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Middle Creek Baptist Church
[Boone County, Kentucky]
Letter to the North Bend Baptist Association

At a Middle Creek church Meeting the 2nd in September 1833 owing to the unclemency of the weather the helps that were Appointed to Bullets Burgh to assist in the Ordination Dit not Generally attend & The ordination was prosponed till the 1st Satyrday in October and from Request the Same Brethren will attend with the addition of E Hogan and J Hawkins that was appointed at last Meeting a greed that the Church Meet the Last Wednesday in this Month as a day of fasting Humiliation and prayer as Recommend by the aſsociation to Meet at 10 oclock — D Merrick Md

Church letter Recorded
     The Curch (sic) of Christ at Middle Creek to the North Bend Association of Baptist When Met at the forks of Gunpowder Boon Cty Ky the 3 friday in august 1833

     Sendeth Christian Salutation Dear Brethren in the lord we gladly embrace the apportunity of Meeting you again by our Letter and Meſsengers at another annual Aſsociation altho we Cannot inform you of any Unusual display of Divine goodneſs in Bringing Many from darkneſs to light yet we hope The lord has not forsaken us But has Afforded some Gracious drops of his pardoning Mercy to some pore sinners a bout Middle Creek some Months past there were some Hopefull prospects of Better times the members appeared in some degree a wakoned to a since of our languid state with a cry lord Revive us our Congregations were More numerous there appeared to be more Attention Some visible effects of the apperation of the spirit on the Hearts of some poor Sinners we enjoyed some Happy Meetings particularly when some of our neighbors and Children came forward and publicly owned Jesus as ther Saviour Some times we Hoped for Greater things but a gain we fear that this Little seson Has paſsed away as the Morning Cloud and as early Dew which soon paſses Away But we have Reason to Rejoice for What has allready bin don for us for if There is Joy in Heaven over one sinner that Repeneth Surely it ought to Be a matter of Rejoicing to the Believers in Christ Jesus while tabernicling in these low Grounds wher sorrow grows there are Yet some Hopefull prospects that there Are some fiew that is enquairing the way that leads to Joyes on High Dear Brethren we most sincearly solicit your prayers For us that the good lord would Revive us Good work a mongst us that many who set in Nature might be Brought to the Marvelous light of the Glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ we feel very thankfull an would Disire soto do that there has nothing of a Very distreſsing nature taken place a Mong us Since we last addreſsed you Brotherly love seames to exist which ought to be a matter of Rejoicing we are dependants On our Brethren for Ministerial and think of us Brethren and visit us as often as poſsibly Can the alteration in our Church since our Last is as follows By Baptism 5 By letter 1 Dismiſsd By letter 2 Deceased 2 to total 75 we Have chosen our Beloved Brethren D Merrick J Ryle E Hogan W Garnett Wm Huey L Ryle & J Brady to Bear this our letter and Sit With you in councill May the lord By his spirits presence Be with you all your Consultations and guide you into all truth and Keep from a mongst you erer and Grant you a happy Meeting is the prayer of your Brethren in gospell Bonds Signed By order of the church the 2nd Satyrday in august 1833

John Brady Clk
Wm Garnett Md

"2nd in September" means the second Saturday
Md = Moderator

[From the Middle Creek Baptist Minutes, September, 1833. This document was transcribed by .]

Boone County Baptists
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