
Fall 1994
Edition of the Complete Guide to Cows!

Thank you David A. Bader...
         (__)    /               \ * OFFICIAL EDITION *
         (oo)   ( COWS COWS COWS! )
  /-------\/  --'\_______________/ * FALL 1994 ISSUE! *
 / |     ||
*  ||----||     Edited by David A. Bader
   ^^    ^^             
     Cow          BACK TO MAIN COW PAGE
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
                   /  __________       ______   \
                  /   |  (__)  |       | ___ \   \
                 /    |  (oo)  |       | | |  |   |
                /     |   \/   |       | |_|  |   |
               (      |________|       |     0|   |
                \             ______   |      |   |
                 \           / ____ \  |      |   |
                  \_________/ /    \ \_|______|___/============()
                             |  ()  |
                            cow - ravan
             >______\       vv    vv                                           
             >---   |       ||----||  *                                        
               |    |       ||     | /                                         
             >_|_   |      /\-------/                                          
             >----/\|     (oo)                                                 

                 (oo)     (--)                                                 
                 (--) \ /                                                     
                      / \ (__)                                                 
                 (__)     (oo)                                                 
                 (oo)     |\/____<                                             
          /-------\/      |   ---<                                             
         / |     ||       |    |                                               
        *  ||----||       |   _|_<                                             
           ^^    ^^       \------<                                             
                 | |_.   |--|.                                                 
                 --O  \  O--'                                                  
                / ' `\ /' `                                                    
               /      X \                                                     
               /__. ./_\\                                                     
               | _`v'   `v'_                                                 
               |'|-|    || |                                                  
               |        |,--                                                  
               |     /\ |                                                     
               |    |  ||                                                     
          (__)                                   (__)
        /   >>      ______                     /   ee      ______
       |  /\_|     |      \                   |  /\_|     |      \
       |  |___     |       |                  |  |___     |       |
       |   ---@    |_______|                  |   ---@    |_______|
       |  |   ----   |    |                   |  |   ----   |    |
       |  |_____                              |  |_____
  *_/\/|________|                       *____/|________|
  CompuCow Infected VDT Syndrom         CompuCow Just Before Asleep
::                ::
::    (_______)   ::
::   (  --  --    ::
::    \_          ::
::    / \   :     ::
::   /   \OO:\    ::
::  /         \   ::
    Moona Lisa                      Viva Cow Viva
              o (oo)
        / |     \|
       *  ||-----|
          ^^     ^
     Nelson Moo-ndela cow
    /   ^      ^   \
   (    O      O   )
   (               )
   (      \/       )
    \             /
     \---     ---/
         \   /
  / |     ||
 *  ||----||
    ^^    ^^
George Bush's Cow (Head to match ego)
 / |     ||
*  ||----||
   ^^    ^^
Dan Quayle's Cow (Head to match brain)
                              / \
                            _ \/_    ?
                           /     \  /|
                           |\    |\/ |
                           | \   |   |
                           |     |\  |
                           |_____| * |
                             v v     |
                         Papal bull
                            _ \/_ 
                           / | | \  /
                         / | | | |\/
                        /  | | | |
                           |_____| *
                             v v
                     Cow giving homoo-lie
 / |     ||
*  ||----||
Cow with a perm
                ||     ||
                ||     ||
                | ------|
              |-|     ----
         *----|-------|  |
                      |0 0|
                      (  )
                The Art of Tipping Cows
        -|- -|-
         |   |
         (o o)
 / |     ||
*  ||----||
   ^^    ^^
A Holy Cow.
              /|\`#   /| |\/
             * |~\/\~< ^ | 
               ||VV---- ||
               ||       ||
               ^^       ^^
             (or a `Poled' Hereford)
        ^    | * ^
         \   |/ /
          | oo |
        ^ | oo | ^
         \|    |/
           (  )
   Cow-a-bungee, dude!
                              |    _    |
                /\            |  _| |_  |
             /\/  \           | |_   _| |
      /\   /___    \/\        |   |_|   |
\    /--\/     \____--\       |_________|
   \/   /               \/\    |
    \/                     \  |
                    (__)     \|
                    (oo)         /)                 |/
                     \/   _____ /  )               / \
                    / \  /____-/---)--->           \_/
                   |   \/     /  )                (__)
                   |    |    /)                   (oo)
                   |____|                          \/----------\
                  / |  |                            | |       | \
                 /  |  |                            | |-----| |  *
                *   |  |                            v v     v v
                    v  v
           Swiss cows who repeat a very old story for the celebration
           of the 700th anniversary of Switzerland.
                                          (- -)
                                        // \ /
                           /-----------//   O
                          / |    ) ) )   |
                        _/  |    ) ) )   |
                            |_           |_
                            Annorexic cow...
         |__|__                        (__)
         (oo)  //  O                   (OO)
  /-------\/  //                /-------/\
 / | Mets|---//                / |     ||
*  ||----||  /                *  ||----||              (__) ||___||
   ~~    ~~                    ~~    ~~                (xx)/_______|
Baseball Cow                Earthquake Cow             Road-kill Cow
         /  \                    /-
        /(__)\                  /     )__)                   {__}
        \(oo)/|                  \    (oo)                   {++}
  /-------\// |              /---------\_()          /*-----*/>/
 / |     ||/  *             /     |       |         /%      ||
*  ||----||                |_/\______/\___|        *++COW----;
   ~~    ~~                  \/      \/             !!      !!
College Graduate        Convertible Cow              C CowCow
           (__)  o                  (__)
           (oo)  o                  (oo)
|\ /|     /-\/ o            /////////\/
| V |----/   |             / ||||||||
 \          /\\           *  ||\\\\||
  \________/                 ==    ==
   Sea Cow                Skeleton Cow
Base-cow-ball players
       (__)      __            | |   (__)
       (oo)     |  )           | |   (oo)
     /--\/--\   |/             | |   /\/\
   /  |    |  \/                V__/ |/ |
  |   |    |                    |___/|__|
     ---  ---                   "   /    \
     | |  | |                      |      |
     | |  | |                      |      |   -------------
     catcher (cowtcher)            batter
                      (o o)
                     /    \
                    / (^v^) \
                  /          \
                 /  |-------|  \
                     ||   ||
                     ||   ||
                    ***   ***
                BAT COW!!!!!
                (  )
             |        --------------
             |        --------------
 ___________/         \_______________
{OO  o     o      o     o     o     OO }
{OO     o      o     o     o     o  OO }
           Cow-weit Forces
                    | OLE |
     \        (__)  \/----
      \       (OO)
   |    +    ||
   ||        || Cow-rida
   ~~        ~~
              ____       _  _
             /          // //                    /
            /    (__)  // // o _,  __  __.  _   /_  __  ,
           (____/(oo)_</_</_<_(_)_/ (_(_/|_/_)_/ /_/ (_/_
                  \/           /|         /           /
                              |/         '           '
              . oo .
              (*@*o)                   (__)
               (oo)                    (oo|
        /-------\/              /-------\  \
       / |     ||              / |     ||\__|
      *  ||--vv||             *  ||----||
         ^^    ^^                ^^    ^^
      Cowman Miranda            Cowifornia
 / |     ||
*  ||----||          Wallenda's Cow
   vv    vv
  /-------\/       Wallenda's Cow tries
 / |     ||        a more difficult
*  ||----|--<      exercice on the rope
   vv    v
*        (__)
 \       (oo)
  \-------\/       Wallenda's Cow tries
   |     ||        an even more difficult
<--|-----|--<      exercice on the rope
   v     v
            /\/       Wallenda's cow tries
      *    /  \__     an impossible thing:
       \  /   /\ \    it's the first cow
        \/   /  \ ^   standing on a rope
       v \  /    ^    ten meters over the
        \ \/          soil with only one leg!
         \/|          (and without any net!)
           |           v
            Wallenda's cow is the first cow
            falling for ten meters in front
            of hundreds of spectators...
      /           \/
         (  )
 / |     ||
*  ||----||       Blind Cow
   ||    ||
   ^^    ^^
              /)  \\
             ( \  / |   __
             |  \_ /__/   \- - - - -  - ~ ~ ~ ~ \\
             /                                   |\\
            ( *                         (         )||
            |    ___       )             \        ; \\
            (__/    \      /_              \      ]  (C
                     \   /  \_   _ _  _ _  \    /   &&
                     /| |                !\ :  |
                    \ | |                 ; |  /
                     \| |                 : | |
                     /..\                /./..\
  v###Compressed cow###v
Same, transmitted over a serial communication line
|NEW!    |
|  (__)  |
|  |oo|  |   Liophilized cows
|   \/   |   (easy to sell).
|Just add|
| water! |
|/o|   Pirate's cow, remaining with one eye. 
  |       |
  | (___) |
  | (o o) |
  |  \ /  |
  |   O   |
Cow-ver girl
         / \
       (/ * \)
       |  *  |
 / |     ||
*  ||----||
       |      |
       | (__) |    (cow-headset)
  /-------\/ /
*  ||----||
                        \    |\
                        |\   ||
                        | ^/ |^
                         |  |
                         |  |
                         ^  ^
                     Pee Wee's Cow
                           (__)  __________
                           (- 0()__________() <---------
                   / |     ||
                  *  ||----||
                     ~~    ~~           Tycow Brahe (1546-1601) 
                                      I don't want to, like, offend
                                    anybody, but are we comfortable
                                  . with Ptolemy (367-283 BC)? I
                                 .  mean, it's been over a thousand
                           (__) .   years since we had a new idea 
                            ??      on the solar system, and the
                    /-------\/      church needs a new heresy...
                   / |     ||
                  *  ||----||     
                     ~~    ~~
                                       Cowpernicus (1473-1543)                 
          /_________________________ \      Well, I guess it beats
         /|    _    _                |\   thumb screws and the rack.
          |   |_|  |_|          .....|....Are you SURE you can't 
          |              (__) .      |    spare a moment to look
          |              [..]        |    through my telescope??
          |       /-------\/    ---  |    Can I call at least call
          |      / |     ||    |   | |    Domino's?
          |    *   ||----||    |o  | |
          |        ^^    ^^    |   | |
                                       Cowlileo Cowlilei (1564-1642)
                                       (post-Inquisition Hearings)
                        oo      "Vielen Danke, Herr Brahe."
               / |     ||
              *  ||----||
                 ^^    ^^               Johannes Cowpler (1571-1630)
                 /|          /|
                /||         /||                ^     
               /.||        /.||                 ^ ^^
              /..||       /(_||_)
             /...||      /...||
            /____||     /....||        (__)
                 ||    /.....||         oo 
                 ||   / _____|| /-------\/
                 ||          ||/ |     ||           
              \   o   o    o    o    o    /        
         ~~~~~ \    o   o    o    o      /~~~~~~     
       ~~~~~~~~|| ~ ~ ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              Cowlumbus (1451-1506) 
              (Historical inaccuracy: sails were actually
               /(__)-----/ /    "...and that one word is: Be
              /  oo     ||/      prepared."
             *   \/ ----||   
          ^^                 ^^
              J. Danforth Cowayle
             / ||    || \
            *  ||----||  *      "...(expletive deleted)..."   
               ^^    ^^                                      
               Richard Milkhouse Nixon
Vegetarian Motto:
                   (__)                       _--------_
                   (OO)         /            |__________|
            /-------\/     ____/___           XXXXXXXXXX
          / |     ||       ___/____          __________
         *  ||----||        /                |_        _|
            ^^    ^^       /                   --------
               /   /    \   \                                         /   /
              /   /      \   \                                       /   /
             /   /        \   \                                     /   /
             -oo-          -oo-                                     -oo-
         (__)//              \\(__)              (------)       (__)//
         (oo)                  (oo)              ( OOPS ) . . . (oo)
         /\/\                  /\/\              (------)       /\/\
        /   /                  \   \                           /   /
       /   /                    \   \                         /   /
       ----                      ----                        ----
     /  //                        \\  \                     /  //
    *  ^^                          oo  *                   *  ^^

                                   * \\
                                     \   \
                                      \   \
                                       \/\/                    (__)
                                       (oo)\\             -----(??)
                                       (~~) ^^   ________/________\_____
   Cow on trapeze               Cow Catcher             Not Cow Catcher
  (__)                    |~~|                  /                \
  (oo)                    |  |                 /   o    o    o    \
  /\/\                    ~~~|                /                    \
  \   \==<----------------------------------------------------------- /
   \   \                      \                                      /
   /----                       \                                    /
  /    \\                       \                                  /
 * `----^^----' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Water skiing cow behind cow-bin cruiser
       (__)             (__)                   (__)
       (oo)  o       o  (oo)  o                (oo)
       /\/\ /         \ /\/\ /                 /\/\
     /|    |           |    |                 |    |
    ----------         |    |                 |    |
     |      |          |____|                 |____|
     |      |            ||                     ||
     |      |            ^^                     ^^
                      Victorious       Cow politician caught
  Politician Cow    politician cow          in the act
                                                |                |
                                       ---------   AAAAAAAAAAH!!
                             (     )            |                |
                             -------            ------------------
                            (       )
                           /         \
                          /           \
                         :             :
                         :             :
                         :      *      :
                         \            /
                          :  :    :   :
                          :  :    :   :
                          ----    -----
                         -.                         .-
                     _..-'(         (___)           )`-.._
                  ./'. '||\\.       (o o)         .//||` .`\.
               ./'.|'.'||||\\|..     \ /      ..|//||||`.`|.`\ .
            ./'..|'.|| |||||\`````` '||||` ''''''/||||| ||.`|..`\.
          ./'.||'.|||| ||||||||||||.||||||.|||||||||||| ||||.`||.`\.
         /'|||'.|||||| ||||||||||||{||||||}|||||||||||| ||||||.`|||`\
        '.|||'.||||||| ||||||||||||{||||||}|||||||||||| |||||||.`|||.`
       '.||| ||||||||| |/'   ``\||``||||||''||/''   `\| ||||||||| |||.`
       |/' \./'     `\./         \!|\||||/|!/         \./'     `\./ `\|
       V    V         V          }' `\||/' `{          V         V    V
       `    `         `               \/               '         '    '
Bull owned by Clarence Thomas,also known as "Long Dong Cow":
   / |  ___||
  /  ||\\  ||
 *   ~~ \\ ~~
         (__)    /                        \
         (\/)   (       Muu- san !         )
  /-------\/  --'\________________________/
 * |     ||
   ww    ww
            Japanese Cow
            \    /
     / |     ||
    *  ||----||
       WW    WW
 Cow crossed with a Deer
                        ______   _____________________________
      (__)               I    \  |         (__) (__)         |   ______________
      (oo)              Loove  \ |         ( oo oo )         |--( Loove yoo too
<======\/======>       Yoo Babe )| /--------\_| |_/-------\  |   --------------
    | .  . |          _________/ | |_____  |      |  _____|  |
    |      |                     | ||     ||       ||    ||  |
    \      /                      wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
     | db |                      U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
       ||                     (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
       ^^                  (__)  (__) (__)  (__)  (__)(__) (__) (__)
  Bull flashing         A group of cows in a theatre watching "Love Story"
            (O O)
        ~  _/\ /\_  ~
        \\/   O   \//
"Where's the beef?", 
in honor of Clara Peller of Wendy's advertisement fame?
            \||||/               __||__                     _||_
             (oo)                 (oo) `,                   (oo)
      /-------\/           /-------\/                /-------\/  ()
     / |     ||           / |     ||                / |     ||  /
    *  ||----||          *  ||----||               *  ||----| \/
       ^^    ^^             ^^    ^^                  ^^    ^  ^
     Scared cow           M. Degrees Cow             Cooker cowMoscow Moup
                                    |                    /\
                                  / ^ \                 / / __
                                /       \               \/\/  \
                              /           \                \   )
             _=_             (^^^^^^^^^^^^^)               _\_/
      ||====/   \             \^^^^^^^^^^^/               //  \
         __/_____\___          \    H    /               //    \
        /()()()()()()\          |       |
       |()          ()|         | H   H |
        \()()()()()()/          |       |
         ------------           |   H   |
                                |       |
         (__)                   | H   H |            _________
         (oo)  ( Moup )         |       |          /        /
  /-------\/ -/                 |   H   |         / PRAVDA /
 / |     ||                                      /________/
*  ||----||
   ^^    ^^
 |                       |
 |  )       *            |
 |                       |
 |   *                   |
 |                       |
 |               (__)    |
 |               (oo)    |
 |        /-------\/     |
 |       / |     ||      |
 |      *  ||----||      |
 |         ^^    ^^      |
            /  \
       Home MOOvie.
          /--------------------------------- \/
         / |           NOVEMBER            |
        /  |                               |
       /   |                       1   2   |
      /    |   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   |
     /     |  10  11  12  13  14  15  16   |
    *      |  17  18  19  20  21  22  23   |
           |  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  ||
           ^^                             ^^
                         /|      |
                        * ||----||
                          ^^    ^^
                        Geordi LaForge cow
                         /|  #1  |
                        * ||----||
                          ^^    ^^
                        Will Riker cow
                         /|     )( S
                        * ||----||
                          ^^    ^^
         Deanna Troi cow  (with cow-leavage, of course)
                        (__)                    (__)
                        (oo)                    (  )
                  /------\/               /------||
                 /|      |               /|  @   ||  (on/off switch)
                * ||----||              * ||-----||
                  ^^    ^^                ^^     ^^
                             Data cow
                 front view             back view
                                (oo) "Klingons do not develop relationships.
                          /-\\---\/   They conquer what they desire."
                         /|  \\   |
                        * ||--\\-||
                          ^^     ^^
                         Lt. Worf cow
                         /|      O
                        * ||----||
                          ^^    ^^
                        Dr. Crusher cow
                                (oo)  "Engage."
                         /|      |
                        * ||----||
                          ^^    ^^
                        Capt. Picard cow
                   /  \
                                        ^  ^
                   (oo)                 (oo)
             /------\/                   \/------\
            /|      |                     |      |\
           * ||----||                     ||----|| X
             ^^    ^^                     ^^    ^^
                        your  cow-nscienceCow piccie:
                 |                         |
                 | I'm off this feed.      |
                 |                         |
                 |____    ________________ |
                      \  /
                        (__)                  (__)
                        (oo)                  (oo)
                 /-------\/    ____________  *-\/-------\
                / |     ||     \          /   / ||     | \
               *  ||----||      \________/   *  ||----||  *
                  ~~    ~~       ||    ||       ~~    ~~
                                        |                         |
                                        | I'm not. Yum yum.       |
                                        |                         |
                                        |____    ________________ |
                                             \  /
                        (__)                  (__)
                        (oo)                  (oo)
                 /-------\/    ____________  *-\/-------\
                / |     ||     \          /   / ||     | \
               *  ||----||      \________/   *  ||----||  *
                  ~~    ~~       ||    ||       ~~    ~~
                 |                             |
                 | What about mad cow disease? |
                 |                             |
                 |____    _____________________|
                      \  /
                        (__)                  (__)
                        (oo)                  (oo)
                 /-------\/    ____________  *-\/-------\
                / |     ||     \          /   / ||     | \
               *  ||----||      \________/   *  ||----||  *
                  ~~    ~~       ||    ||       ~~    ~~
                                        |                          |
                                        | Thats OK. I'm a penguin. |
                                        |                          |
                                        |____    __________________|
                                             \  /
                        (__)                  (__)
                        (oo)                  (oo)
                 /-------\/    ____________  *-\/-------\
                / |     ||     \          /   / ||     | \
               *  ||----||      \________/   *  ||----||  *
                  ~~    ~~       ||    ||       ~~    ~~
            <(   )>
              | |
            --   --
            |     |
            |     |
            |     |
  bird's eye view of a cow
                          *                          *
                          /\                         /\
                        (/__\)                     (/__\)
                /^^------(oo)              /^^------(oo)
               / |.      S\/S             / |.      S\/S
              *  ||\_____|SS             *  ||\_____|SS
                 ||      ||                 ||      ||
                 ~~      ~~                 ~~      ~~
                           " SANTA COWS "
                          w  (__)  w
                        x \\ (oo) //  xx
                     #XXX##~~#~#~###'~   x#____
                      #X|        ~~      |/    \
                       #|         `      |      |
                       `|   COWPUCCINO   |      |
                        |                |\____/
                        |                |
* * * * * * * * * *
 * * * * * * * * * *
 * * * * * *(_*) * * 
  * * * * * (*o)* * *
 * * /*-*-*-*\/* * *
* * /*|* * *||* * * 
* *  *||*-*-|| * * *
 *  * ~* *  ~*  * * *
  cow in snowstorm
"Merry merry, Cowmas!"
                       (o o)
                /-------\ /
               / |     ||O
              *  ||----||
                 ^^    ^^
            COW-munist Party Member
         (oo)                                (__)
        __\/__   /^^^\                       (oo)
       /|    |\_| o o |                     /vvv\
      |_|____|___\ U /               /------\MMM/
        |____|    |=|               / |     ||
        |    |     ^               *  ||----||
        |    |
        L    L
          *                  (oo)
           | Dear Moo,       |
           |   How R U ?     |
           |                 |
           ||               ||
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Darth Vader Cow
  /|      |
 * ||----||
 oooo   oooo
Cow on Roller Blades
        {  }
 /|      |
* ||----||
  BB    BB
Tetris Cow
         Y Y
        Y Y Y
       Y Y Y Y
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Cow balancing a tray of wine goblets on her head
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Don King Cow
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Don King Cow after getting an electric shock
        (oo)  "And the human jumped over the moon."
 /|      |                  (_)
* ||----||      (_)         (")
  ^^    ^^      (")      /---v           (_)
             /---v      ~|--|            (") 
            ~|--|        ~  ~         /---v       
             ~  ~                    ~|--|
                                      ~  ~
Bovine Nursery Rhymes
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Sinead O'Connor Cow
        /  \
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Conehead Cow
       /   /
      /   /                             ( )              
     /|  /                               |                        
    / | /                               /|\                    ( )
   /  |/               ( )               |                      |
  /   /                 |                |                     /|\
 /   /          (__)   /|\               |                      |
/|  /           (oo)    |                |                      |
 | /      /------\/     |                |                      |
 |/      /|      \===<  |               / \                     |
 /      * ||-----'      |                                      / \
/         ^^           / \                                 
Cow going people-tipping
        (  )
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Madonna Cow in "Dick Tracy"
 /|      ||      |\
* ||----||||----|| *
  ^^    ^^^^    ^^
Siamese Cows
 .| .   ..
* |.-.--.|
  ^^    ^.
Cow infected with Peoplepox
        (oo) "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
  ^^    ^^
Munchkin Cow
     | ___| \/\
     ^^   |\   \
          | \   \
          | |   |\
         /|\^   | *
        / | \   |
       /  |  \  |
      /   |   \ ^
     /    |    \
    /     |     \
   /             \
  /               \
 /                 \
/                   \
Cow hanging out on a 14'
 extension ladder
          / | \
         /  |  \
        /   |   \
       /    |    \
      /     |     \
     /             \
    /               \
   /                 \
  /                   \        vv   vv
 /                     \     * ||   ||  /\
/                       \     \|_____|_(xx)
Cow after falling off 14' extension ladder
 /| CHiP |
* ||----||
  ^^    ^^
Erik Estrada Cow
Endless Cow
                              /|      |
                             * ||----||
                               ^^    ^^
          (__)                                                (__)
          (oo)                                                (oo)
    /------\/                                           /------\/
   /|      |                                           /|      |
  * ||----||                                          * ||----||
    ^^    ^^                                            ^^    ^^
BiZarre Cow Triangle
        /^~~^~\                                 _____
        ( o o )                                |~~~~~|
         \( )/                                 | o o |
   /------\_/                                 =|     |=
  /(         )                         /-------\ ~~~ /
 /  \_||---||                         /|        -----
*     ||   ||                        * ||--------||
                                       ||        ||
   Mar-cow-icz                          Frankencow
        |      |
        | (o)(o)
       C       _)
   /-----|  '__|
  /|      -----
 * ||-------||
   ||       ||
   Cow Simpson
          (o o);
    /|       );
   / ||----||;
  *  ||    ||;
     PascowProgramming Cownstructs:
                      (__)   /  ++  \       \
                      (oo)  /   ++   \       \
   while ( !   /-------\/    | +--+ | --------   ) ;
              / |     ||     | |  | |  + + + |
             *  ||----||     | |  | |        |
                ^^    ^^
   /* Infinite loop (Loop until the cows come home)
    (oo)      __               (__)    --------    --------    \
    |\/|     | \|              (oo) -> |      | -> |      | ->  \
    |--|     |--\               \/     ||----||    ||----||      *
    |  |     |  |*                     ^^    ^^    ^^    ^^
    ^  ^     ^  ^
                              headptr    .next       .next    tailptr
    BEGIN    END ;           /* Use mooalloc to build a linked list */
                       (__)             __   __   __   __
                       (oo)             )(   )(   )(   )(
                /-------\/             (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )
       IF THEN / |ELSIE||            [ | M| |MI| |LK| |K | ]
              *  ||----||            [ (__) (__) (__) (__) ]
                 ^^    ^^            [_____________________]
    Elsie the conditional cow           CASE full OF milkLanguage Cows:
                            (__)                    (__)
                            (oo);                   (::);
                             \/                      \/     { ||
            (__)                     (__)                     ^^ }
            (oo)                     (oo)
    {/-------\/              {/-------\/           { /    { -------
    / |     |;               / |     |;             /       |     ||
   *  ||----|;              *  ||----|;            * }        ----  }
      ^^    ^^}                ^^    ^^}
      K&R COW                  ANSI COW                   COW++
   Ordinary cow        With forward declaration     Object oriented cow
                                              TYPE cow = RECORD
             (__)             ( ((__))          horns:  (__);
             (99)              (((,,))) )       eyes:   BooLEAN;
      /ADD HAY\/        ( /,,,,,,,\/            nose:    \/;
     / |GIVING|          /((     ))             body: bodytype;
    *  ||MILK||         * (((,,,,)))            tail: ^cow;
       ^^    ^^            ^^    ^^ )           feet: ARRAY [1..4] OF '^';
        COWBOL           Cowmmon LISP            PascowlCows on the Moove:
       /------------------ (__)                                (__)
      / |  MAYCOWER  <|  | (oo)                                (oo)
     /  |  MOOVERS  (__) |  \/              /--------*__/-------\/
    *   |             ___|-||              / |MU-HAUL|   |     ||
        -||-||--------||---||             *  ||-----||   ||----||
         ^^ ^^        ^^   ^^                ^^     ^^   ^^    ^^
       Should we hire it done...            Or do it ourselves?
                 (__)       (__)
                 (oo)       (!!)
         / |  10 | "          "|   9   | \
        *  ||----|             |------||  *
                  Cow Shaking Hands
                        Cow at 0.99999 c
             *  |  |/
             \__|  |__VV
                \  ___/
             //  \/  \\
            /__/  | \__\
             ^^   |  ^^
              |   |   |
                ^^  ^^
           Cow-llege Grad
               (__)                           (__)
               (oo)                           (oo)
             ___\/___                  /=======\/
            ()\_  _/()                / ||    ||
            () \  / ()               *  ||    ||
           //   |_|  \\                 ^^    ^^
          /    /\/\    \           Cow-prah (thin phase)
              / /\ \
             ( |  \ \
              \ \  \ \
              _\_\  \_\_
       vv        vv        vv           vv           vv        vv
      //  (__)   ||         \\   (__)   ||          //  (__)   ||
      \\  (oo)  //           \\  (oo)  //           \\  (oo)  //
       \\__\/__//             \\__\/__//             \\__\/__//
        \      /               \      /               \      /
        |      |               |      |               |      |
        |      |               |      |               |      |
       ||||||||||        Z____||||||||||____Z        ||||||||||
        //    \\         Z_______/ \________Z         //    \\
        \\    //                                      \\    //
         \\  //                                        \\  //
          ^^ ^^                                         ^^ ^^
            1.                     2.                     3.
                                  vv      vv
          (__)               (__)  \\    //   (__)               (__)
          (oo)               (oo)  //    \\   (oo)               (oo)
         __\/__             __\/__//      \\ __\/__             __\/__
       //      \\         //      /        \       \\         //      \\
      //|      |\\       //|      |         |      |\\       //|      |\\
      \\|      |//       \\|      |         |      |//       \\|      |//
       ||||||||||     Z___||||||||||       ||||||||||___Z     ||||||||||
        //    \\      Z--------||             ||--------Z      //    \\
        \\    //               ||             ||               \\    //
         \\  //                ||             ||                \\  //
          AA AA                AA             AA                 AA AA
            1.                2.                3.                 4.
                            Irish Cow-ntry Dancing
          (__)               (__)                   (__)
         ( oo )             ( oo )                 ( oo )
   /------ \/         /------ \/             /------ \/
  / |     ||   (ma)  / |     ||     (ma)    / |     ||     (ma)
 *  ||----||        *  ||----||            *  ||----||
                                                             (        )
          (__)                  (__)                 /\    @@ (      )
         ( oo )                ( oo )          \ \   \----(oo) | O  |
   /------ \/            /------ \/            __\ \__i---i\/__|    |
 / |     ||     (ma)   / |     ||     (ma)     ________________     |
   ||----||           *  ||----||                              |  O |
                       ( oo )
                /------- \/
               / |     ||          abunga
              *  ||----||
                                .( *- )
.                                 \ o/
            cow-lifornia         /----\ \/
                girl            /  OO  \/ 
                                \ /__\
                                                  /    \
                {^^^^}               / \        /        \
                {    }              /    \     (          )
               \{____}/            (      )     |        |
                ( oo )              |    |      |        |
              --\ \/ /--            |    |      |        |
              | |    |*|           |---------------------------|
              | |----| |           |  *         /\          *  |
               --|  |--            |           |  |            |
                 |  |              |-----------|  |------------|
                _|  |_                                   cow-munist
          /           \
        /  )  ^   ^ (  \
       | )  |       | ( |
       @@@   | ( ) |  @@@                             ___
       @@     | . |    @@                            (___)
             /  _  \                                  | |
            /  ) (  \                               __| |__
           |  /   \  |                             |_______|
           | )     ( |                             | (   ) |
           \ /     \ /                             | (o o) |
            V       V                              |  \ /  |
       The Ulti-moo-t Warrior                      |_______|
    \ \/  \/    /           \
     \/__\/    / Hey Rocky!! \             " T "          " F "
     |^oo^|__/ \             /
      \../  \/  \___________/
      /\/\  /                                   Bull-ean
    \ |^^|       
     |   |
     |   |                       _ _    _ _
     /\  /\                      ||||   ||||
                          (___)_/ / \__/ /  \
   Bull-winkle            (x x)             |
                           \../_____________/ \_______*
                            ()                                Cow-lapse
        |     _________         ____                _  \   ____     |
        |         |     |    | |     |     |\  /|  / \  \ |         |
        |         |     |----| |---- |     | \/ | |___|   |___      |
        |         |     |    | |____ |____ |    | |   |   ____|     |
        |   ___________________________                             |
        |  |                           |                            |
        |  |   Could I have  (__)      |                            |
        |  |   a refill?  -- (oo)      |                            |
        |  |           (_)] / \/ \   / |      __________            |
        |  |   |\/|      \/ |____| \/  |     |          |           |
        |  |   (oo)      _----------_  |     |          |           |
        |  |  /\\/_(_)_   ---____---   |     |          |           |
        |  | | |\__/                   |     |          |           |
        |  |_|_|_______________________|     | __       |           |
        |                                    |          |           |
        |                                    |          |           |
Drinks                                            |  |
                                                  |  |
                                                 |    |
     ) )                                        |      |
    ( (                              ) )       |  __    |
   _____           ______           (  (        |//\\//|
  |     |-        |___--_|         ______ _     |/  \/ |
  |     | |       |   /\ |        |      | |   | COWKE  |
  |     |/        | /\\/\|        |      |/    |        |
  |_____|         |_\/_\/|        |______|     |________|
  Cow-cow       Al-cow-hol      Cow - fee      Cow-ca cola
   _________________________   *
                           /    \_         (__)
                          /   \\  \/-------(\/)
                         /    ____/         \/ ____
                        |    |---------------------|
                             COW - MIKAZE*
 \          (oo)
   |  | | | ||
   ^^ | | | ^^
      | | |
      | | |
Cow in Macy's Day Parade
      ---\/---    /-----------------------
      |  *   |___@------------------------
      |      |    \-----------------------
      |      |
     / |   |
    /  |   |
   *   ^   ^Spider-cow
     |    |
     |    |
     |    |
     |    |
         |     |
         |     |
         |     |
Cow at OK Cowral
                   /A funny thing happended to me |
             (__) /on my way to the pasture.....  |
            / \/ \ 
           /|    |\
          / |  T___|
         |  |    |
         ^  |    |
            |    |
            |    |
          |  |  |
          |  |  |
          *  |  |
             ^  ^Stand-up Cowmic
             / \/ \
             | ()  |----\
       ______| ()  |-----\/             
   /   ---    |       /  \\ ---          
|[]  /     \ \ \     /    /     \            
    |   @   | \_^___/    |   @   |             
     \     /              \     /
       ---                  ---      
Hell's Angel Cow
                            (__)     (__)
                            oo )     (oo)
                              |  NPN ||
                              ^^     ^^
                            A BiPolar Cow
                A Cow in a snow storm -or- the Invisible Cow
      \                           \
       | Moosbury, TX ....... 1.28 |
        \ Cownton, MO ........ 0.36 \
        | Bullingham, MD .... 10.45 | 
        \ Cowlidge, VA ....... 4.56 \
         |                      ---- |
          \ TOTAL.............. 16.66 \
          |                           |
           \                   ^__^    \
           |                   (oo)    |
            \                   \/      \
            |                   Cow     |
             \                  Bell     \
        Son [wife/girlfriend?] of Phone Bull
        / |     |
       *  ||----||
          ^^    ^^
       Kicking Bull
        / |     |
       *  ||----|\_o
          ^^    ^
       Kicking Bull
       kicking ball
                 =|    *            .    .
                (==)  *              \  /
                (oo) *             ___\/___
             |--_\==*-\            | ____ |
             | /|  |\  \           | ---- |
             | \_\ \_\_ \          |______|
              \   \_ \__ \___       /    \
               \__  \__ \__ /
                  \__  \__ /
                Kicking Bull kicking back
        smoking peace pipe (Pipe of Trancowlity)
               /    \
              _\_  _/_
             / __  __ \
       Kicking Bull's brother,
             Swami Bull
          (___)             (___)
          (o o)             (o o)
   /-------\ /       /-------\ /
  / |     ||O       / |  ( )||O
 *  ||,---||       *  ||,---||
    ^^    ^^          ^^    ^^
     A Bull          Abominable          Noble
                 (a-bomb-in-a-bull)    (no-bull)
       /| Moo-serati \/
      / |___________||
     *  ||          ||
        ~~          ~~
          Sports Cow
         (~ ~)
         /- -\
        //   \\
       //|   |\\
        \# _ #/
         // \\
        //   \\
        ||   ||
        /|   |\ 
     Billy the Cow
            // (o o)\\      /     __
       ____//\__\./__\\____/   _
      /|>     |    _ |      \    __ -
     |   ___  |      | ___   |     _
     L_ / . \ |_____/ / . \ _D    __
        \___/         \___/
      /            /
     /            /
     \        (__) \
     |\       (oo)  \
     | \-------\/-----                          
     |  |            |          
     \  |            |
      \ |            |
       \|            |
       Schrodenger's Cow
         |                (__)       \
         |                (oo)        -
         |         /-------\/          \____    
         |        / |     ||            ____|    
         |       *  ||----||           /
         |          ~~    ~~          -
Famous American myth, the cow in the coke bottle.
+------------------< COWTRIS >-------------------+
|                                                |
| SCORE: 213                         NEXT: HHHH  |
|                                             H  |
|                                                |
+------+               .                  +------+
|      |            .  .                  |      |
|      |            .  .                  |      |
|      |         .  +--+                  |      |
|      |         .  |  |                  |      |
|      |         +--(__)--+               |      |
|      |         |  (oo)  |               |      |
|      |         +--+\/+--+               |      |
|      |            |  |                  |      |
|      |            +--+                  |      |
|      |                                  |      |
|      |                                  |      |
|      |                                  |      |
|      |                               (__)      |
|      |                               (oo)      |
|      |--+--+--(__)         (__)--+   +\/+      |
|      |  |  |  (oo)         (oo)  |   |  |      |
|      +--(__)--+\/+      +--+\/+--+   +--+      |
|      |  (oo)  |  |      |  |  |      |  |      |
|      +--+\/+--(__)   +--+--+--(__)   +--+      |
|      |  |  |  (oo)   |  |  |  (oo)   |  |      |
|      +--+--+--+\/+---+--+--+--+\/+---+--+      |
|                                                |
                                          " __"
          __              (__)             (__)             (__)
         (--)             (oo)             (oo)             (oo)
  /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/
 / |  || ||  /    / | 123 ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||w---|| /    *  ||w---||      *  ||w---||      *  ||V---||
   ~~    ~~/        ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
 Cow-a-bunga       Cow-q-later        Holy-Cow        Utter disaster
         (___)             (___)
         (o o)             (o o)
  /-------\ /       /-------\ /
 / | ****||O       / |     ||O
*  ||,---||       *  ||----||
   ~~    ~~          ~~    ~~
    General           Bull-it     Bull
                                 (  )
                                 (  )
                      / |        ||
                     *  ||       ||
                        ~~       ~~
                 Marge Simpson-type cow
    |    |
|     US     |
|-|        |-|
|-|        |-|
Cow in a tank|         
 \/||/----   |
This cow belongs to Greg Louganis
\ /----\
  ||  | *
  ^^  ^
Baby cow
(__)   (__)
(OO)   (OO)
 \/     \//
  \|  |==<| 
 ||  |   |  | 
 \/     \/
 ||     ||
 ||     ||
 ^^     ^^
  | /|
  |/ \/
Karate Cow
   ===   -\/
   ~~  &**~~
  (  )   (  )
   ~~     ~~ 
        |\                      ||
        |_>   A   A             ||
        |  \ ((___))            ||
        |  |  XXXXX             ||
        |  |X0(  ==             ||
        |  X\_|\_ |____________====
        \   /\|  \O      ______|\/
         \_   \\    ____/       OO
           |   \@   /      
            \    \\ |
            |********|      Cow-nan the
           /***\*****|      Barbarian...
            \   |   |
             \__|   |
        '\  /\  z_\/_o_
                  (__)                                     /|  \
                  ( oo                                ____/_|____\___
                  /\_|                                 )    |        )
                  \   ------\ ..........................)...]         )
                   \    -----\                           )  |          )
                    \    \                              )   |         )
    ` ` `           /    /                      _      )____|________)     _
   `  ` `  `       /  \ \                       ) -_________|____________- (
     ` ` ` `  `   *    \ \                       \               `  ` `   /
   `      ` `  _________^^^^______/               \            `      `` (
     A Cow skating water in Miami Bay with an incient boat. ( Sunny Weather )
                \     /
                 \___/            Cheshire cow
  ..        ..
  .          .
  ||  (__)  ||
  U   (OO)  U
  ^   /\/\  ^
  \\ /    \//
   \   H20 /
 (with test tubes and safety goggles)
                              / |     || 
                                ^^    ^^
                      (__)                     (__)
                      (oo)                     (oo)
               /-------\/               /-------\/
              / |     ||               / |     ||
                ||----||                 ||----||
                ^^    ^^                 ^^    ^^
             (__)                     (__)                       (__)
             (oo)                     (oo)                       (oo)
      /-------\/               /-------\/                 /-------\/
     / |     ||               / |     ||                 / |     ||
       ||----||                 ||----||                   ||----||
       ^^    ^^                 ^^    ^^                   ^^    ^^
                            Pascow's Triangle
                                          || \
                       __                 ||  \
 _____________________/ |                 ||   \
 \                      |            (__) ||    \
  |                       _/     o=====WW=]-) ||     \
  |                     /             || \/-------\  \
  \                     |              \\_||     | \  \
   \_                /        \---------------------------/
     \____   ______ |          \-------------------------/
          \_/      \ \          \-----------------------/
                    \_|  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                  Christopher Cow-lumbus
      (__)    (__)    (__)    (__)    (__)    (__)    (__)    (__)
      ( oo    ( oo    ( oo    ( oo    ( oo    ( oo    ( oo    ( oo       (_)
      /\_|    /\_|    /\_|    /\_|    /\_|    /\_|    /\_|    /\_|       oo)
/    /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/ /   \\/    >--\\
                     Cow eight on the Cownecticut River
                 /  \
                /    \
               /      \
              /        \
             /          \
            /       (__) \
           /        (--)  \
          /  /-------\/    \
         /  / |     ||      \
        /  *  ||----||       \
       /      ^^    ^^        \
      /________________________\        Warning! Free blind cows
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
                 | |
      .::.            (__)                          |           
   ..'::::`..         (oo)                          |           
  ;:' (__) `;.     %   \/   %                |     / \         
  `:: (oo) ::'     _\/|  |\/            {~}  |    /{~}\        {~}
   `:: \/ ::'   ~~\   |  |~~            =====o    \ - /    \  , -
     `::::'      ~~\  /uu\\~~~          | |        | |      \//| |
       ||        ~~~\ \  / \~~~         |_|        | |       ~ |_|
       ||         ~~~\ ~ ~  \~~~~       \ \    ,-----  (__)    / /
       ||         ~~~~ \   /~~~~~~      / /   *( |   `-(**)    \ \
       ||           ~~~~ \/~~~~~~      ~ '~  ;===|\___' \/===; ~` ~ 
   COWliflower    Cowlifornia Cow      Cow meets LAPD (Cowlifornia)
      >>>>>>======------THE "COW"NT DOWN------======<<<<<<
                  /------\/           TEN
                ./ |______|     
                   ||    ||   
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          NINE
                   ||    ||       
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          EIGHT  
                   ||    ||   
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          SEVEN    
                   ||    ||       
                   ~~    ~~
                  /------\/           SIX  
                ./ |______|       
                   ||    ||   
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          FIVE
                   ||    ||   
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          FOUR
                   ||    ||
                   ~~    ~~
                ./ |______|          THREE 
                   ||    ||   
                   ~~    ~~
                  /------\/           TWO
                ./ |______|   
                   ||    ||
                   ~~    ~~
                        v    v                    
                     >     -    <   <                      
                >        ~  .                                           
BOOM!              >   ( _ _ )   <   .   
            .   .      ( o o )     .      
              .       >       <            ONE
            >     /------\ /      <   .          
          .     ./ |______|   .                    
                   ||^^^ ||      .     <                   
             .     ~~^^ ^~~                              
|         ~~\                                                           |
|            |                       _____                              |
|        XX  |                     (/_____\)                            |
|        XX  /                      | - - |                             |
|        __\/                        \   /                              |
|       /   \                       _|\o/|_                             |
|      /     \                     /       \                            |
|     /                            \ \   / /                            |
|                                   \ \_/ /                             |
|        A                          |\_m_/|                             |
|          COW-MOO-NISTS             \___/                              |
|                                    /   \                              |
|                                   |     |                             |
|                                   X     X                             |
        _   _
       [ x x ]             I killed the cow.      
        \   /              
        (` ')
        / Ride   |
       <   or    |
        \ DIE!   |
                /                        ..#.    ...    .#..
               /                       .#. .#. ..   .. .#. .#.
               |                     .#.    /#..........#\   .#.
               |                           (  #.     .#  )     
               |  |                        (   #     #   )
               |  |                        (             )
               |  |                         \   @    @  /
               |  L_______________           (          )
               | /---------------------------(  ()  ()  )
               |/                             \        /
               L|                              \ (--) /
                |                               uuuuuu
                |                                    |
                |                                    |
                |                                    |
                |                                    |
                |  |  |                     |  |  |  |
                |  |  |---------------------|  |  |-/
                |  |  |   VVVV              |  |  |
                |  |  |                     |  |  |
                |  |  |                     |  |  |
                | / \ |                     | / \ |
                |-| |-|                     |-| |-|
                |#| |#|     COWASOCKI       |#| |#|
                |#| |#|                     |#| |#|
                |#| |#|                     |#| |#|
                 --O--                       --O--
         }__{    /                        \
         (00)   (                          )
  :****** \/ ==='\________________________/'
 : #     ##
   ##****##  (Silent cow)
   ""    ""
                                              *      *
                                          .  ##  .... ##. .
                                      .  .. ##  ... ...  ##  ..
                                   .'      ##               ##  '.
                                  .        ##                ##   .
                                ' .        ###              ###   . '
                                  '.   .   .### .. #### .. ###   .'
                                    "  .  .. . .  . . . . .. .. '
        / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++     /                 \
      /                                 ` {    '@'     '@'      }
    /                                     {    @@@     @@@      }
  '           H O L Y   C O W              {        \          }
 + !                                       {         \         }
 ++:       :                      :         \        \        /
 ++:       :                      :          {   ()    ()    }
++ :       :                      :            \____________/
++ :       :                      :           ! VW JIMMY WV !
+   :       :                     :            \------------/
   :       :<<+++++++++++++++++++ :        :/ ---\:        :
   :       :     :                :        :      :        :
   :       :      :               :        :      :        :
   :       : ------              :          :     \         :
  :________:                    : ________m__ :   :_____m____:
                                              *      *
                                             **       **
                                            **           **
                                           **               **
                                           ***              ***
                                           ****            ****
                                           .*** .. **** .. ***
                                          / /                \\
        / ############################+      {=====} {=====}  \
      / #                               ` {  : $$$ :=: $$$ :    }
    / #                                   {   \___/   \___/     }
  ##          H U M A N   C O W            {       /  \        }
 * !                                       {      /    \       }
 **:       :                      :         \    :      :     /
 **:       :                      :          {   () VV ()    }
** :       :                      :            \____________/
** :       :                      :             === 666 ===
*   :       :                     :                  P
   :       :<<################### :        :/ ---\:        :
   :       :     :                :        :      :        :
   :       :      :               :        :      :        :
   :       : ------              :          :     \         :
  :________:                    : ________m__ :   :_____m____:
                                      .            ..
  .               .  .                  ..        . .
   ..        .          .                . .     . .
  .  .    .               .               . .    . .
   .    .                    .       . . .  .    .  .
     .                           . .    .      .      .
       .            .                   .     . .    .
       .             .                    .*.    .*.
         .          .    Beauty Cow      .          .
           .      .                     .            .
          .     .                       .     .      .
        .   .     . . .  .        .       .  . . . .
       .  .       .  .    .     .  .    .    .    .
     .  .         .  .      . .     . .   .   .    .
    .  . ..       . . ..                  .   . .    .
                                          . ....  .....
         (__)    /                        \
         (oo)   (  Meet our great leader!  )
  /-------\/  --'\________________________/
 / |     ||
*  ||----||
   ^^    ^^
                                                   #            #
                                                  ##            ##
                                                 ##              ##
                                                ##                ##
                                                ##                ##
                                                ###              ###
        M     M    OOOO     OOOO                 ###   ######   ###
        MM   MM   O    O   O    O                #######    #######
        M M M M   O    O   O    O               #                  #
        M  M  M   O    O   O    O              #    ###      ###    #
        M     M   O    O   O    O             #    #   #    #   #    #
        M     M    OOOO     OOOO              #    # ###    # ###    #
                                   \\         #     ###      ###     #
                                    \\         #                    #
                                     \\________ #     ########     #
                                      \--------  #   # ##  ## #   #
                                                  #  #        #  #
                                         #########  # # #### # #
                                   ######              ######   ####
        ###########################                                ###
      ##                                                             ##
    ##                                     #                          #
   #  ##                                   #                          #
  #  # #                                    #       #         #       #
  # #  #                                    #      #           #      #
  # #   #               #                    #     #           #     #
  # #    #              #                    #    #             #    #
  # #     #            #                     #    #             #    #
  # #      #          #                      #    #          ####    #
  # #       #        #####                    #  #        ###    #  #
  # #        #      #   # #####################  #########       #  #
  # #       #      #   #                      #  #               #  #
  # #      #      #   #                       #  #               #  #
 #   #      #    #   #                        #  #               #  #
  # #        #   #   #                        #  #               #  #
   #          #   #   #                       #  #               #  #
               ##### ###                      ####               ####
                ###### ###                   ######             ######
|  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   |
| /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \ /   \  |
|                     \                            |
|                      \                           |
|                       \                          |
|                        \                         |
|                         \                        |
|                          \^    *                 |
|                           o\    \                |
|                            \\    \               |
|                             \\----\              |
|                              |    |              |
|                              |    |              |
|                              |    | /n           |
|                              |    / o|           |
|                              \\\\-\ o|           |
|                               \\\\  \u           |
|                                v \\              |
|                                   v              |
"Cow-a-bungee, Dude!" (bungee-jumping cow).
                        (__)     0                       ~~~~~~~~~
                        (bb)   /                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
     ____________________\/__/__________________      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     \                     /                   /   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                       /                     0
     Cow having second thoughts about kayaking in the surf.
           _____          \/ \\___________
          /     \    >--------|           |
                      >______/|           |\______E
Radically Horizontal Ultimate Frisbee Cow
* **            ***    
    &**  ( ___ )  **           *+
+         \o o/        *
**         \ /
****        U    *** +
+* **   %%%    **** ***        
A little peice of the Cowsmos
(Courtesy of Cowrl Sagan)
        (0 0)
  /------\ /
 /|      |O
* ||----||
  ~~    ~~
Cow in Gas Mask
  /------        \/
 /|      |
* ||----||
  ~~    ~~
Cow having out-of-body experience
 /|      |      (__)
* ||----||      (vv)
  ~~    ~~       \/
Post-Guillotine Cow
|     (__)      |
|     (oo)      |
|      \/       |
|  ==========   |
|   | ~~~  |  / |
|   | ~O~  | () |
|   | /|\  | /\ |
Cow mounted on wall
above fireplace
   /       \/
 |/      \___\    Tour de France cow
 _L__     _|_
 / | \ \// | \ 
         /| O O O \/
          || O O ||       Olympic cow 
          ^^     ^^
       ( | | )
        \| |/
        /   \
       /     \
       | o o |
       |     |        Milky cow 
       | \_/ |
                         \       (~~)
                         |\    |{(--)}|  /
                         |     |{{\/}}| /|           (~~)  ,,
                         | ___ \/|  |\/  |          {(--)}&&
           (~~)  ,,      ||   | .----.---|          {{\/}//
          {(--)}%%       ||   |( the  )--|          /|  //\
          {{\/}//        ||___|( herd )| |          \ /`'/
          /|  //\       .^.' `. .----..^.^.          {__/
        __\ /`'/      ------------------------      /   \
        \  {__/\___  |                        |    /    /
        ~.        '' |                        |   .~   .~
                          A Rock Cowncert
   |  __________________________________________________________________  |
   | |                       PASTURAL RESERVE NOTE                      | |
   | |  1  ()----------------------------------------------------()  1  | |
   | |   ()              THE UNITED STABLES OF AMERICA             ()   | |
   | |  )                         __________                         (  | |
   | | (                          ) /    \ (       L O5773915B        ) | |
   | | |                         ) ((___ )) (        grazington d.c.  | | |
   | | |   12                   ) ,       ,  (                   12   | | |
   | | |            L          ),,,  o   o     (                      | | |
   | | |                       ),,, \    /,   (                       | | |
   | | (      L O5773915B       ) __ \  /_   (                        ) | |
   | |  )  12   k.... s....      )    \/    (      z.... d...    12  (  | |
   | |   ()                ______  ========  ______                ()   | |
   | |  1  ()--------------      ONE COWLLAR       --------------()  1  | |
   | |__________________________________________________________________| |
      /|              |\             ________________
     / \              / \           }                \
     \  \____________/  /           \ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ \
      (                )             \ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ \
       \              /               \ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ \
        \  ()     () /                 \ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ \
         \ ___ ^ ___/                   \ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ \
          \        /                 /   \ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~.    \
        ___\      /___              /     \ ~ ~~       (__) \
        \\\ \    / ///             /       \ ~~ ~       \/   \
      ---\\\ \__/ ///---        (_()_)      \_________________}
           `      '            COWMAN                       The Cownstitution
      _______________   @@@@                         (__)  %
     /              /\ @@@@@@                __      (oo)  |     __    __
    /______________/  \@@@@@@               (__)      \/   |    (__)  (__)
     |            | ..| @@@@       U        (__)    {|  |\/|    (__)  (__)
     |            |   |  ||    /---V      ..\  /.. { |  | }| ...\  /..\  /...
     |            |   |  ||   * |--|      ........ {  ||  }| ................
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~              ""||"" |
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ~  ~  |
         Living in the cowntry                  Christopher Cowlumbus
    (__) vv    vv                    (__)   (__)   (__)   (__)   (__)
    (oo)//\\  //\\ *                 (oo)   (oo)   (oo)   (oo)   (oo)
  \\ \/ \ ----\\-//                   \/     \/     \/     \/     \/
   \\            /                   |  |   |  |   |  |   |  |   |  |
    \ --------------                 |%%|   |%%|   |%%|   |%%|   |%%|
     -,,---------,,-                  ||     ||     ||     ||     ||
                                      ||     ||     ||     ||     ||
                                     ~  ~   ~  ~   ~  ~   ~  ~   ~  ~
     at the Psycowlogist                     Group Encownter
          ~   ~
        /(  )--/>
       \\ ---~ //
        \\    //
         ~    ~
             @@@@ (oo@@@@(__@@
          /-@@_)@@-\/ @@@(o@@@
         / @@@o)@@@@@@@@@@\/@@
           Cows in the Fog
     |     ||
     ^^    ^^
   Manx Cow 
   (in UK cats with no tail are called manx cats)
                             |  |
                           \  __  /
                          _  /  \  _
                          _ | OO | _
                 __        /  ||  \
               _(__)_         ||
                (oo)          ||
                /\/\          ||
               |    |         ||
               |    |         ||
               |    |         ||
               |____|         ||
               /    \       __||__
              /      \     |______|
             ^        ^
Just your average cow on your average street corner...
express my appreciation with another politically incowrect cowntribution:  
                                 (       )
                             /     \   /
                           /   (   /{O}
                          /     \ /\o
                         /      /\_/ \____________
                        (     /       ############/
                        /\-,/         |##########/
                       | |  |         |#########/
                       * |  |         ----------
                         |  |         O        O
                         ~  ~
                                Bum Steer
     / |     ||
    *  ||----||
       ^^    ^^
     Skinhead Cow
    / |     ||
   *  **----**
       ^^    ^^
     Punk Cow
    / |     ||    
   *  ||----||
      oo     oo
Cow on a skateboard
     / | Zoso||
    *  ||----||
       ^^    ^^
   Led Zeppelin Cow
                      / /
                     / /
                    / /
             (__)  O O
             (oo) / /
             |\/ / /
             |  / /
              \   \                                (__)
               \   \                               (oo)
                \ /\/\                       *    / \/___O-----------
                 \|-\ \                       \  /   ____O-----------
               *__/  \ \                       \/   /
        ..,...,...,,..m.m.,,,..                 | _/
         High flying kiting cow                  \  \
                                          Low flying kiting cow
                          ?   ?  ?
                         ?  (__)  ?
                          ? (oo) ?
                           /   /_____O------------  -> Pull !
                          /   ______O------------  -> Pull !
                     *---<_  /                          / /
                         / /
     low flying kiting cow, getin' it somehow wrong....
     . .    .  .  .
    . .  . ..        ,------._(__)
    .  . .. . ..    * | \     ( oo
     .. . .  ..... mm====>----=\/====OO------------------
         The same low flying kiting cow after getin' it teribly wrong
       =      *         (__)
        =      \        (oo)
         =      \--------\/
          =     |      ||                     __@    =
          =     ||-----||__________________|_`\<,_   =
          =    (oo)   (oo)                 (_)/ (_)  =
                            Re:cycle-cowbegin 644 UUECOW
D("`@?'QU=2TM+7Q\#0H@("`@?GX@("`@('Y^("`@("`-"@T*)``enduuencoded cow
 -        -
|_         _|
              \o o/
               \ /
             /| - |\
            / |   | \
|              IRS           |
|                            |
|                            |
|                            |
  /                         \
 /  B U R G E R   K I N G    \
/                             \
\                             /
David Koresh's Cowsick? surely not!
                      /                      \
                     (  Je vous ai compris !  )
          __        /
         |__|__    /
         (oo)  ---'
 / |     ||
*  ||\__/||
   ||    ||
   ||    ||
   ^^    ^^This cow belonged to Charles de Gaulle
>> NOTE: When drawing new cows, please DO NOT use tabs! Thanks! <<
   -------     | This concludes the Fall 1994 COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS.
   | COW |     | It is in the public domain.
   -------     |
               |  ((THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED COWS!!))
Iconified Cow  | Please send me your COWS for the next edition!  When drawing
               | cows, please DO NOT use tabs - use only "real" spaces.



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