--=[THE HAG AND THE YOUNG WOMAN]=-- by Normand Veilleux
A long time ago, Clara Fitzgerald requested an ascii version of
the drawing: 'The Hag and the Young Woman'...
_,adP"'\ "Y, _____
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d888888888888888888888=88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Normand 88
888888888888888888888=888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Veilleux 88
>><<It is important to note that part of the credit goes to Clara since
>><<she provided a copy of the drawing on paper and contributed
>><<comments to improve the ASCII version.
--=[PLANE TESSELATION]=-- by Felix Lee (fL)
O )) ( ( \ \_.-' \ O )) ( ( \ \_.-
\_.' | `. \ __ | \_.' | `. \
\#_/ `-._/ . / _`. \#_/ `-._/
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\ O )) ( ( \ \_.-' \ O )) ( ( \ \
| \_.' | `. \ ' __ | \_.' | `. \ "Plane
\#_/ `-._/ . / `. \#_/ `-._/ (FL) Tesselation"
-=[ VANISHING POINT ]=- - by Felix Lee
88.._| | `-. | `. -_-_ _-_ _- _- -_ - .'| |.'| | _..88
88 `-.._ | |`! |`. -_ -__ -_ _- _-_- .' |.;' | _.!-'| 88
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88 | _!.-j' | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._| `i-!.._ | | 88
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88-' | .' |.| |/| / \|`. |`! |.| |`-88
88 |_.'| .' | .' |/ \ \ | `. | `._-Lee| 88
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88 _.' !'| .' | / \| ` | `. |`.| 88
88 vanishing point 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888(FL)888
I s o m e t r i c C i t i e s - M e t r o p o l i a
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Matrix entry: stock@fwi.uva.nl
The next pictures are from a relative newcomer to ASCII art-
His works are extraordinary-- see this hypercube and other
shapes... Visit his website for more mathmatical ASCII art-
Platonic Solids, MATHSCII, knots and more...
--=[HYPERCUBE/PLATONIC SOLIDS]=-- by Michael Naylor
(2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional cross-section
of a 4-dimensional cube)
/:\ ,:\
/ : \ , : \
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+....:../:...+ : /|
|\ +./.:...`...+ / |
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|, | `+...:,.|...`+
+...|...,'...+ | /
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\|, `|/ mn, 7/97
Dodecahedron Icosahedron
_----------_, _-_.
,"__ _-:, _-',^. `-_.
/ ""--_--""...:\ ._-' ,' `. `-_
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/, _'_........./: ; / \ /..\:::
! -, _-" "-_... ,;;: ! / \ /....\::
\ -_-" "-_/;;;; !/ \ /......\:
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\ \ /;;;; '-_ `:!;;;;;;;'
'. \ /;;;' `-_, :!;;;''
"-_\_______/;;' `-!' mn
.__---~~~(~~-_. Straight from the Brain of
_-' ) -~~- ) _-" )_ Michael Naylor
( ( `-,_..`.,_--_ '_,)_ mnaylor@math.fsu.edu
( -_) ( -_-~ -_ `, ) http://www.math.fsu.edu/~mnaylor
(_ -_ _-~-__-~`, ,' )__-'))--___--~~~--__--~~--___--__..
_ ~`_-'( (____;--==,,_))))--___--~~~--__--~~--__----~~~'`=__-~+_-_.
(@) (@) ````` `-_(())_-~ mn
Another great optical creation is from Veronica Karlsson (VK):
(after the drawing "Waterfall" by M.C. Escher)-- Veronica Karlsson
.' `.
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|| || / /|-| |-._ `-._ `--._`-._|`-._ | | || | | |
| | ' || |\ `-._ `-._ ``---._ `| | || | | |
| - | | | || | \ | |`-._ `-._|`-._ ``-| |`-.|| | | |
_.-' | | || | \ | | `-._ `-._ | |-._ | |._ | |
_.-' | | || | \| | `-._ `-.| | `| |_ `-| |
| | | || | | | `-._ _.| | | | `.-| |
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| | | || | | |' _- _.-' _.-' | |
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| | | | || | `-._ _.| | | | `-_| |
| | | ||__ | | | `-._ _.-'|_.-'_.-' | |_.-' |
| | | | ._.-| |. | | `-._ _.-' __.---'' _| |
| | | ||/ | | \ | | _.-'|_.-'_.-'' _.-'|_.-' |
| || || | | .'| |-' __.---'' _.-' |
| | | | |.| '| |-'' _.-'|_.-' |
| | || _. | | | | | _.-' |
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| || | | \ | | / _| ' _.-'
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| | _.-'
| | _.-'
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_ | | _.-'
`-|_ | _.-' Veronica Karlsson
`-._ | _.-'
When I first saw this unicorn, I just said "wow"...
--=[UNICORN ON HILL]=-- by C. Swansiger
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\/ /: .::::./ -._-. d\| (_))_(__))
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\::).-' -._ \/ \\/\|
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.-' : '_ \ '-'\ /|/ @ @ @ % % % %
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( .-' )-._-: / \(/\'-._ `. @|@@@@@ ..|........
( ) _//_/|: / `\() `\_\ |/_@@ )'-._.-._.-
( ( \()^_/)_/ )/ \\ / / /
) _.-\\.\(_)__._.-'-.-'-.//_.-'-.-.)\-'/._ /
.-.-.-' _o\ \\\ '::' (o_ '-.-' |__\'-.-;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~/ /\
\ / \\\__ )_\ .:::::::.-'\ '- - -|
:::''':::::^)__\:::::::::::::::::'''''''-. \ '- - -
::::::: ''''''''''' ''''''''''''':::. -'\ \ C. SWANSIGER
These next pictures also made me say "wow"...
I like the architectural creations...
--= CASTLE ON PRECIPICE =-- by Stephen C.E.S.Wilson
. . /\ .: * . . .
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-*- * | ~-|U U U U|-~____L_____L_ .
: . . |.-u.| |..---..|"//// ////// /\ . .
. * |u | | |// /// // ///==\ / \ .
. : |.--u| |..---..|//////~\////====\ / \ .
. | u | | |~~~~/\u |~~|++++| .`+~~~+' .
|.-|~U~U~|---..|u u|u | |u |||||| | U|
/~~~~/-\---.' |===| |u|==|++++| | |
aaa |===| _ | ||.---..|u u|u | |u ||HH||U~U~U~U~| aa@@
aaa@@@@@@aa |===|||||_|| |===|_.|u|_.|+HH+|_/_/_/_/aa a@@@@@@
aa@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a |~~|~~~~\---/~-.._|--.---------.~~~`.__ _.@@@@@@a ~~~~
~~~~~~ ~~~ \_\\ \ \/~ //\ ~,~| __ | |`. :|| ~~~~
a\`| ` _// | / _| || | | `.' ,''| aa@@@@@@@a
aaa aaaa a@@@@\| \ //' | // \`| | `.' .' | | aa@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@a@@@@@@a ~~~~~ \\`//| | \ \// \` .-' .' | '/ ~~~~~~~ ~~
@S.C.E.S.W.@@@@a \// |.` ` ' /~ :-' .'| '/~aa
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ a@@@| \\ | // .' .'| | |@@@@@@a
a@@@@@@@\ | `| ''.' .' | ' /@@@@@@@@@a
--=[CASTLE ON ROCK]=-- Volker Hellmich
/ \
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_/(I | +-----------+ |. )\_
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`##########!\-#####%!!!!!| |\
__ /#####################%%!!!!/ /
/!!!!\ \ \~-_###########%%%!!!!\ Volker Hellmich
-=[ Small Village ]=- by Steven Maddison
~ ~~ __
_T .,,. ~--~ ^^
^^ // \ ~
][O] ^^ ,-~ ~
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; '/__\,.--';| |[] .-.| O{ _ }
:' | | [] -| ''--:.;[,.'\,/
' |[]|,.--'' '', ''-,. |
.. ..-'' ; ''. '
Steven Maddison
and while we're looking at 'small' ASCII art, here is
a little snippet from a great master of the small ones: llizard (ejm)
&(`)&& & &&
&& &\/&\|& (`)|/&&&&
&\/(/&/&||/& /_/&/_&
&(`)&\/&|(,)/& \/&&& & (`)
&&&&_\_&&_\ |& |&&&/&&_/_& &&
(`) &&&& &| &| /& & (`)& /&&
&& |||}
Y {||{
,~, ,~, ||}
))) ))) , -=-~'{`.-^- _
((((, .-``-. `}
\) \ (/\ /) {
(( \\=/ | (/
|/` \ / ))
(| (/ / \|
ejm98 -_ -_ \) |)
-- _-
-=[ Horse Jumper by llizard ]=-
~, O
' \ \~_\__ ~
_|_)_\_( )~~~
// /| \|\
()//| \`
|| ejm98
speaking of great ASCII horses, look at this work by Andreas Freise:
[KNIGHT AND HORSE] by Andreas Freise (a:f)
+ \
.>' (_--.
_=/d ,^\
~~ \)-' '
/ | a:f
' '
[CAMEL] by Andreas Freise
. :%%%. .%%%.
__%%%(\ `%%%%% .%%%%%
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%a:f%%\ % / \`% "%%% ` / \))
%(%' % /-. \ ' \ |-. '.
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-= [ Northern Lights ]=- by D. Rice
` : | | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : : :| . ` .
` : | :| || |: : ` | | :| : | : |: | . :
.' ': || |: | ' ` || | : | |: : | . ` . :.
`' || | ' | * ` : | | :| |*| : : :|
* * ` | : : | . ` ' :| | :| . : : * :.||
.` | | | : .:| ` | || | : |: | | ||
' . + ` | : .: . '| | : :| : . |:| ||
. . ` *| || : ` | | :| | : |:| |
. . . || |.: * | || : : :|||
. . . * . . ` |||. + + '| ||| . ||`
. * . +:`|! . |||| :.||`
+ . ..!|* . | :`||+ |||`
. + : |||` .| :| | | |.| ||` .
* + ' + :|| |` :.+. || || | |:`|| `
. .||` . ..|| | |: '` `| | |` +
. +++ || !|!: ` :| |
+ . . | . `|||.: .|| . . `
' `|. . `:||| + ||' `
__ + * `' `'|. `:
"' `---"""----....____,..^---`^``----.,.___ `. `. . ____,.,-
___,--'""`---"' ^ ^ ^ ^ """'---,..___ __,..---""'
--"' &nnbsp; ^ ``--..,__
D. Rice
from places to things...
perhaps it's due to the years pursuing an exercise physiology degree...
or maybe it's due to my interest in human anatomy...
or perhaps it's just because I think it's cool (and I like dcau's work)...
Here's another favorite:
--=[SKULL]=-- by Daniel Au (dcau) (WEBSITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE)
___ _,.---,---.,_
| ,;~' '~;,
| ,; ;,
Frontal | ; ; ,--- Supraorbital Foramen
Bone | ,' /'
| ,; /' ;,
| ; ; . . <-' ; |
|__ | ; ______ ______ ;<----- Coronal Suture
___ | '/~" ~" . "~ "~\' |
| | ~ ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-, ~ |
Maxilla, | | | }:{ | <------ Orbit
Nasal and | | l / | \ ! |
Zygomatic | .~ (__,.--" .^. "--.,__) ~.
Bones | | ----;' / | \ `;-<--------- Infraorbital Foramen
|__ \__. \/^\/ .__/
___ V| \ / |V <--- Mastoid Process
| | |T~\___!___!___/~T| |
| | |`IIII_I_I_I_IIII'| |
Mandible | | \,III I I I III,/ |
| \ `~~~~~~~~~~' /
| \ . . <-x---- Mental Foramen
|__ \. ^ ./
^~~~^~~~^ -dcau (4/15/95)