Prof. Roy Oliver Beaman
"By the small little which I know, My heart would help my brothers grow."
Vita in the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary Catalogue
Teaching Experience
Professor of Greek, Bible, Spanish, and Hebrew, West Kentucky Bible School, Murray, Kentucky; President and Professor, West Kentucky Bible School, Murray, Kentucky; Private Instructor in Sanskrit and Latin; Professor of Greek, Archaeololgy, English, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; conducted doctoral seminars, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; has studied and works in thirty-eight languages other than English.
Field Experience
Pastor of churches in West Kentucky. Pastor of West End Baptist Church, Paducah, Kentucky; Calvary Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida. Interim pastor of a number of churches during years of teaching; January Bible Studies since 1958, using own outline, in approximately one hundred churches and Pastor's Conferences in eight states; twenty-two Bible Conferences, four on "Biblical Eschatology."
Editor of Studies in Genesis and Studies in Romans; author of The One Chapter Books of the Bible, The Drama of Esther, and Job: Why the Godly Suffer; article for the Review and ExpositorThe Vision (publication of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary); about sixty articles in Southern Baptist journals; eleven volumes of mimeographed papers on theological and practical themes; mimeographed texts on Systematic Theology.
(See also Beaman Bibliography on this site.)
Papers and Lectures
Papers read before Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis: "The Sesquicentennial of the Discovery of the Rosetta Stone" and "Laws of Synonymous Study"; request paper read before representatives of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention: "The Values of Archaeology"; papers read before the Historical and Faculty Club of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary: "Historiography of Eusebius," "The Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls," "The Papyrus Discoveries"; paper read at four Pastors' Conferences: "An Appraisal of the Revised Standard Version"; lectures by invitation of Foreign Mission Board of Southern Baptist Convention in Antiqua and Guatemala Baptist Seminary; Distinguished Christian Scholar Lectures, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
Mission Tours
Six tours to Bible lands; has seen all major Biblical manuscripts except three; has traveled in thirty-five foreign countries.
The following material is taken from the Directory of American Scholars, ed. 3; the identical material appears also in ed. 4. This information is supplied by the subject of the entry, so all of the information is likely to be correct.
Born Murray, Kentucky 25 Jan 1904
Married 1933
1 Child [a daughter]
A. B. Florida Southern College. 1942
Th. M. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 1944
Th. D. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 1946
University of Louisville. 1945-1946
University of London.
Professor of Greek, West Kentucky Bible School 1925-1937
Professor of Bible, Central College, Arkansas 1946-1947
From Professor of Archaeology to Professor of Biblical Instruction,
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1947-
Professor of Greek and Theology Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
National Association of Biblical Instructors
Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
Dead Sea Scrolls
"The One-Chapter Books of the Bible"
"The Drama of Esther"