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"What is a Gospel Church?"
by Elder C. W. Rees
of Loyalton, California
May 22, 23, & 24, 1874

Standing in the midst of hundreds of church organizations, each claiming to be Gospel churches, how can we tell the spurious from the true? Or shall we admit that each organization claiming to be a church is a true Gospel church, no matter how much error it may have in faith or practice? And all that is necessary for a church is that it possess a certain amount of the religious element in its ritual and membership, regardless of ordinances, commands, precepts and practice. Or shall we take the other position, that all true gospel churches harmonize in doctrine and practice with the New Testament church and doctrine, and are today carrying out the same ordinances and commands as given by Christ and the Apostles 1800 years ago. And consequently, that all church organizations, no matter how venerable for age, admired for talent or numbers, forfeit all claims to be recognized as true Gospel churches, unless they harmonize with the doctrines of the New Testament. There we find a vast number of opinions, almost as numerous as the various members composing the various churches. The Papist fallacy claims to be the true church, extending back to Peter, at Rome, and perhaps the most corrupt organization on earth, yet the most tenacious as to their apostolic descent. While, on the other hand, the Pedo-Baptists are more liberal, recognizing everything as a church that claims the name, it has but an organization and form of worship. The Baptists claim that every true Gospel church must hold and carry out only New Testament doctrines and commands, or the claim to a Gospel church is forfeited. Thus each Gospel church in all ages and lands would resemble the Apostolic churches, and, consequently, each other. For Geometry teaches us that any two or more bodies resembling a third, must resemble each other. Men have been prolific in organizing human churches, and introducing human laws and ordinances, thus becoming schismatics and legislators in the body of Christ, in place of obedient subjects. When we look back over the pages of Church History, we find the Catholic church was organized in 606 by Boniface III, who assumed the title of Universal Bishop or Pope of Rome; but, mind, it was over six hundred years after Christ established his true Gospel churches. And we note further that the English Episcopalian church was organized in 1534 by King Henry VIII, the Lutheran in 1540 by Martin Luther; the Presbyterian church in 1541 by John Calvin; the Congregational church in 1602 by John Robinson, the Methodist Church 1729 by John Wesley; the Campbellite church in 1832 by Alexander Campbell. Now, you will mark, all these churches had a human origin and were not organized for over 1500 years after the New Testament churches were, according to the divine pattern, in Palestine.

If any one man has a right to found a new church, differing in any respect from the New Testament churches planted by the Apostles, then any other man has the same right, and we may have as many churches as theological opinions. You may always notice one thing that whenever a church had it origin in a man it always has more or less of human doctrines and forms differing from Apostolic precepts and teachings. Now we challenge the world to place its finger upon the man or the period this side of Christ and the apostles, when the Baptist Churches were organized. We notice a few marks by which you may know true Gospel churches:

1st. Gospel churches only receive persons to membership upon a profession of faith to Christ - Acts 9:26-28; Rom. 1:7; I Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1.

2nd. Gospel churches require persons becoming members to be immersed, following in the footsteps of Christ-showing to the outward world that an inward regeneration-a life divine-has taken place,--the new birth. We find only converts were baptized at Phillippi, (Acts 26:15-33) at Corinth, (Acts 18:8; I Cor. 1:13; I Cor. 15:29) at Ephesus, (Acts 19:5; Eph. 4:5) at Collosse, (Col. 2:12; I Peter 3:21; Romans 6:3).

3rd. Gospel churches require only voluntary members. That none should be made members against their will or without their knowledge and consent. Church members must "yield themselves unto God as those who are alive from the dead;" must have "a willing mind;" must give themselves to the Lord and then to the church.

4th. Gospel churches are distinct and independent bodies or religious republics, each one controlling its own ecclesiastical matters without being subject to any higher power but Christ, the head of the church. Hence we read the churches at Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, Rome, and the seven churches in Asia Minor, did so and so, each acting in their individual sovereignty, menial to no earthly power.

5th. Gospel churches alone take the New Testament for their guide. Hence human creeds and disciplines cannot be fastened on them nor placed between them and the New Testament, the Heaven given Creed.

In all these respects the Baptist churches of today are marching in the line and footprints of the primitive Apostolic churches 1800 years ago.

[Eastern Baptist Association of California and Oregon, Minutes, 1874. Document was re-typed by Robert Cullifer, Folsom, CA; used with permission. -- jrd]

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