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      Editor's note: The "f"s in this letter are changed to "s"s for easier reading. — jrd
Circular Letter, 1806
Elkhorn Baptist Association (KY)

     To the churches with whom we are in union, composing the Elkhorn Association

     WE have the happiness once more to address you by letter, and as have heretofore been addressed on so many different subjects, we think proper to address you on a general subject. What we have done in our associated capacity, you will see by our minutes. Dear brethren, when we reflect on the rise and progress of religion in this western hemisphere, we are ready to say, great is the Lord, and marvelous are his works, in this our land; therefore it behoves us to examine ourselves, and consider whether we have set a right value on these blessings, or whether we have been like Jeshuum, waxed, fat, and kicked, and lightly esteemed the rock of our salvation. We see some falling on the right and others on the left and some making parties of their own — it appears to be a time that Zion should be on the watch, for we find a time spoken of when there shall arise false Prophets, and false Christs, and they shall deceive the very elect if it were possible. — O! meditate on these things. If Christ be absent, all is night; but if Jesus appears, he turns all again into a lightsome day; for in Christ's presence, there is fulness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore ; Psalm xvi. & 11— this is the very height of Heaven's joy, the quintesence of glory, the highest happiness of Saints. — O, may our souls seek with Mary, seek and weep, and never rest satisfied until Christ appears. Let us consider how evident is the divine original of the sacred Scriptures, whose predictions and prophecies are daily fulfilling before our eyes, and how conspicuous God's care has been for his church in all ages, and how dangerous must it be to oppose her interest, corrupt her purity and disturb her peace. He who toucheth thee, says her God, toucheth the apple of mine eye; how carefully should a people, professing the gospel guard against declension in religion; remember from whence thou art fallen, says Christ to his churches in Asia; and repent and do the first works; be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, remember how thou hast received and heard, and how fast [?] and repent­ed: then with joyful assurance, may we look forward to the happy period when the kingdoms of this world shall submit to the government of Jesus Christ; the fullness of the gentiles shall come in, and all Israel shall be saved. Let heads of families stand within their houses, as priests of God, offering the sacrifice of prayer, and praise continually. Let your houses become as churches of God, let them be the places where prayer is made where God's word is read; and where suitable instructions are given. Happy is the family whose hearts are engaged in prayer to god; happy is the man who is

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the head of such a family; happy the members of a house which are blessed, because of the ark of God; happy the church which consists of such families; such a church is one great family, whose members are pursuing one common design, all builded together for an habitation of God; through the spirit, and going into an holy temple in the lord; until the great head of the church shall gather you into his heavenly kingdom, where the weary will be at rest, and the wicked shall cease from troubling; which is the prayer of your unworthy brethren in the best of love.
Joseph Redding Mod'r
John Price Clerk.

[From Elkhorn Bapitst Association Minutes, 1806. The document is from SBHL&A, Nashville, TN and was provided by Stephen duBarry. — jrd]

Elkhorn Association Circular Letters
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