Held at Bryan's Station,
On the 22nd and 23d day of October, 1812, at the
Request of the Church at Bryan's Station,
There being no legal Moderator, the Association was convened by the Clerk, and after singing and prayer, the following messengers appeared and took their seats:
From Tates Creek — Thomas Watts, Elijah Hawkins. Clear Creek — John Atkins, Geo. M'Daniel and L. Sullivan. South Elkhorn — John Parker, John Kellar, Peter Higbee and Samuel Ayres. Town Fork — Jacob Creath, Wm. Stone and Benj. Stout. Boons Creek — Thadeus Dulin, David Watts, and Samuel Boon. Forks of Elkhorn — S. M. Noel and Wm. Graham. Indian Creek — Isaac Munson, and Grisham Forrest. Mount Moriah — Samuel Jesse and Peter Withers. M'Connells Run — Thomas Herndon, Toliver Craig, jr. Moreen Duval, and Rodes Smith. Silas — Davis Biggs and E. Chinn North Elkhorn — Geo. Eve, Edward Dingle and John Thomson. Dry Run — Jeremiah Williams and David Kerr. Clover Bottom — R. M Thomas. Hillsborough — Thos. Bullock, Charles Buck, Edmund Waller & James Sullivan. David's Fork — Jer. Vardiman, Ed. Darnaby, Jas. Welch, and Abner Wilson. Mount Pleasant — Thomas Wilson, Abijah Woods and Nathaniel Morris. Mount Gilead — Ambrose Bourne and Joseph Scrugham. Union — Charles Webb. Beaver Creek — Joshua King. Bethlehem —- R. Atha and Joseph Adair. North Fork Licking — Levi Walter and Archibald Duncan. Georgetown — John Hawkins and John Branham. Mouth Raven Creek — James Swinford.[p. 2]
Brother Thomas Bullock, was appointed Moderator, and Charles Buck, Clerk. A statement, in the form of a letter was handed in from the Church at Bryans, as to the subject of their call, and appointing six of their body, to give any information of their steps; and these members then handed in a notice directed to the Rev. A. Dudley informing him of their call, and inviting him or others, to attend and substantiate the charges set forth by him against them — when upon motion, an invitation was given to any Church, or member thereof, of the Licking Association, to come forward and support the charges, and no person appearing to accuse — liberty was given the said six members from Bryans, to produce evidence against those charges; and upon a suggestion that perhaps some person would appear and prosecute by the next day, the Association then adjourned till 23d, at 9'clock. Friday — The Association met according to adjourment, and after singing and prayer, proceeded to take up the charges made against the said Church by the Licking Committee and by the Moderator of the Licking Association, as follows:
First. For signing and circulating a letter privately among the members of the Church, and thereby sowing discord and making a party in the Church.
Second. For encouraging too black members to go among the black brethren, to induce them by false representations, to send to the Elkhorn Association.
Third. For receiving excluded members.
Fourth. Ambrose Dudley denied to the Elkhorn Committee that the minority (so called) at Bryans, were invited by the Church to take their seats, and no questions should be asked. Evidence was produced that the Moderator of that Church did so invite, and that several members at that time did take their seats.
Fifth. For declaring themselves no longer under our jurisdiction.To this fifth charge these members plead justification. These charges were severally put and voted on; and this Association, from the explanations given and the evidence produced can see no cause of Complaint against the church.
A copy of the Constitution of the general meeting of Correspondence of the Baptists of Virginia, to induce us to adopt a like measure; which was referred for consideration.
Ordered that the Clerk have these Minutes printed. — Adjourned.Signed by order of the Moderator. Charles Buck, Clerk. ============== [From Elkhorn Baptist Association Minutes, October, 1812 - Special Meeting, pp. 1-2. The document is from SBHL&A, Nashville, TN and was provided by Stephen duBarry. — jrd]
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