
Computer Related Items

Midi Controls
  • computer- 4 line
  • computers- 5 line
  • sitting at computer- 5 line
  • bald guy at computer
  • man at computer
  • woman at computer
  • cyber-communication
  • email box
  • Y2K Bug
  • Apple logo (McIntosh)
  • Windows logo
  • Linux penguin
  • computers
  • mouse
  • computer disk
  • Space Goose
  • Icons -folders,notepad, etc
  • sick computer
  • computer with sword
  • computer angel
  • cat on top of computer
  • dog at computer
  • does your system have bugs?
  • greeting card for Win95
  • "understanding the technology"
  • slow computer joke
  • cruisin' the info. superhighway...
  • ASCII-- "ass-key"
  • life in a fishbowl
  • the "ultimate" computer system
  • Y2K logo
  • 404
  • panic button
  • cursor "buy"
  • AOL logo
  • .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
    * tiny computer- 4 line *  11/96
           |-|  __
      jgs  |=| [Ll]
           "^" ====`o
             __   |-|
      jgs   [Ll]  |=|
    * 5 line computer *  11/96
    jgs  [ -=.]`)  
         ====== 0
    -=[ little computer ]=-  8/98
              ___ |=|
       jgs   :::::O
    -=[ person sitting at computer - 5 lines ]=-  12/96
                                 ~0  (_|
                                TT/_ T"T 
    -=[ bald guy at computer ]=-  4/98
                 .'   `'.
                /   _    |
                #__/ \--/ \
               (,  \'/ \\'/        .----.
                |     -' |        /|     '--.
                 \   '=  /        ||    ]|   `-.
                 /`-.__.'         ||    ]|    ::|
              .-'`-.__ \__        ||    ]|    ::|
             /        ``  `.      ||    ]|    ::|
           _ |     \     \  \     \|    ]|   .-'
          / \|      \    |   \     L.__  .--'(
         |   |\      `.  |    \  ,---|_      \---------,
         |   | '.      './\    \/ .--._|=-    |_      /|
         |   \   '.      '.'. /`\/ .-'          '.   / |
         |   |     `'.     `;-:-;`)|             |-./  |
         |   /_       `'--./_  ` )/'-------------')/)  |
         \   | `""""----"`\//`""`/,===..'`````````/ (  |
          |  |            / `---` `==='          /   ) |
          /  \           /                      /   (  |
         |    '------.  |'--------------------'|     ) |
          \           `-|                      |    /  |
           `--...,______|                      |   (   |
                  | |   |                      |    ) ,|
                  | |   |                      |   ( /||
                  | |   |                      |   )/ `"
                 /   \  |                      |  (/
           jgs .' /I\ '.|                      |  /)
            .-'_.'/ \'. |                      | /
            ```  `"""` `| .-------------------.||
                        `"`                   `"`
    -=[ man at computer ]=-  4/98
                .'     `'.
               /     ____ \
               |  .-'_  _\/
               \_/   a  a|
               (,`     \ |         .----.
                |     -' |        /|     '--.
                 \   '=  /        ||    ]|   `-.
                 /`-.__.'         ||    ]|    ::|
              .-'`-.__ \__        ||    ]|    ::|
             /        ``  `.      ||    ]|    ::|
           _ |     \     \  \     \|    ]|   .-'
          / \|      \    |   \     L.__  .--'(
         |   |\      `.  |    \  ,---|_      \---------,
         |   | '.      './\    \/ .--._|=-    |_      /|
         |   \   '.     `'.'. /`\/ .-'          '.   / |
         |   |     `'.     `;-:-;`)|             |-./  |
         |   /_       `'--./_  ` )/'-------------')/)  |
         \   | `""""----"`\//`""`/,===..'`````````/ (  |
          |  |            / `---` `==='          /   ) |
          /  \           /                      /   (  |
         |    '------.  |'--------------------'|     ) |
          \           `-|                      |    /  |
           `--...,______|                      |   (   |
                  | |   |                      |    ) ,|
                  | |   |                      |   ( /||
                  | |   |                      |   )/ `"
                 /   \  |                      |  (/
           jgs .' /I\ '.|                      |  /)
            .-'_.'/ \'. |                      | /
            ```  `"""` `| .-------------------.||
                        `"`                   `"`
    -=[ woman at computer ]=-  4/98
                .'     `'.
               /     ____ \
              |    .'_  _\/
              /    ) a  a|         .----.
             /    (    > |        /|     '--.
            (      ) ._  /        ||    ]|   `-.
            )    _/-.__.'`\       ||    ]|    ::|
           (  .-'`-.   \__ )      ||    ]|    ::|
            `/      `-./  `.      ||    ]|    ::|
           _ |    \      \  \     \|    ]|   .-'
          / \|     \   \  \  \     L.__  .--'(
         |   |\     `. /  /   \  ,---|_      \---------,
         |   `\'.     '. /`\   \/ .--._|=-    |_      /|
         |     \ '.     '._ './`\/ .-'          '.   / |
         |     |   `'.     `;-:-;`)|             |-./  |
         |    /_      `'--./_  ` )/'-------------')/)  |
         \   | `""""----"`\//`""`/,===..'`````````/ (  |
          |  |            / `---` `==='          /   ) |
          /  \           /                      /   (  |
         |    '------.  |'--------------------'|     ) |
          \           `-|                      |    /  |
           `--...,______|                      |   (   |
                  | |   |                      |    ) ,|
                  | |   |                      |   ( /||
                  | |   |                      |   )/ `"
                 /   \  |                      |  (/
           jgs .' /I\ '.|                      |  /)
            .-'_.'/ \'. |                      | /
            ```  `"""` `| .-------------------.||
                        `"`                   `"`
    -=[ cyber communication ]=-  7/97
                 _                                      _
            ~0  (_|  . - ' - . _ . - ' - . _ . - ' - . |_)  O
           |(_~|^~~|                                  |~~^|~_)|
           TT/_ T"T                                    T"T _\HH
    -=[ computers ]=-  4/00
                          _                      _
                   _     /||       .   .        ||\     _
                  ( }    \||D    '   '     '   C||/    { %
                | /\__,=_[_]   '  .   . '       [_]_=,__/\ |
                |_\_  |----|                    |----|  _/_|
                |  |/ |    |                    |    | \|  |
            jgs |  /_ |    |                    |    | _\  |
    -=[ email mailbox ]=-  tweak 7/00
                |     |
                | .---'
          (\-.--| |-----------.
         / \) \ | |            \
         |:.  | | |             |
         |:.  | |o| E - M A I L |
         |:.  | `"`             |
         |:.  |_  __   __ _  __ /
             jgs   |= |
    -=[ millenium bug ]=-  12/98
                       _ _       \ \
            .-"""""-. / \_> /\    |/
           /         \.'`  `',.--//
         -(    Y2K    I      I  @@\
           \         /'.____.'\___|
            '-.....-' __/ | \   (`)
        jgs          /   /  /
                         \  \
     -=[ Y2K bug ]=-  
                                  .--.       .--.
                              _  `    \     /    `  _
                               `\.===. \.^./ .===./`
                                   ,  | y2k |  ,
                                  / `\|;-.-'|/` \
                                 /    |::\  |    \
                              .-' ,-'`|:::; |`'-, '-.
                                  |   |::::\|   | 
                                  |   |::::;|   |
                                  |   \:::://   |
                                  |    `.://'   |
                          jgs    .'             `.
                              _,'                 `,_
    ** Apple Logo-McIntosh  **  10/96 
                .88888888888. .88888888888.
          jgs    `#######################'
                     `""""""'  `"""""'
     -=[ Windows logo ]=-  10/98
          |          _       |
          |      _.-'|'-._   |
          | .__.|    |    |  |
          |     |_.-'|'-._|  |
          | '--'|    |    |  |
          | '--'|_.-'`'-._|  |
       jgs| '--'          `  |
    -=[ Windows logo ]=-  9/00
             '-..-'|   ||   |
             '-..-'|   ||   |
       jgs   '-..-'|_.-''-._|
    -=[ Linux penguin ]=-  2/98
             .'     '.
            /  _   _  \
            | (o)_(o) |
             \(     ) /
             //'._.'\ \
            //   .   \ \
           ||   .     \ \
           |\   :     / |
           \ `) '   (`  /_
         _)``".____,.'"` (_
    jgs  )     )'--'(     (
          '---`      `---`
               ,-'   '-.
              /  _   _  \
              | (o)_(o) |
              \ .-""-.  /
             //   :    ; \
            //. - '' -.|  |
           /:    :     |  |
          | |   :     ,/  /,
    jgs  _;'`-, '     |`.-' `\
        )     `\.___./;     .'
        '.__    )----'\__.-'
                 8'    .88       
                 8`._.' Y8.      
                d/      `8b.     
              .dP   .     Y8b.    
             d8:'   "   `::88b.   
            d8"           `Y88b   
           :8P     '       :888   
            8a.    :      _a88P   
          ._/"Yaa_ :    .| 88P|   
     jgs  \    YP"      `| 8P  `. 
     a:f  /     \._____.d|    .'  
    -=[ little Linux penguin ]=-  1/99
               /     \
              //  _  \\
             | \     )|_
            /`\_`>  <_/ \
    -=[ computers ]=-  3/97
               ||         ||
               ||         ||
               ||         ||
                `)__ ____('
                [=== -- o ]--.
              __'---------'__ \
         jgs [::::::::::: :::] )
                 /          /|
                /__________/ |
               |.---------.| |
               ||         || |
               ||         || |
               ||         || |
                `)__ _____(']
                [=== -- o ]/--.
              __'---------'__  \
         jgs [::::::::::: :::]  )
              `""'"""""'""""` /T\
    -=[ computer system ]=-  1/99
                                 | ___  o|
                                 |[_-_]_ |
              ______________     |[_____]|
             |.------------.|    |[_____]|
             ||            ||    |[====o]|
             ||            ||    |[_.--_]|
             ||            ||    |[_____]|
             ||            ||    |      :|
             ||____________||    |      :|
         .==.|""  ......    |.==.|      :|
         |::| '-.________.-' |::||      :|
         |''|  (__________)-.|''||______:|
            /:::::::::::'':::\`;'-.-.  `\
           /::=========.:.-::"\ \ \--\   \
           \`""""""""""""""""`/  \ \__)   \
        jgs `""""""""""""""""`    '========'
    -=[ computer system ]=-  9/00
                             | ______o|
             _______________ ||__---_||
            |  ___________  || ______ |
            | |           | |||______||
            | | #         | ||--------|
            | |           | ||      O |
            | |           | ||      | |
            | '-----------' ||      | |
            |_____________-_||      | |
              __/_______\__  |::::::::|
            /:::::::::':::'::\ .\\\---.
        jgs/::======::: .:.:::\ \\_)   \
           `""""""""""""""""""`  '-----'
    -=[ computer ]=-  2/01
             .---------. | == |
             |.-"""""-.| |----|
             ||       || | == |
             ||       || |----|
             |'-.....-'| |::::|
             `"")---(""` |___.|
            /:::::::::::\" _  "
       jgs `"""""""""""""`  '-'
    -=[ computer mouse ]=-  7/00
           /`  |  `\
           |   Q   |
           |       |
           |       |
           |       |
           \       /
       jgs  '.___.'
    -=[ computer disk ]=-  9/00
         .'`   |     |`'.
         |     '-----'  |
         |              |
         |  .--------.  |
         |  |--------|  |
         |  |--------|  |
         |  |--------|  |
         |  ;--------;  |
     jgs |__:________:__|
    -=[ Space Goose ]=-  10/98
           .()      '() 
          /:  \-""-./  \
         /:' / \    \   \
        |:' |     ^ /'-._|
        |:' |  ,_ ,'_.---;`
         \:.\    ';`    /
          \:.\    \    /
      jgs  '-:\____\.-'
    -=[ folder icons ]=-  9/00
            /     \______
           |            |
           |   _________|__
           |  /           /
           | /           /
      jgs  |/___________/
            /     \______
           |  .-""-.     |
           | /      \    |
           | \      /    |
           |  '-..-;\    |
      jgs  |________\\___|
    -=[ notepad ]=-  5/00
           /  _____   /|
          /  /____/  /-|
         /          /--|
        /          /---|
       jgs '-----------'
    -=[ download graybar ]=-  9/00
      | [____DOWNLOAD STATUS____] |
      |  ________________________ |
      | |::::::::::::60%|        ||
      | `"""""""""""""""""""""""" |
    -=[ sick computer ]=-  4/97
            ||x . x||
           __[=== o]___
    jgs   `-=========-`()
    -=[ Computer w/Sword ]=-  4/97
                @)___||_        ||_______
      {8*8888*888{______}spunk  ||_______>
                @)   ||_________||
                    ____[=== o]___
               jgs `-============-`()
    -=[ Prayer to Computer Angel ]=-   3/97
       A Prayer to my        ||     _     ||
        COMPUTER ANGEL:      ||   (\o/)   ||
                             ||    /_\    ||
     Guide my keystrokes,    ||___________||
     Keep my programs alive,  `-)-------(-'
     Protect me from viruses,  [=== -- o ]--.
     Back up my drive.       __'---------'__ \
                            [::::::::::: :::] )
                   Amen.     `""'"""""'""""`/T\
                                        jgs \_/
          _  ***                             |.--- *** ---.|
         ( `\( ) *   A Prayer to my          || (`\( )/`) ||
          `> /~\_I    COMPUTER ANGELS:       ||  > /~\ <  ||
          (_/ /\/                            ||  (// \\)  ||
            \ \    Guide my keystrokes,      ||___`| |`___||
    jgs     / /    Keep my programs alive,    `-)--|_|--(-'
            \/     Protect me from viruses,    [=== -- o ]--.
            `      Back up my drive.         __'---------'__ \
                                            [::::::::::: :::] )
                                  Amen.      `""'"""""'""""`/T\
                                                        jgs \_/
    -=[ cat at the computer ]=-  4/97
                       /\             /\
                      \ ."  :'. .':  ". /
                     ==)  _ :  '  : _  (==
                       |>/O\   _   /O\<|
                       | \-"~` _ `~"-/ |
                      >|`===. \_/ .===`|<
            jgs .-"-.   \==='  |  '===/   .-"-.
         .-----{'. '`}---\,  .-'-.  ,/---{.'. '}-----.
         |     `"---"`     `~-===-~`     `"---"`     |
         |     .-------------------------------.     |
         |     |                               |     |
         |     |                               |     |
         |     |                    .--.       |     |
         |     |                  ."  o \__    |     |
         |     |               _.-"    ,(  `   |     |
         |     |           _.-"      ,;;|      |     |
         |     |      _.-=" _,"    ,,;;;'      |     |\  
         |     |  .-"`_.-"``-..,,;;;;:'        |     |'\
         |     |  `"'`          `\`\           |     |.'`\
         |     |                 /^\\\         |     |'.'`}
         |     |                               |     } '. }
         |     |                               |    /.'`./
         |     '-------------------------------'   /. './
        _|  _                                     /.`'./
       (.\-/.)--------.__________________.-------{.'. {
        \6 6/         /                  \       `\.'`\
    (   =\ /=  ______/....................\______  \.'.\
     \   /O\  |                                  |  }'.'}
      ) /   \ | [[[[[[[[[[ ===       ()  ()  ()  | {'.'/
     (  U   U |                       ________   |  `~`
      \(|   |)| [[[[[[[[[[ ===       [________]  |
      |  []  [][][][] [][][][] [][][][] [][][]  == ===== |
      |                                                  |
      |   [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]_ [][][] [][][][]  |
      |   [_][][][][][][][][][][][][]| |[][][] [][][]||  |
      |   []  [][][][][][][][][][][][__|       [][][]||  |
      |   [__] [][][][][][][][][][][___]  []   [][][]||  |
      |   [_]  [_][_____________][_] [_][][][] [__][]||  |
    -=[ dog on computer ]=- tweak 8/00
                  ,'=.     `\___,
                 /    \  (0     |        __ _
                /      \     ___/       /| | ''--.._
                |      |     \)         || |    ===|\
                ',   _/    .--'         || |   ====| |
                  `"`;    (             || |    ===|/
                     [[[[]]_..,_        \|_|_..--;"`
                     /  .--""``\\          __)__|_
                   .'       .\,,||___     |        |
             (   .'     -""`| `"";___)---'|________|__
             |\ /         __|   [_____________________]
              \|       .-'  `\        |.----------.|
               \  _           |       ||          ||
           jgs  (          .-' )      ||          ||
                 `""""""""""""`      """         """
    -=[ Does Your System Have Bugs? ]=-  4/97
               .--.       .--.
           _  `    \     /    `  _
            `\.===. \.^./ .===./`
                ,  |     |  ,
               / `\|`-.-'|/` \
              /    |  \  |    \                  .--.       .--.
           .-' ,-'`|   ; |`'-, '-.           _  `    \     /    `  _
               |   |    \|   |                `\.===. \.^./ .===./`
               |   |    ;|   |                       \/`"`\/
               |   \    //   |                    ,  |     |  ,
               |    `._//'   |                   / `\|`-.-'|/` \
       jgs    .'             `.                 /    |  \  |    \
           _,'                 `,_           .-' ,-'`|   ; |`'-, '-.
           `                     `               |   |    \|   | 
                                                 |   |    ;|   |
                    .--.       .--.              |   \    //   |
                _  `    \     /    `  _          |    `._//'   |
                 `\.===. \.^./ .===./`          .'             `.
                        \/`"`\/              _,'                 `,_
                     ,  |     |  ,           `                     `
                    / `\|`-.-'|/` \
                   /    |  \  |    \
                .-' ,-'`|   ; |`'-, '-.
                    |   |    \|   | 
                    |   |    ;|   |        .--.       .--.
                    |   \    //   |    _  `    \     /    `  _
                    |    `._//'   |     `\.===. \.^./ .===./`
                   .'             `.           \/`"`\/
                _,'                 `,_     ,  |     |  ,
                `                     `    / `\|`-.-'|/` \
                                          /    |  \  |    \
                                       .-' ,-'`|   ; |`'-, '-.
                                           |   |    \|   | 
                                           |   |    ;|   |
                                           |   \    //   |
                                           |    `._//'   |
                                          .'             `.
                                       _,'                 `,_
                                       `                     `
    -=[ Greeting Cards ]=-  4/97
                          _.-'    |
                      _.-'        |
                   |                     |
                   |  Your computer      |
                   |      is dead...     |
                   | and it was so alive |
                   |      _______        |
                   |     |.-----.|       |
                   |     ||x . x||       |
                   |     ||_.-._||       |
                   |     `--)-(--`       |
                   |    __[=== o]___     |
                   |   |:::::::::::|\    |
               jgs |   `-=========-`()   |
                   | You shouldn't have  |
                   |     installed:      |
                   |                     |
                   |    -= Win'95 =-     |
    -=[ Understanding the Technology ]=-  5/97
                  .----------/ |<=== floppy disk
                 /           | |
                /           /| |          _________
               /           / | |         | .-----. |
              /___________/ /| |         |=|     |-|
             [____________]/ | |         |~|_____|~|
             |       ___  |  | |         '-|     |-'
             |      /  _) |  | |           |.....|
    function ======>|.'   |  | |           |     |<=== application
      key    |            |  | |    input  |.....|       software
             |            |  | |            `--._|
      main =>|            |  | |      |                 de-bugging   ||
     storage |            |  | ;______|_________________   tool ====>||
             |            |  |.' ____\|/_______________ `.           ||
             |            | /|  (______________________)  )<== user  ||
             |____________|/ \___________________________/  interface||
             '--||----: `'''''.__                      |             ||
                || jgs `""";"""-.'-._ <== normal flow  |    central  ||
                ||         |     `-. `'._of operation /<== processing||
                ||         |        `\   '-.         /       unit    ||
      surge     ().-.      |         |      :      /`                ||
    control ==>(_((X))     |      .-.       : <======= output        ||
     device       '-'      \     |   \      ;     /_________       .-''-.
                            `\  \|/   '-..-'      |   /_\  /|     /______\
                             /`-.____             |       / /      [____]
                            / _     /_____________| _    / /_
              peripherals ==>/_\___________________/_\__/ /~ )__
                (hardware) |____________________________|/  ~   ) |\\\ ///|
                                                (__~  ~     ~(~~` | \\V// |
              overflow (input/output error) ===> (_~_  ~  ~_ `)   |  |~|  |
          _________                                  `--~-' '`    |  |=|  |
       _|`---------`|                       supplemental data ===>|  | |  |
      (C|           |<=== back-up        (()____                  |  | |  |
       `\           /                   ('      `\______,          \ |=| /
         `=========`           mouse ==> `,,---,,'                  \|_|/
    -=[ Cartoon Joke ]=-  5/97
    Arranged by: (PN Clark)
        (  Boy this thing  )
         (    is slow.    )
          O             O
         O               O
          o             o
           ` .     _ . '
              ~0  (_|
             TT/_ T"T 
    -=[ Cruising down the Information Superhighway... ]=-  12/96
    "I'm cruising down the Information Superhighway in high gear... 
                                        _    ,   
       __   __   __   __   __   --  -,_/\\_~0_\ ___    __   __   __
                              --    /  ___ \-  `___`"-,
                            ---    `"-( @ )----( @ )---`
      jgs                              '-'      '-'
    Surfing the waves of the Digital Ocean.. 
                           .        .           -     _
                       .       .  ~   . ~  -  ~  . = .  ~
                   ~        ~  __.---~~_~~_~~_~~_~ ~ ~~_~~~
                 .    .     .-'  ` . ~_ = ~ _ =  . ~ .    ~
                          .'  `. ~  -   =      ~  -  _ ~ `
                 ~    .  }` =  - _ ~  -  . ~  ` =  ~  _ . ~
                       }`   . ~   =    ~  =  ~   -  ~    - _
             .        }   ~ .__,~O     ` ~ _   ~  ^  ~  -   
                    `}` - =    /#/`-'     -   ~   =   ~  _ ~
               ~ .   }   ~ -   |^\   _ ~ _  - ~ -_  =  _  
                    }`  _____ /_  /____ - ~ _   ~ _ 
            jgs   }`   `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`_ = _ ~ - 
          _ _ _ }` `. ~ . - _ = ~. ~ = .   -   =
    Exploring the uncharted regions of Cyberspace!"
                            .   *        .       .                
             *      -0-
                .                .  *       - )-
             .      *       o       .       * 
       o                |
                 .     -O-    
      .                 |        *      .     -0-
             *  o     .    '       *      .        o
                    .         .        |      *
         *             *              -O-          .
               .             *         |     ,
                      .           o
        =   _/__~0_\_     .  *            o       ' 
       = = (_________)             .            
                       .                        *
             *               - ) -       *      
                    .               .
    "Actually, I'm sitting on my butt staring at a computer screen." - TT
                                 ~0  (_|
                                TT/_ T"T 
    <TT = Tom Tomorrow... 
    thank you to Paul Tomblin who discovered these words of wisdom
       and shared them with me...>
    -=[ ASCII ass-key ]=-  8/98
         ,,;;;,,,,   _.---.._                \`-._
       `';;;;;;;;;;;;;,      `'.           .--'-._';,
          ,;;';;''/            `;_       `';;;;'    `'.
                  |  .            '-._   ,;;:'   /  '<a'.
                  |  ;        \       '.,;;'     |       \
                   \  \       |                  ;._. ,-'`.
                /`'-`;.`'._   /                  /   `-.\_/
                ; .-._ .-'  .'                  |        ()
               / /    '\ .-'`.                _/        ()_
           _.-' /       \ \   '-._            /         / o\
          (_/_.'     __.) /       `;--.._/   (          \_ /
                    (_/__/          \   `,   \           <|
                                     \  | \   \          <|
                                      \ \  `\  |         <|
                                       \ \   \ \          `
                                        \_\   \ \
                                         )-`\  \_\
                                    jgs  `==`   )-`\
         ,,;;;,,,,   _.---.._                \`-._
       `';;;;;;;;;;;;;,      `'.           .--'-._';,
          ,;;';;''/            `;_       `';;;;'    `'.
                  |  .            '-._   ,;;:'   /  '<a'.
                  |  ;        \       '.,;;'     |       \
                   \  \       |                  ;._. ,-'`.
                /`'-`;.`'._   /                  /   `-.\_/
                ; .-._ .-'  .'                  |        O
               / /    '\ .-'`.                _/        O
           _.-' /       \ \   '-._            /        {'}
          (_/_.'     __.) /       `;--.._/   (         _|
                    (_/__/          \   `,   \         =|
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                                       \ \   \ \
                                        \_\   \ \
                                         )-`\  \_\
                                    jgs  `==`   )-`\
    -=[ life in a fishbowl ]=-  9/00
               .--""```                 ```""--.
                ':--..___             ___..--:'
                  \      ```"""""""```      /
                .-`  ___.....-----.....___  '-.
              .:-""``     ~          ~    ``""-:.
             /`-..___ ~        ~         ~___..-'\
            /  ~    '`""---.........---""`        \
           ;                                       ;
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          |   ':::    '            .:'           ~  |
          |~  .:'   .      _        ':.             |
          | .:'                       ':.~          |
          |  ':.      .  ~     .    _   .:          |
          ; '::.             _     /|| .;'          ;
           ;    ':          ( }    \||D            ;
            \.:'.:':.     | /\__,=_[_]            /
             \ ':.     ~  |_\__ |----|      `    /
              '. '::..  _ |  |/ |--. |_      ~ .'
                '-._':'   |  /_ |    |  `'-_.-'
            jgs    (``''--..._____...--''``)
                    `"--...__     __...--"`
                    .--""```       ```""--.
                     ':--..___   ___..--:'
                       \      ```      /
                     .-`  ___.....___  '-.
                   .:-""``   ~   ~   ``""-:.
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                ;   ':      ( }    \||D       ;
                 \.'.:':. | /\__,=_[_]       /
                  \ ':. ~ |_\__ |----|  `   /
                   '.'::._|  |/ |--. |   ~.'
                     '.-' |  /_ |    |`'.'
            jgs      (`'--..._____...--'`)
                      `"--...__ __...--"`
          .'          '.
        /      _    /||  \
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       ;  ( |_\_  |---|   ;
        \  )|  |/ |   |  /
      jgs'. |  /_ |   |.'
    -=[ the 'ultimate' computer system ]=-  2/01
                    / ,-\      _ ___
                   | (  '\    |-|   |._
            ___     )_ _/     | |   |  |
           [___]   /  `\____  | |   |_.'
           |  ^|  /  \_____/) |-|___|
           |   | /    /   _:::_))_(___
           |   |/'-._/_   |___________|
           '-;_|\_____ `\ ||"""""""""||
             | `######|_|_||         ||
             \ ._  _,'{~-_}|         ||
             _)   (   {-__}|         ||
        jgs /______`\ |_,__)         ||
                    /` ,-\      _ ___
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            |   | /    /   _:::_))_(___
            |   |/`-._/_   |___________|
            `-;_|\_____ `\ ||"""""""""||
              | `######|_|_||         ||
              \ ._  _,'{~-_}|         ||
              _)   (   {-__}|         ||
         jgs /______`\ |_,__)         ||
                   /` ,-\      _ ___
                   \_(==0>    |-|   |._
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           |  ^|  /  \_____/) |-|___|
           |   | /    /   _:::_))_(___
           |   |/'-._/_   |___________|
           '-;_|\_____ `\ ||"""""""""||
             | `######|_|_||         ||
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             _)   (   {-__}|         ||
        jgs /______`\ |_,__)         ||
                   /`  __)     _ ___
                   \  ( '>    |-|   |._
            ___     ) )_<     | |   |  |
           [___]   (_/`\____  | |   |_.'
           |  ^|  /  \_____/) |-|___|
           |   | /   .-'  _:::_))_(___
           |   |/'-./_    |___________|
           '-;_|\_____`\  ||"""""""""||
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             \ ._  _,'{~-}||         ||
             _)   (   {-_}||         ||
        jgs /______`\ T\_\||         ||
                    /___\/     _ ___
                   |( C '\  \ |-|   |._
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           [___]   /  `\____  | |   |_,'
           |  ^|  /  \_____/) |-|___|
           |   | /    /   _:::_))_(___
           |   |/`-._/_   |___________|
           '-;_|\_____ `\ ||"""""""""||
             | `######|_|_||         ||
             \ ._  _,'{~-_}|         ||
             _)   (   {-__}|         ||
        jgs /______`\ |_,__)         ||
     -=[ Y2K ]=-  12/99
                                 /'.    /|    .'\
                           ,._   |+i\  /++\  / +|    ,,
                           |*+'._/+++\/+ ++\/+++<_.-'+|
                      :-.  \ ++++?++ +++++*++++++ +++ /  .-:
                      |*+\_/++++ +++*++ ++++++ ++?++++\_/ +|
                  ,    \*+++++ ++++ +++*+++ ++++ +++ +++++/   ,
                  \'-._> +__+*++__*+++_+__*++ ++__++++__*<_.-'/
                   `>*+++|  \++/  |+*/     `\ +|  |++/  |++++<'
                _,-'+ * +*\  \/  /++|__.-.  |+ |  |+/  /+ +*+'-._
                '-.*+++++++\    /+ ++++++/  / *|  |/  /+ ++++++.-'
                    > *+++++\  /*++++ +/` /`+++|     < *++ +++< 
                _,-'* +++ ++|  |++ +*/` /` +* +|  |\  \+ ++++++'-._
                `-._+ +*++?+|  |+++*|  '-----.+|  |+\  \+* ++ +_.-'
                   _`\++++++|__|+ *+|________|+|__|++\__|++++/`_
                  /*++_+* + +++++ ++ + ++++ +++++ ++ ++++ ++_+*+\
                  '--' `>*+++ +++++ +++++*++++  +++ ++++ ?<' '--'
                       /++_++ ++ ++++++ ++?+ +++++*+++ ++++ \
                       |_/ `\++ ++ +++*++++++++++ ++++*./`\_|
                            /+*.-.*+ +_ ++*+ _+++ .-.* +\
                      jgs   | /   | +/ `\?+/` \*+|    \ |
                             '    \.'    |/    './     '
    -=[ 404 file ]=-  5/00
            _    _     ___     _    _        _       _
           |:|  |:|   /:::\   |:|  |:|      |_ | |  |_
           |:|  |:|  /:/'\:\  |:|  |:|      |  | |_ |_
           |:|__|:| |:|   |:| |:|__|:|           _  ___
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           '""""|:| |:|   |:| '""""|:|     | \| \_/  |
                |:| |:|   |:|      |:|   _  _            _
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                |:|  \:\_/:/       |:|  |  \_/ \_/ | \| |_/
                |:|   \:::/        |:|
                '"'    '"'         '"'
    -=[ panic button ]=-  10/00
          / .'       '.    /|
         / /  P U S H  \  / |
        /  '._       _.' /  |
       /      ```````   /  /
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    -=[ 'buy' button w/ cursor arrow ]=- 10/00
          ||    _          ||
          ||   |_)| |\ /   ||
          ||   |_)\_/ |    ||
          ||          ,    ||
     jgs  '-----------|_ r--'
    -=[ AOL logo ]=-  10/00
                     / \
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                   / ___ \
                 //|    \ |\
                /| \    | / \
               / \  '.__;`   \
              /   `'---'      \
         jgs  """""""""""""""""
    more logos

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