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Bullittsburg Baptist Church Book
Boone County, Kentucky

     This list includes the 106 slaves (and their owners) who became members of the church as of May 1813. There are 113 slaves' names on the three-page list, but 7 of them were excluded and then later restored.

The owners are listed alphabetically.

Owner -- Number of their slaves who were members -- Slaves names in [ ].

Alloway, Archelaus -- [Frank]
Aloway's heirs -- [Pegg]
Botts, Roland -- [Clary]
Brockman, William -- 2 [Fillis, Liddy]
Brockman, William Jr. -- [Lett]
Bush, John -- [Silvey]
Cave, William, -- 4 [Lucy, Harry, Lydia, Milley]
Cave, John -- 6 [Adam, Fanny, Amos, Barnaba, Jack, Parker]
Christler, Lewis -- [Poll]
Christy, George -- [June]
Christy's heirs( G. Christy) -- [Jinny]
Craig, Benjamin -- [Patuner]
Craig, John -- 4 [Warrick, Tom, Nanny, Frank]
Craig, Phillip -- [Amos]
Depew, Abraham -- 2 [Jim, Cassey]
Dicken, Richard -- [Luck]
Early, Whit -- [Giles]
Flourney, John -- [Silvy]
Gaines, George -- 2 [Rachel, Kissy]
Garnett, Edmund -- 2 [Philiac, Miey?]
Glore, Michael -- [Daphney]
Goodrich, Widow Goodrich -- [Christy]
Graves, John -- 7 [Esther, Winnefert, Selay, Nelly, Roger, Ben, Juda]
Graves, Joseph -- [Roger]
Graves, Reuben -- [Kelly]
Harvy, John -- [Diner]
Hawkins, Jameson -- [Anthony]
Hawkins, Joseph -- [Rachel]
John Hall, John -- [Elimas]
Johnson, Cave -- [Alec]
Kirtley, Jeremiah -- [Curry]
Kirtley, Mary -- 3 [Reuben, Pippin, Milly]
Lindsay, John -- [Winny]
Matthews, Chichester -- [Fortune]
Montague, Cave -- [Jinny]
Montague, William -- 2 [Jack, Mariah]
Mosby, Daniel -- [Pharaoh]
Parker, Hannah -- [John]
Parker, Richard -- [Mary]
Piatt, Robert -- [Rose]
Robinson, Stephen -- [Ebenezer]
Ryle, James -- 2 [Harry, Rachel]
Ryle, John -- [Luck]
Ryle, Larken -- 2 [Essex, Phillis]
Sheppard, John -- [Kitt]
Souther, Abraham -- 2 [Jim, Ann]
Taylor, John -- 7 [Nanny, Asa, Ben, Dublin, Lettice (Lettie), Jacob, Judith]
Terrill, John -- 6 [Bill, Will, Peter, Jesse, Dilsey, Daphney]
Terrill, Robert -- [Lewis]
Watts, John -- [Massy]
Watts, Johnson -- 2 [Tom, Nelly]
Watts, Nathan -- 3 [Guy, Franky, Charles]
Whitaker, Thomas -- [Silvey]
William Cave, William, Jr. -- [Annis]
Willson, Christopher -- 2 [Alse, Alec]
Worrell, William -- 2 [Lizza, George]

     There are a total of 33 names listed on the first page of black members. Entries are from 1797, when the first black became a member, through April of 1801.

     A second list of the black members was made by the clerk beginning in June of 1801. It began with the following statement:
     "Whereas a number of the black members of this Church are dismissed by letter & for Constitution, which renders it necessary to correct the list of their names, Therefore the following is a true list of their names who now are members of this Church this 7th of June 1801"1

     The following three pages list a total of 113 names and goes through June 2, 1811.

     The next up-dating of the church roll of black members began on July 25, 1813. It is four pages, includes 149 names and extends up to November 8, 1819.

     The next list of black members began on December 28, 1819. It goes to July, 1832; it is four pages and has 139 names.

     On February, 1829 there is a one-page list of black members with the owner's name and the slave's name across from it. There are a total of 92 black's names and a notation at the bottom of the page indicating:

                                                  W 190
                                                  B  89 

     The next list of black members began on January 25, 1835. It is three pages with 109 names and goes to November of 1842.



     1 The new list was necessary because many Bullittsburg members left to join the newly constituted Woolpers Creek Baptist Church, which just existed from April 1801 until June of that year and then the two churches were merged into one again. To keep the records straight a new list of the membership was made at that time.

[These records are available on microfilm at the Boone County Public Library, Scheben Branch, Local History Section, Union, KY 41091. These records were researched and typed in 1998. -- jrd]

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