty dollars on the members & report at next meeting —

R. Graves Clk — Signed Rob't Kirtley M'd
[p. 97]
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Feb. 1823 —

Bro. A. Graves Moderator —
The refference respecting bro. Tom taken up. he being absent, it is continued untill next meeting —
The brethren Deacons presented an aportionment of twenty dollars & Seventy five cents which was aproved
Motioned by bro. Jas. Terrell to adopt our former fifth rule in lieu of our present one the matter taken up & continued untill next meeting —
Motioned by bro. Wm. Cave that we take into consideration that part of our seventh rule (viz) "Shall come under the condemnation of the church" the mater taken up & continued untill next meeting —
Letters of dismifsion granted to bro. David Hatden & wife
Motioned by bro. Jas. Dicken that we take into consideration the appointing of two additional moderators the matter taken up & after investigation it is thought not advisable —

[p. 98]
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting The 1st Saturday in March 1823 —

Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator —
bro. Bill laid in a complaint against Sister Rachael (a black member belonging to Bro. Whitaker) for dancing and useing profane language — The matter taken up & she being absent it is laid over untill next meeting. & bro. Rob't Terrill apointed to cite her to the Same —
Bro. Wm B. Hayden laid in a complaint against himself for calling a man a liar & making use of other invitative language and Staying & hearing himself abused without going away — The matter taken up he found guilty of Sin & giving satisfaction is restored
Bro. James Hayden laid in a complaint against himself for striking a man with a Stick while in the act of abusing another — The matter taken up, he found guilty of sin & giving satisfaction is restored —
The refference respecting bro. Tom taken up. he found guilty of sin & giving Satisfaction is restored —
The refference respecting the adoption of our former 5th Rule in lieu of our present one taken up & withdrawn by the proposer —
The refference respecting the attention of our 7th rule taken up and after

[p. 99]
investigation adopted the following in lieu thereof. Every motion, proposition or query, made & seconded shall be attended to (so as to be taken up or voted out) unlefs withdrawn by the member who made it (who has a right to do so before it is taken up, but not thereafter without leave of the church) —
R. Graves Clk Signed — James Dicken M'd

Ap'l 1823
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Ap'l —

Bro. Rob't Kirltey Moderator —
The refference respecting Sister Rachail taken up she found guiilty of sin and failing to give satisfaction is excluding
Wm. B. Ewing Rec'd by experience for baptism
Sister Elizabeth Bullock Dec'd
Agreed that we take into consideration the gifts of brethren Asa & Billy after investigation bro. Asa is liberated to preach where God in his providence may cast his lot — And the case of bro. Billy is continued untill next meeting —
Agreed that our third Sunday meeting be held at Petersburg in the Instent

[p. 100]
month and a door be opened to receive members if any wish to join —
R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley M'd

At Petersburg

Third Sunday the 20th of Ar'l 1823
Rec'd Betsey Alloway by experience for baptism
R. Graves Clk

May 1823
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in May1823 —

Bro. A. Graves Moderator —
Bro. John Moris informed the church that he had been in the habit of drinking Spiritous liquor to an excefs. The motion taken up he found guilty of sin, and giving satisfaction is restored —
Frances Botts rec'd by experience for baptism —
Sister Hannah (a black member) rec'd by letter —
Emaline Alloway Rec'd by experience for baptism —
The refference respecting bro. Billys gift taken up and agreed that he be liberated to preach at any time when convenient in the bounds of this church
Bro. Wm. Cave informed the church that Sister Betsey Southern had rec'd a letter of dismifsion from

[p. 101]
This Church three or four years ago with the view of joining the Church at Sand-run. & Still continues to with-hold the same. The motion taken up & bro. James Dicken apointed to converse with her on the subject, and know her reasons for the same & report at next meeting —
R. Graves Clk — Absalom Graves M'd

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in June1823 —

Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator —
Bro. Geo. Gaines laid in a complaint against bro. Wm. Lantz for gettng into an affray — after investigation he found guilty of sin and failingto give satisfaction is suspended —
Sister Malinda (a black member belonging to bro. Jas. Ingram) informed the Church that she had had been in an affray she found guilty of sin & giving satisfaction is restored —
Margarett Langly rec'd by Experience for Babtism —
The reffrence respecting Sister Southern taken up & bro. Dicken Stated to the church that she wished to continue a member with us & that the letter was lost or mislaid & she is continued ^ a member with us / acordingly —

[p. 102]
Bro. Willis Graves is apoint'd to request bro. Walter Hayden & bro. Elijah Garnett to attend our next meeting to give them reasons for their faiting [failing] to attend several meetings past —
R. Graves Clk — Jas. Dicken M'd.

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in July 1823 —

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Moderator —
Bro. James Hayden laid in a complaint against bro. Jno. Morris for getting intoxication with spirituos liquors. the matter taken up, and bro. George Terrill apointed to cite him to the next meeting & report acordingly —
The refference respecting bro. Wm. Lantz taken up, and he giving satisfaction is restored to the fellowship of the church
Wm. Harrall & Richard Lynn Rec'd by Experience for baptism
Cuffy (belonging to E. Noble) Rec'd by Recantation —
The matter respecting brethren Walter Hayden & Elijah Garnett, taken up and bro. Willis Graves Stated he had made the request, and they being absent the matter is laid over untill the next meeting
Bro. Ben G. Willis is apointed to prepare a letter to the next afsociation & presentt it at next meeting. And Brethren A. Graves, Jas. Dicken, Rob't Kirtley, Whitfield Early, Edw'd Graves & Wm. Cave is apointed to bear the same

[p. 103]
Sister Winney / a black member member belonging to bro. Jas. Graves Dec'd
R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley M'd.

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Aug't 1823 —

Bro. A. Graves Moderator —
The refference respecting bro. Jno. Morris, taken up, he found guilty of sin, and failing to attend & give satisfaction is exlcuded —
The matter respecting Bro. Walter Hayden & Elijah Garnett taken [up], bro. Walter Hayden being present gave satisfaction & bro. Garnett being absent found guilty of sin & bro. Jas. Terrill is apointed to cite him to the next meeting —
Sisters Winifred Dicken & Mrs. ^ Annis / (a black member belonging to Wm. Cave) Deceased
The letter to the next afsociation presented ^ read / & aproved —
Agreed that we take into consideration the propriety of preparing a baptistry on the lot of ground belonging to the Church. After investigation it is continued untill next meeting for further consideration —

R. Graves Clk — Absalom Graves M'd
[p. 104]
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Sep't 1823 —

Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator —
Bro. Rob't Terrill laid in a complaint ags't br. Billy (a black member belonging to Sister Watts) for purloining. The matter taken up, he found guilty of sin, and taken up, he found guilty of sin, and failing to give satisfaction is excluded
The refference respecting the building of a baptistry taken up. And finding objections arise it is dispensed with
The refference respecting Bro. Garnett taken up, and he failing to attend and give satisfaction it is continued till next meeting

R. Graves Clk — Jas. Dicken M'd.

Sunday 7th Sept 1823
Jno. Langly rec'd by experience

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in October1823

Bro. James Dicken Moderator
The refference respecting bro. Elijah Garnestt taken up. & he failing to attend. & the church being informed that hi [he] appiars to be disirous to do so. it is continued untill next meeting

[p. 105]
Lucy McIntosh & Isabel Gipson Rec'd by experience for baptism —
Bro. Finny made arequest from the Laurenceburg church (Indiana) for helps to afsist in the ordination of bro. Reuben Carman to the ministry to attend the fourth Saturday and Sunday in the present month. the matter taken up & apointed brethren Jas. Dicken, Rob't Kirtley, Wm. Cave Edw'd Graves & Reuben Graves to attend them acordingly —
Agreed that we observe the second Satruday in the present month as a day of humiliation, prayer & fasting to Almighty God and that we meet at this place at 10oclock A M —
R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley M'd.

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Nov 1823

Bro. A. Graves Moderator —
The refference respecting bro. Elijah Garnett taken up & he failling to attend & give satisfaction is excluded
Agreed that in future, all helps sent from this church to afsist in

[p. 106]
the ordination of a Minister or Deacon or any other matter to any Sister church that they report acordingly
The brethren apointed (except bro. R. Graves) to afsist in the ordination of bro. Reuben Carmon attended and report that after examination they thought it not advisable to ordain him at that time —
R. Graves Clk — A. Graves M'd.

Sunday Nov 6th 1823 Elizabeth Benett Rec'd by Experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in December 1823

Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator —
Elijah Garnett & ^ George belonging to / the heirs of Rich'd Caves) George rec'd by recantation —
Bro. Anthony M.Leek & wife rec'd by Letter
Philicia Glore Dec'd
Simon Wiggins came forward & stated that he was an excluded member (from the 1st church in Romilous in the State of New York) for the sin of intoxication & after relating his recantation & experience is rec'd a member of this church —

R. Graves Clk — Jas. Dicken M'd

Sunday the 6th December 1823 —
Sally Hokerson & Lucy Ann Lantz rec'd by experience for baptism —

[p. 107]
At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Jan'y 1824

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Moderator
bro. R. Graves laid in a complaint against Sister Aggy (a black member belonging to bro. Edw'd Graves) for purloining & departing from the truth. The matter taken up, & she found guilty of sin & failing to give satisfaction is suspended —
bro. Billy laid in a complaint against bro. Jno. (a black member belonging to Sister Parker) for acts of Lacivously & also against bro. Abram (a black member belonging to Edw'd Graves) for getting into an affray. The motion taken up & brethren Rob't Terrill James Graves Whitfiled Early Roland Bott, Edw'd Graves, Abs. Graves and R. Graves apointed a commitee to attend to that businefs and report at next meeting —
Rec'd Jno. Thomas Hetty Wilson Jane Willis, & Sally Simpson by experience for baptism —
Bro. Holiman from the church at Anana made application for

[p. 108]
help to afsist in the ordination of bro. Sam'l Harris to the ministry and to attend them next Saturday. The matter taken up and apointed brethren Jas. Dicken, Rob't Kirtley, Whit. Early, Wm. Cave, Edw'd Graves Wm. B. Ewings, & R. Graves to attend them acordingly & report at next meeting —
Agreed that the 14th article of our Rules of decorum be erased ^ repealed / from our rules
Rob't Kirtley M'd
Attest R. Graves Clk

Sunday the 4th Jan'y 1824
Rec'd Jno. Grant & Margaret Bradley by Experience for baptism

At a Church Meeting for Bullittsburg the 1st Saturday in Feb'y 1824

Bro. A. Graves Moderator
The matter respecting Sister Aggy taken up & sattisfaction not obtained is is continued —
Bro. Ragan ^ belonging to Bro. Jo. Graves / dec'd

[p. 109]
The matter respecting brethren John & Abram Taken up and the committee appointed to that businefs made their report. But the church agreed to meeting next wednefsday at two oclock at this place for the purpose of attending to that businefs
Sister daphne (a black member belonging to bro. Glore) laid in a complaint against herself for the sin of intoxication The matter taken up & she found guilty of sin & giving satisfaction is restored
Rec'd July Ann Cornelius, Polly Weldon, Stephin Bradly, Letha Thomas, William Slayden, Amanda Wiggens, Taylor Cave, Betsey Lyon, (Mrs. Thomas) Tom, Fountain Terrill, Hannah Graves, Hugh Morris Rob't Terrill jun'r, Malinda Thomas, & Betsey Gaines by experience for baptism —
Rec'd Sister Lavina Stephens ^ late Levina Ball / by letter
The helps that were to afsist in the ordination of Bro. Sam'l Harris to the ministry reported that they attended and bro. Harris was ordain'd acccordingly —
Bro. Harrand from the church at Bethel made request for helps to afsist in the ordination of bro. Mathew Addams to the office of Deacon. To attend them the first Saturday & Sunday next month. The
[p. 110]
matter taken up & brethren Whitfield Early, Rob't Terrill & Edw'd Graves are appointed to attend them and report acordingly —
Agreed that we are willing to receive & use the baptistry made on the meeting house ground
agreed that in future a door be opened for the reception of members at any public meeting, where christian prudence will direct
R. Graves Clk — A. Graves M'd

Sunday 8th Feb'y 1824
Rec'd Jane Early, Nancy Gaines, cum Hensley, Mills Wilks and Phebe Lantz by experience for baptism

R. Graves
Baptised Betsey Lyons, Aletha Thomas, Malinda Thomas, Polly -- Corldon, Hannah Graves, July Ann Cornelius Margaret Bradley, Stephen Bradly Jno. Grant Nancy Gaines, Betsey Gaines Rob't Terrill jun'r Wm Slayden Taylor Cave Fountain Terrill Hugh Morris & (Mrs. Thomas's) Tom —
R. Graves Clk
[p. 111]
Wednefsday the 11th Feb'y 1824
Bro. A. Graves Moderator
The church met agreeable to their apointment to attend to the dificulty with Breth. Jno. & Abram. The matter taken up & bro. Abram being present and giving Satisfaction is restored. Bro. Jno. being absent and failing to hear the church & give satisfaction is excluded —
Bro. Wm B Hayden is apointed to attend the church at Bethel at their next meeting is the room of bro. Early —
R. Graves Clk — A. Graves M'd

Wednefsday evening 18th Feb'y 1824
Rec'd Bro. Rofs, Thos. Lyon, & (L Sandford's) Tom, by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

Sunday 22nd Feb'y 1824
William Chrisenberry restored to the fellowship of the church
Rec'd (Jno. Tomblinson) Peter and

[p. 112]
Ana Wells by experience for baptism —
Baptised Jane Early, MIlls Wilks, Wm Hensely, Jno. Rofs, Thos. Lyon, (Sandfords) Tom & (Tomblinson) Peter
R. Graves Clk

At a Church Meeting for Bullittsburg the 1st Saturday in March 1824

Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator
The refference respecting Sister aggy taken up & continued untill next meeting —
Bro. Rob't Taylor Rec'd by letter
Rec'd Betsey Jane Bates, Joshua Botts Milley Terrill, Bess Chrisenberry, Wm. Terrill jun'r, (Wm. Caves) Elijah, & Willey Cave by experience for baptism
letters of dismifsion granted to Sister Franky Arnold, bro. Wm. Lantz & bro. Jno. Kirtley & wife
A request from the church at Ten-Mile (by bro. Brown) for helps to settle a dificulty between herself & one of her members

[p. 113]
and to attend them the 3rd Saturday in the present month. The motion taken up & brethren A. Graves, Rob't Kirtley, Wm. B. Hayden & R. Graves apointed to attend them & report accordingly —
As Phebe Lantz was at our last church meeting. Rec'd by experience for baptism, but she finding sinc[e] that time that there are dificulties existing, she has declined that ordinance, and requests not be a member with us & the church grants her request under present circumstances —
R. Graves Clk — Jas. Dicken M'd

Sunday 7th March 1824
Rec'd Cave Glore, Jno. Winston, Nath'l Vice, Emely otts, & Jane Bullock by experience for baptism
Charles McCarty by res't to the fellowship of the church
Baptised Ana Willis, Milley Terrill, Betsey Jane Botts, Wm. Terrill jun'r,

[p. 114]
Joshua Botts, Willey Cave['s] Benj. Chrisler['s] ben'j & Wm. Caves Elijah
R. Graves Clk

Wednefsday evening 10th March 1824
Rec'd Caty Botts, & Walker Graves by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

Wednefsday evening 17th March 1824
Rec'd Wm. Botts, Joseph Brown. W Willis Graves, & Jno. W. Graves by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

Wednefsday evening 17th March 1824
Rec'd Eliza Watts, Jno. Duncan, Smith Campbell, Paschal Early, Rob't Brower & Nathan Hubble by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk
[p. 115]
Wednefsday evening 31st March 1824
Rec'd Michael Lyon (N. Bullocks) Davy Ben, G Graves & Absalom Gaines by experience for baptism —
R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Aprile 1824

Bro. Rob't Kirltey Moderator
Bro. & Sister Williams & Elizabeth Willis Rec'd by letter —
Rec'd Asa Kirtley, Alfred Sandford, Betsey Hensley, & Sally Graves by experience for baptism —
Dingo (belonging to bro.Jno. Graves) an excluded member, restored to the fellowship of the church —
Lewis (belonging to bro. Rob't Terrill) (an excluded member) restored to the fellowship of the church —
The refference respecting Sister Aggy taken up & she being present & failing to give satisfaction is excluded
Bro. Hayden one of the helps apointed to attend the church at Bethel for the purpose of ordaining bro. M. Addams to the office of a Deacon. Reported that he attend & Bro. Addams was ordained acordingly —

[p. 116]
Bro. A. Graves one of the helps at Ten-Mile to afsist in settling a dificulty among themselves, reported that the helps attended except bro. Kirtley and the dificulty measurable settled —
Bro. Wm. Hansell made aplication for helps to afsist in the constitution of a church (if they think proper) to meet at his house at Northbend in the State of Ohio the second Saturday in the present month. The matter taken up and apointed brethren Jas. Dicken, Wm. Wm B. Hayden, Edw'd Graves, Wm. Cave, Edw'd Garnett & R. Graves, to attend them & report acordingly
letters of dismifsion granted to bro. Wm. Harrell, Simon Wiggins Amanda Wiggins, Joshua Gibson & wife
Bro. Jeremiah Kirtley from the church at Sand-run, made aplication for helps to attend them the fourth Saturday in the present month for the purpose of setting apart by ordination bro. Landon Robnson to the work of the ministry. The matter taken [up] & apointed brethren A. Graves, Jas. Dicken, Rob't Kirtley, Jas. Graves, Rob't Terrill, & Whit Early to attend them & report acordingly
Agreed to take into consideration the propriety of relieving the circumstances of bro. McCarty, & the brethren Deacons and apointed to attend to that businefs & report acordingly. R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley M'd
[p. 117]
Sunday 4th Ap'l 1824
Rec'd David Crisenbery, Feyetee (belonging to Sister Cloud) Claricy (belonging to bro.A. Graves jr.) Sely & Minit (belonging to bro. G. Gaines) Mariah (belonging to Sister W. Watts) Charlotte (belonging to bro. R. Kirtley) Jeferson Lantz & Ben Terrill by experience for baptism
Patienc (an excluded member belonging to Jas. Riddle) and Daphne (an excluded member belonging to bro. Jno. Terrill) Rec'd to the fellowship of the church
R. Graves Clk

Wednesday evening 7th Ap'l 1824
Rec'd Clifden Hensley, Silvy (belonging to sister Kirtley) and Franky belonging to bro. E. Garnett by experience for baptiwsm

R. Graves Clk

Wednesday evening 14th Ap'l 1824
Rec'd Eli Morehead & Foster Hensley by experience for baptism

Sunday 4th Ap'l 1824 Baptised James Bulock, Betsey Hensley, Eliza Watts, udith Terrill, Sally Graves, Jno. duncan, Nath'l Vice, Paschal Early, David Cornelius, Rob't Brown, Smith Campbell, Alfred Sandford, Asa Kirtley, Abram Gaines, Thos. Beal,Nathan Hubble, (Geo. Gaines)

[p. 118]
Sealy (A. Graves) Claricy, (G. Gaines) Minit James Cloud) Feyetee, and Nathan Bullocks Davy
R. Graves Clk

Sunday 18th Ap'l 1824 Rec'd Mary Draton by experience for Baptism
Baptised Eli Morehead, Foster Hensley, Ben Terrill, MIchael Lyon, Jefferson Lantz, (E. Granetts) Franky, (E. Watts) Mariah, & Rob't Hentley's Charlotte

R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in May 1824

Bro. A. Graves Moderator
Clifden Hensly lately rec'd for baptism informed the church that had since that time been intoxiacated. The matter taken up, and hearing his his repentance & ackn owledgement the church is willing he should go into the ordination
bro. Simon Wiggens informed the church that he had lately been intoxicated & after investigation he found guilty of sin, but failing to give satisfaction is suspended
Rec'd James (belonging to Geo. Maxfield), Lymon Spencer, Elizabeth Graves & Jno. Acre by experience for baptism —

[p. 119]
Lavina (an exlcuded member belonging to bro. Wm. McCoy) Restored to the fellowship of the church —
The matter respecting bro. MCarty taken up, after hearing the report & investigation it is thought advisable and the brethren Deacons are apointed to hold out a subscription in the neighbourhood for the purpose of raising suplies for relieving his present necefsities —
Bro. James Dicken one of the helps apointed to attend at bro. Wm. Harrells for the purpose of constituting a church reported that none but himself attended & that it was thought advisable not to constitute —
Bro. Early one of the helps apointed to attend the church at Sandrun for the purpose of ordaining bro. L. Robinson to the Ministry, reported that the helps attended & bro. Robinson was ordained acordingly
letters of dismifsion granted to brethren Rob't Taylor & Nath'l Vice —
R. Graves Clk

Sunday 2nd May 1824

R. Graves Clk

Rec'd Mary (a black woman belonging to bro. Jno. Harvey) & Jno. Lyon ^ & Rachael belonging to Jno. Graves / by experience for baptism
Baptised Mary Draton, Elizabeth Graves

[p. 120]
Clifden Hensley, Jno. Lyon, Jno. Acre, Lyman spencer (Geo. Maxfileds) James, (Mary Kirtleys) Silvy & (Jno. Graves) Rachael —
R. Graves Clk

Wednefsday evening 12th May 1824 —
Rec'd Phebe Tanner by by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

Sunday the 16th May 1824 Rec'd Jno. Long, Nancy Noble, and Tho, Wilks by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

Wednefsday evening 26 May 1824 —
Rec'd James Thomas, Lucetta Watts, Wm. Wiggens & Fanny Cave by experience for baptism

R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in June 1824

am) Bro. Jas. Dicken Moderator
Bro. Glore laid in a complaint against Sister Daphne (a black member belonging to himself) for the sin of intoxication. The matter taken up & bro. Milton Garnett is apointed to cite her to the next meeting —
The refference respecting bro. Wiggens taken up & he failing to attend & gvie satisfaction is excluded

[p. 121]
Rec'd by experience for baptism Angus Gaines, Carter (belonging to Sister Susan Watts,) Eliza Cave, Polly Cave, Salley Graves, & Griffin Boswell —
The brethren Deacons informed the church that their funds were paid out & the church one dollar & twenty five cents in arears. The matter taken up & the brethren Deacons are apointed to aportion the Sum between twenty & twenty five dollars on the free male members of this church & report at next meeting —
Bro. Nathan Bullock made a communication to the church respecting the same of some tobacco in which some of his hogsheads were unusually heavy. The matter taken up & after investigation he found guilty of sin, but giving satisfaction is restored —
R. Graves Clk — Jas. Dicken M'd

Sunday 6th June 1824
Wm Tucker Rec'd by letter.
Rec'd Tandy (belonging to sister Kirtley) Tom (belonging to bro. Jas. Ingram) Willis (belonging to Sister E. Watts) by experience for baptism —
Baptised July Ann Thomas Nancy

[p. 122]
Noble, Sally Graves, Phebe Tanner, Eliza Cave, Polly Cave, Fanny Cave, Lucita Watts, Jas. Thomas, Thos. Willis, Griffin Boswell, Angus Gaines, Wm. Wiggens, Ben G. Graves, Jno. Long, (Susan Watts) Carter, (Jno Harveys) Mary
R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in July 1824

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Moderator
bro. Jas. Dicken that Tandy (a black member belonging to sister Kirtley) who has been rec'd by this church not long since for baptism has been purloining & departing from the truth. The matter taken up & the church agrees to take from his priviledge in her body —
Bro. Jas. Dicken laid in a complaint ags't bro. Peter (belonging to Mr. Tomblinson) for willfully departing from the truth & concealing Stolen property. The mater taken up & bro. R. Graves apointed to cite him to the next meeting —
Bro. Jas. Dicken laid in a complaint against bro. Jno. Lyon for getting intoxicated. The matter taken up, he found guilty of sin. but giving satisfaction is restored —
The refference respecting Sister Daphne taken up. She failing to attend

[p. 123]
& give satisfaction, found guilty of sin & is excluded —
Rec'd Sally Sayne & Caty Goodridge by letter —
Rec'd Eliza Watts, Archilaus Craig, Dilila (belonging to bro. Gaines) & Polly Lantz by experience for baptism
The brethren Deacons presented an aportionment of $23 12 1/2 cents on the members of this church which was rec'd —
Bro. Absalom Graves is apointed to prepare a letter to the next Afsociation & present the same at next meeting, & brethren Rob't Kirtley, Jas. Dicken, Abs. Graves Whit Early, Edw'd Graves & Wm. Cave to bear it —
R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley, M'd

Sunday 4th July 1824 —
Rec'd Polly Allen by experience for baptism
Rec'd Aaron (a black member belonging to R. Graves) by letter —
Baptised Eliza Watts, Polly Lantz Arch'd Craig, (Jno. Gaines) Dilila, (Elia Watts) Willis, (Jas. Ingram) Tom

R. Graves Clk

July 18th 1824
Rec'd Polly Grant by letter

R. Graves Clk
[p. 124]

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Aug'st 1824

Bro. A. Graves Moderator
The refference respecting bro. Peter taken up & he not being present, the matter is continued untill next meeting —
Rec'd Nancy Tanner, Rich'd Graves, Peggy Crigler, Elijah (belonging to Wm. Goodridge) and Mary (belonging to Susan Watts) by experience for Baptism.
The letter to the afsociation presented read, & aproved —
Bro. Scott from the church at Middle Creek made request for helps to attend them at their next meeting to afsist in setling a dificulty in a point of doctrine. The matter taken up & brethren James Dicken, Roland Botts, Wm. B. Hayden Wm. B. Ewing & R. Graves are apointed to attend them & report acordingly —
Bro. Wm. Hodges from the church at East Bend made application for helps to attend them the first Saturday in Sept. next, to afsist in the ordination of Bro. Blackstone L. Abernatha [Abernathy] to the Ministry. the matter taken up and apointed brethren A. Graves, Jas. Dicken, Edw'd Graves, Wm. Cave, Roland Botts & Ben G Willis to attend them & report acordingly
Agreed that bro. R. Graves be apointed in adition to the present number of mefsengers to the afsociation

[p. 125]
Brethren Foster Hensley & Bob (belonging to E. Watts) Deceast —
Sister Amanda Wiggens to whom a grant of a letter was made dose not wish the same as she declines removing
R. Graves Clk — Absalom Graves M'd

Sunday 8th Aug't 1824 —
Baptised Polly Allen, Peggy Crigler, Nancy Tanner, Rich'd Graves, Mary belonging to Susan Watts & Elijah belonging to Wm. Goodridge

R. Graves Clk

At a Bullittsburg Church Meeting the 1st Saturday in Sept 1824 —

Bro. Rob't Kirtley Moderator —
Bro. Jno. Lyon informed the church that he had some time past been very much intoxicated with spiritous liquor. The mater taken up & he found guilty of sin. it is continued untill next meeting —
The refference respecting Bro. Peter taken up. he found guilty of sin and failing to give satisfaction is excluded
Bro. Ewing one of the helps apointed to attend the church at Middle Creek reported that the helps generally attended and the matter was setled by the exclusion of one of its members

R. Graves — Rob't Kirtley M'd
[p. 126]
October meeting 1824

At a meeting of the Church at Bullittsburgh 1st Saturday October 2nd 1824. Brother James Dicken Moderator.
The reference respecting brothr John Lyon taken up, and he making a satisfactory acknowledgement was restored.
Lucy (belonging to brother Wm. Cave) who had been excluded from this Church, came forward, and made an acknowledgement, which was satisfactory and is restored to fellowship.
Brotehr John willis is received as a member, on a letter of dismifsion
Elizabeth Grant is received by experience for Baptism
Bro. A. Graves reported that the helps appointed to East Bend attended and deliberation is [it] was thought advisable to forbear the ordination of brother Abernathy to the work of the ministry at this time.
On application letter of dismifsion is granted to the following brethren and sisters to wit. Peggy Crigler. Permilia Crigler. John Lyon. Catharine Lyon, Betsey Perkins (formerly Betsey Lyon,) Michael Lyon, Thomas Lyon, Lucy Brockman, Phillis (belonging to Wm. Brockman) Betsey Bernard, (formerly Betsey Lantz) and Thomas Wilks.
Sister Sarah Garnett departed this life on the ____ day of Sept'r last. —

Attest R. Graves Clk — [Note: Though Reuben Graves' name is listed as the clerk, it is the writing of Willis Graves for October - December, 1824. Willis Graves had a beautiful style and script, very unlike Reuben Graves. — Jim Duvall]
James Dicken Mod'r

Sunday 3d Octob'r 1824. Elizabeth Grant. Baptised.

November meeting 1824

At a meeting of the Church at Bullittsburgh 1st Saturday November 6th 1824. Brother James Dicken Moderator.
A complaint by brother Reuben Graves against brother John Lyon for the sin of intoxication, he not being present, but having ^ moved / to a consi^der/able distance, and the church being satisfied of ^ his / guilt, and having been dealt with he is excluded.
Lovinia (belonging to bro. Pugh Price) is received by experience for Baptism.
A letter of dismifsion is granted to bro. John Long.

Attest R. Graves Clk — James Dicken Mod'r

Sunday 7th Nov. 1824 Lovinia was Baptised.

December Meeting 1824

At a Church meeting of Bullittsburgh held the first Saturday December 4th 1824. Brother A. Graves Moderator.
Brother James Emett from Mudlick applied for helps to attend that Church on Saturday next, to afsist in the counsel & ordination of Bro. James Finnell to the work of the ministry, the matter taken up and appointed Brethren A. Graves, W. Early, Jo. Botts & R. Graves to attend & report accordingly.
Sister Elizabeth Grant dismifsed by letter.
Brethren Harris & Ball is requested to preach to us today, being no other business.

Attest R. Graves Clk — Absalom Graves Mod'r
[p. 127]
January Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held ^ first / Saturday January 1st 1825.
Brother James Dicken Moderator

A Complaint by ^ bro. / Michael Glore against bro. Elijah Garnett for entering into an affray, the matter taken up, he being absent Bro. John Duncan is appointed to cite him to next meeting.
Bro. A. Graves one of the help sent to Mudlick reported, that Bro. Botts & himself attended, and owing to some objections in the Church and with bro. Finnell himself he was not ordained.
A letter of dismifsion is granted to sister Lucy Stansberry (formerly Lucy Lucafs)

Attest R. Graves Clk — James Dicken M'r

February Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday February 5th 1825.
Bro. Rob't Kirtley Moderator

A complaint by bro. Edw'd Graves against Sister Nelly, bleonging to Bro. Joseph Graves, for getting into an affray, the matter taken up, she being absent, bro. James Gaines is appointed to cite her to next meeting.
The refrence concerning bro. Elijah Garnett, taken up, bro. Duncan reported, that he expresfsed a wish toa ttend, but being on a tour to Virginia, it is continued.
On motion of bro. Wm. Cave, agreed to appoint a comittee to arrange and revise the rules of our decorum, and therefore brethren Rob't Kirtley James Dicken, Absalom Graves, William Cave & Reuben Graves are appointed acccordingly & to report thereof at next meeeting.
Letters of dismifsion is grantd to brethren and sisters following, George terrill, James Terrill, Nancy terrill susan Terrill and william tucker.
Bro. John Cornelius of White Water Church applied for helps to ^ attend / them on Saturday next, to afsist in the concil and ordination of a deacon, taken up and appointed brethren A Graves & Roland Botts to attend & report accordingly.
On Motion of bro. Cave, agreed to purchase one acre & a fourth of land adjoining our lot of Absalom Graves, Jun'r for $7.75 pr Acre, which he agrees to take for it, the deacons are requested to pay for the same, and the trustees to obtain a deed therefor according to law of James Graves, who holds the legal title.
Sister Eliza Watts is reported deceased.

Attest R. Graves Clk — Rob't Kirtley Mod'r

March Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday March 5th 1825.
Bro. Absalom Graves Moderator

[p. 128]
A complaint by Bro. John Watts (of Indiana) against bro. Benjamin G. Willis in writing containing the following charges to wit —
1st For taking rails & stone of the land of the heirs of Edward Stephens ^ wrongfully/.
2d For wrongfully keeping them out of the land decreed to them by the Federal Court. 3d. For wrongfully keeping said heirs out of their money decided by said Court to them, and refusing to pay the interest.
4th Treating John Watts in an unchristianlike manner and daring hiim to bring him before Bullittsburgh Church saying the principal members of said Church had advised him to the course he had taken against said Watts agent of said Edward Stephens &c.
5th For refusing to let James Allen Join the fence he had made out of the rails he said Willis took of said heirs land.
6th For drawing a knife on John Watts on the 13 of April 1824 in Tousey's store in Burlington and making unfair statements aboout the same. — — The matter taken up, and the parties fully heard, and a Lengthy investigation, by which it is discovered that there are hard and unpleasant feelings between them: and think that brother Willis has been guilty of impropriety in the first & last charges as above stated: to which he made some acknowledgements, and is acquited.
The reference respecting sister Nelly (belonging to Bro. Joseph Graves) taken up — she found guilty of sin, and failing toa ttend, or give satisfaction is excluded
The reference respecting brother Elijah Garnett taken up and he found guilty of sin, (and tho returned from Virginia) have failed to attend or give satisfaction is excluded.
The arranging and revision of our rules of decorum is continued till next meeting for report.
Letters of dismifsion is granted to the following brethren & sisters to wit —
Uriel Cave, Susana Cave, William Slayden, Stephen Bullock & Lane Bullock
Brother Roland Botts reported that the help attended attended White Water Church agreeably to appointment, and that the deacon was not ordained owing to some difsatisfaction among themselves, on the subject.
It is reported ^ to the Church / that brethren Thomas Allen & Jeremiah Cave are deceased.
Brother John Case of Mudlick (being appointed for that purpose) made application (by letter) for helps to attend at the house of brother James Finnell, on the 4th Saturday of the present, Month, to afsist in the counsel; and Constitution of a church in that neighbourhood in the oak wood settlement of Mudlick, should it be thought advisable. — The matter taken up, and agreed to send, and thereupon, brethren Absalom Graves Whitfield Early and James Dicken are appointed to ^ attend / and report accordingly.
Attest. R. Graves Clk — Absalom Graves Mod'r
[p. 129]
April Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday April 2d 1825.
Bro. James Dicken Moderator

Sophia Graves and Susana Foster received by experience for Baptism.
The reference respecting our rules taken up, and Absalom Graves, one of the Committee, presented a list of rules, arranged and revised, and after investigation, is adopted as the rules for the government of this church in future; which are as follows.

1st Church meetings to be opened & closed by praise & prayer.
2d All complaints to be received in the Church and attended to, and also the references touching fellowship, before a door be opened for the reception of members.
3d We adopt as our guide in treating with disorderly members (in all cases when it is practicable) the directions given by our Savious in the 18th of Matthew, that is to go & tell "him his fault between thee and hiim alone: if he ^ shall / hear thee thou hast gained they brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witn4esses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the Church: but if he neglect to hear the Church, let him unto thee as a heathen man and a publican."
For public crimes, satisfaction cannot be had, untill a public acknowledge[ment] be made to the Church.
4th Any member found guilty of sin by a Majority, shall not be restored, without Unanimous consent: the complaining member having no voice in the decision.
5th Exclusion of members, and all other questions, shall be decided by a Majority, except on the receptioon, or restoration and dismifsion of members: and the Appointment of Ministers & deacons, which shall be by Unanimous consent.
6th Every motion, proposition, or query, made & seconded, shall be attended to (so as to be taken up, or voted out) unlefs withdrawn by the member who made it, who may do so, before it be taken up; but not afterwards without leave of the Church.
7th Only one member shall speak at a time, who shall rise & addrefs the moderator, strictly attend to the subject, and cast no reflections, he shall not be interrupted unlefs he break the rules of this decorum, in which case it shall be the duty of the Moderator to call him to order, but should he fail to do so, any member may, and shall take his seat. — Of which point of order the Church shall decide when applied to for that purpose.

[p. 130]
No member in time of businefs shall addrefs another in any other appellation than that of Brother: nor speak more than twice to any matter in debate without leave of the Church.
9th The moderator to give the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the Church, to all persons admitted to membership, but those by experience not to be entitled to the privileges of the Church Until baptised.
10th The moderator to have the same liberty of speech as other members, provided his seat be filled, but not to vote, unlefs the Church be equally divided.
11th At the close of business on each day, the minutes, to be read, approved by the Church, signed by the Moderator and attested by the Clerk.
Letter of dismifsion is granted to brother William Wiggins and Sister Melinda Ingram (formerly Melinda Thomas).
Brother Wm. Hodges of East Bend Church applied for helps to afsist, in the council & ordination of Brother Blackstone L. Abernathy to the work of the MInistry on the first Saturday of May next, the matter taken up, & agreed to send & thereupon brethren Rob't Kirtley, Absalom Graves Jun'r Wm. B. Haydon & George Gaines, are appointed to attend & report accordingly.
Bro. A Graves reported that brother Dicken and himself of the helps attended, at brother James Finnell's on the call for the constitution of a Church, and that a Church was constituted, known & called by the name of Salem.
Attest R Graves Clerk — James Dicken Mod'r.

Sunday April 3d 1825
Bro. A Graves Baptised. Susana Foster & Sophia Graves

May Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday May 7th 1825.
Brother Absalom Graves Moderator

Brother Clifton Hensley informed the Church that he had lately been intoxicated with spirituous liquors, the matter taken up and he found guilty of sin, but made satisfactory Acknowledgement for his fault, is restored.
Bro. Wm. Cushenberry informed the Church that he had lately drank too much spirituous liquors, the matter taken up & he found guilty of sin, but made satisfactory Acknowledgement for his fault, is restored.

[p. 131]
Brother Stephen Bullock & wife declines taking a letter of dismifsion (as granted) having declined moving.
Attest R Graves Clerk — Absalom Graves Mod'r. June Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday June 4th 1825.
Brother Rob't Kirtley Moderator

Madison (belonging to Bro. A. Graves Jun'r) received by letter.
Brother Rob't Kirtley reported that the helps appointed to East bend attended; and that bro. Abernathy was ordianed.

Attest R Graves Clerk — Rob't Kirtley Mod'r.

July Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday July 2d 1825.
Brother James Dicken Moderator

Brother Dicken is appointed to write a letter to our next Afsociation, and present the same for inspection at our next meeting: and the following brethen to bear it. James Dicken Rob't Kirtley Absalom Graves Whitfield Early, Edward Graves & Reuben Graves.
Brother W. Early reported that the money has been paid for 1 1/4 acres of land adjoining the meeting house lot, and a deed obtained for the same of brother James Graves for the same agreeably to the order of the Church.
The deacons are requested to Apportion, on the free male members of this Church, any sum, from $15. to $20. and report thereof at next meting.
Brother William Cave dec'd on the 25th of June last.
Brother George Gaines is appointed to have the pulpit of ^ our meeting / house enlarged, and made more convenient, and to report the cost thereof when the work is done.

Attest R Graves Clerk — James Dicken Mod'r.

August Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday August 6th 1825.
Brother Absalom Graves Moderator

Two [of] our black brethren to wit Bill and Will belonging to brother John Terrill, came forward and informed the Church that they had entertained very unpleasant feelings toward each other for

[p. 132]
a considerable time, with evil surmisings and hard exprefsions, the matter taken up, and investigated, the Church is of opinion, that they have acted very improperly, and are guilty of sin. But both of them frankly acknowledging their fault is restored.
The Deacons rep[orted the Apportionment made out by them, by order of last meeting Amounting to $20.12 1/2 which was received and approved.
Brother George Gaines reported that the work of enlarging the pulpit as directed at last meeting is completed, and, that the cost thereof is $8.12 1/2 which was satisfactory & work received, and the Deacons is requested to pay him ten dollars for the work materials and trouble.
The letter to the Afsociation presented, read & approved.
Attest R Graves Clerk — Absalom Graves Mod'r.

September Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday September 3d 1825.
Brother Rob't Kirtley Moderator

Brother Aaron (belonging to brother Reuben Graves) informed against himself of having purloined some Bacon, and denied it when charged on him, the matter taken up, and he found guilty of sin, and made some acknowledgements but not satisfactory, he is suspended, and the case continued.
A letter of dismifsion is granted to Brother Robert Brown

Attest R Graves Clerk — Rob't Kirtley Mod'r.

October Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday October 1st 1825.
Brother A. Graves Moderator

A complaint by bro. Tom against Sister Frankey (belonging to brother Edmund Garnett) for the sin of fornication, the matter taken up & bro. Edward Graves is appointed to cite her to next meeting.
The refrence respecting bro. Aaron, taken up & he failing to attend and give any Satisfaction is excluded.
Letters of dismifsion is granted to the following members to wit Nathan Hubbell, Wm. Botts Catherine Botts & Tandy Mehanes

Attest R Graves Clerk — Absalom Graves Mod.
[p. 133]
November Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday November 5th 1825.
Brother James Dicken Moderator

The reference respecting sister Frankey (belonging to brother Edm'd Garnett) taken up, and she found guilty of sin, and neglecting to attend and give saatisfaction is excluded
Brother Jeremy Griffing of Lebanon applied for helps to afsist in the counsel and ordination of brother James Vickers to the work of the Ministry to attend that Church on Saturday next the matter taken up and agreed to send, and thereupon brethren George Gaines, Joseph Botts, James Graves, Reuben Graves & Robert Kirtley ^ are appointed / to attend and report accordingly

Attest R Graves Clerk — James Dicken Mod'r.

December Meeting 1825

At a Church Meeting of Bullittsburgh held first Saturday December 3rd 1825.
Brother Rob't Kirtley Moderator

Brother Geo. Gaines reported that the helps attend the call at Lebanon and that Brother James Vickers, was ordained.
Letters of dismifsion is granted to the following members Stephen Bullock & Jane Bullock his wife — Nancy Cave and Madison (belonging to A. Graves Jun'r)

Attest R Graves Clerk — Rob't Kirtley Mod'r.

[From the Boone County Public Library, Main Branch, Burlington, KY. Typed from the microfilm copies by Jim Duvall.]

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