The Sunday School Training Course
The Sunday School Training Course prepared by the Sunday School Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board is one of the major means of promoting Sunday school work. Its influence is limited only by its use.
The six sections of the course include studies in Bible, doctrines, evangelism, Sunday school leadership and administration, teaching, age group studies, and special studies. The range of the course is broad, for the field of Sunday school work is broad and requires comprehensive and specific training. Sixteen books are required for the completion of each Diploma.
The study of the Training Course is not to be limited to the present Sunday school workers. Most churches need twice as many workers as are now enlisted. This need can be supplied by training additional workers now. Members of the Young People's and Adult classes and older Intermediates should be led to study these books, for thereby will their service be assured. Parents will find help as they study what the Sunday school is trying to do.
Write to your state Sunday school secretary or to the Sunday School Department, Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville 3, Tennessee, for a list 6f the books and other information.
Special Note to Instructors: During your teaching of this book will you check with the Sunday school superintendent and see if an accurate record of training for the workers is kept. If not, please urge him to set up such a file with an associate superintendent of training in charge. File cards for this purpose may be purchased at a nominal price from your nearest Baptist Book Store. J. N. Barnette Secretary, Sunday School Department Baptist Sunday School Board ============ [From P. E. Burroughs, The Baptist People, SSB of SBC, 1934 - jrd]
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