~ June
1997- page 2 ~
~ ~ joan stark's
ASCII Art Gallery ~ ~
-=[ lava lamp ]=- 6/97
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 ::. 88.
.88 ':' 88.
.88 .::. 88.
.88 .:::: 88.
.88 ':::' 88.
.88 .:::. .:. .: 88.
.88 ::::: ':' ':' 88.
88 ':::' .::. 88
88 .::. .::::: .:. 88
88 '::' :::::' ':' 88
'88 .::::: .::. 88'
'88 .:::::' ::::: 88'
'88 ::::::. ':::' 88'
'88 ::::::::. 88'
'88 .:. ::::::::. 88'
'88 '::.::::::::::..88'
'88 .::::::::::::::88'
-=[ lava lamp ]=- 6/97
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 88.
.88 ::. 88.
.88 ':' 88.
.88 .::. 88.
.88 .:::: 88.
.88 ':::' 88.
.88 .:::. .:. .: 88.
.88 ::::: ':' ':' 88.
88 ':::' .::. 88
88 .::. .::::: .:. 88
88 '::' :::::' ':' 88
'88 .::::: .::. 88'
'88 .:::::' ::::: 88'
'88 ::::::. ':::' 88'
'88 ::::::::. 88'
'88 .:. ::::::::. 88'
'88 '::.::::::::::..88'
'88 .::::::::::::::88'
-=[ shark playing a guitar-- Bandshark! ]=- 6/97
{ \
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| | `/{__|
| \ \.-'//,
\ \ | // |
\ \___\/.'
| | // \
/ /\ ` _/
jgs / ( ```
.' '.
-=[ guitar ]=- 6/97
| // |
| // \
jgs \ ` _/
-=[ truck/van ]=- 6/97
| ||||| |[_o\_
| ^^^^^ |- ` )
jgs '-()------()-'
-=[ sleepy eyes ]=- 6/97
/ \ / \
/_________\ /_________\
\~ () ~/ \~ () ~/
\ '-==-'/ \'-==-' /
jgs '.___.' '.___.'
/______\ /______\
(~ o ~) (~ o ~)
\ '-=-'/ \'-=-' /
jgs '.__.' '.__.'
-=[ bunny ]=- 6/97
/| /|
| | / /
| |/ /
| | /
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jgs ;=={>o<}
/ __},
| \____`\)
| /\_)
| .--./`\
_| `\/__
/ \ /___)
-=[ turtles ]=- 6/97
.=. ____ .=.
\ .-' '-. /
< |: -<_><_>- :|=--
'd-'\'./ \/ \.'/
/ '-.____.-' \
jgs '=' '='
.=. ____ .=.
\ .-' '-. /
--=|: -<_><_>- :| >
\'./ \/ \.'/'-b'
/ '-.____.-' \
jgs '=' '='
-=[ ants ]=- 6/97
,_ _,
'-, (__) ,-'
'._ .::. _.'
_,` `>\/<` `,_
` ,-` )( `-, `
| /==\ |
,-' |=-| '-,
jgs \__/
,_ _,
'-, (_) ,-'
'._ .:. _.'
_ '|Y|' _
,` `>\ /<` `,
` ,-` I `-, `
| /=\ |
,-' |=| '-,
jgs \_/
-=[ midges or mosquitos ]=- 6/97
,_,___, ,
_0/\|\_/ `--'
jgs .-' ` `-.___,
,_,___, ,
_0/\|\_/ `--' ,_,___, ,
.-' ' `-.___, _0/\|\_/ `--'
.-' ' `-.___, ,_,__,
,_,___, , _0/\|\_/ `--'
_0/\|\_/ `--' .-' ` `-.___,
.-' ` `-.___,
,_,___, ,
_0/\|\_/ `--'
,_,___, , .-' ` `-.___,
_0/\|\_/ `--' ,_,___, ,
.-' ` `-.___, _0/\|\_/ `--'
.-' ` `-.___,
,_,___, ,
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.-' ` `-.___, _0/\|\_/ `--'
.-' ` `-.___,
,_,___, ,
_0/\|\_/ `--'
.-' ` `-.___, ,_,___, ,
_0/\|\_/ `--'
.-' ` `-.___,
-=[ Pepsi can ]=- 6/97
.-"`` _``"-.
/'. '.(##)'\
| `'----'` |
| ----|
| . .-|
| .::::. |_| |
|::::''':.-. |
| ';;;;' . . |
| |_|_|
| .-. |
\ |_|_/
jgs `.________.'
-=[ spider and web in window ]=- 6/97
|| \ | / ||
|| \ /|\ / ||
|| /\'.__.' : '.__.'/\ ||
|| __.' \ | / '.__ ||
||'. /\`---':'---'/\ .'||
||\ '. /` \__ _|_ __/ `\ .' /||
|| | /. /\ ` : ` /\ .\ | ||
|| | | './ \ _|_ / \.' | | ||
||/ '/. /'. /\ : /\ .'\ .\' \||
|| \ \. \ /(O)\ / / / ||
||\ .\' \.' \/_:_\/ './ '/. /||
|| | | .'\ / | \ /'. | | ||
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||/ .' \ / | \ / '. \||
||.:_ `\/.---.:.---.\/` _:.||
|| '. / __ | __ \ .' ||
|| \/.' '. : .' '.\/ ||
|| / \|/ \ ||
-=[ horse ]=- 6/97
_.o o`\\\\
("_ ))))
'---' (((( .=,
) )))___.-""-./=;\\\
/ ((( \ ))))
; | |//
/\ | | ((
( \ /__.-'\ / )
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_\ | |((
/ _____/__.-'\ / )
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\\_ |; \ (\ (
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|| || ||
jgs /_< /_</_<
-=[ Genie in a lamp ]=- 6/97
/ ! )\
__ \__/__/
/ _<( ^.^ )
/ / \ c /O
\ \_.-./=\.-._ _
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\ \ \ : :. .-'
`\`.\: `:. _.'
( .'`.` _.'
`` `-..______.-'
):. (
jgs .':. `.
-=[ Volkswagen Beatle ]=- 6/97
." | ".
jgs u u
/ : \
/ : \
/ : ___ \
/ : /___\ \
/ : ." | ". \
/ : (o_|_o) \
jgs/ : u u \
/ : \
-=[ houses w/VW bug ]=- 6/97
) (
( )
________[]_ []
/^=^-^-^=^-^\ /^~^~^~^~^~^~\
/^-^-^-^-^-^-^\ /^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\
/__^_^_^_^^_^_^_\ /_^_^_^^_^_^_^_^_\
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^^| |LI| [}{] |^^^^^ /___\ ^^^^^| [}{] |[]| |^^^^^
&&|__|__|_______|&& ." | ". 88|________|__|__|888
==== (o_|_o) ====
jgs ==== u u ====
-=[ dog with dog dish ]=- 6/97
, /-.
((___/ __>
/ }
\ .--.( ___
jgs \\ \\ /___\
-=[ fish ]=- 6/97
_./////_ _
.-' __'-. //\
/ (o) \\ === \////
} // `` -=(((
`\ ---. /\\\\
'\'.`/_____.;' '-'
jgs `-` `\/
-=[ dirigible ]=- 6/97
.-' '-. .-.
/.' '.\/ /
|=- -=| (
\'. .'/\ \
'-.,_____ _____.-' '-'
jgs [_____]=8
-=[ TV remote ]=- 6/97
| === [__] |
| [__][__] |
| o ==== |
| __ __ |
| [__][__] |
| [__][][] |
| [__] == |
jgs | OOO |
-=[ picture of a building ]=- 6/97
|| A___ ||
|| /^\##\ ||
|| |LI__| ||
jgs |.---------.|
-=[ crown ]=- 6/97
jgs {_____}
-=[ dandelion ]=- 6/97
.'. ':. ' :'.
'`' : `. `: ':'
: : '.'. .'.':.`:
:' -`= `+ .= - `:
:.' .'.' :.'.`:':
: : .:`' .:`.':
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_ |__/:/_
\`\ |\ : /
_\:\_ /\ : /_
\ : /_/\ : /
_\ : /_/ : /`
\ : /.'/`
jgs `\ :/'/``
-=[ frying pan ]=- 6/97
_____________ ______________
\ /
jgs `-------------'
-=[ strawberries ]=- 6/97
jgs `"`
jgs `"`
-=[ raspberry ]=- 6/97
jgs `'"'`
-=[ the wise monkeys ]=- 6/97
.-"-. .-"-. .-"-. .-"-.
_/_-.-_\_ _/.-.-.\_ _/.-.-.\_ _/.-.-.\_
/ __} {__ \ /|( o o )|\ ( ( o o ) ) ( ( o o ) )
/ // " \\ \ | // " \\ | |/ " \| |/ " \|
/ / \'---'/ \ \ / / \'---'/ \ \ \'/^\'/ \ .-. /
\ \_/`"""`\_/ / \ \_/`"""`\_/ / /`\ /`\ /`"""`\
jgs \ / \ / / /|\ \ / \
-={ see no evil }={ hear no evil }={ speak no evil }={ have no fun }=-
-=[ monkeys ]=- 6/97
( ( o o ) )
|/ " \| speak no evil...
/`\ /`\
/ /|\ \
( (/ T \) )
jgs \__/^\__/
/ __> <__ \
/ // " \\ \ see no evil...
/ / \'---'/ \ \
jgs \ \_/`"""`\_/ /
\ /
/|( o o )|\
| // " \\ | hear no evil...
/ / \'---'/ \ \
jgs \ \_/`"""`\_/ /
\ /
( ( o o ) )
|/ " \| have no fun...
jgs \ .-. /
/ \
_/.-.-.\_ _
( ( o o ) ) ))
|/ " \| //
\'---'/ //
jgs /`"""`\\ ((
/ /_,_\ \\ \\
\_\\_'__/ \ ))
/` /`~\ |//
/ / \ /
,--`,--'\/\ /
'-- "--' '--'
-=[ rings ]=- 6/97
__|>: :<|__
(__|>: :<|__)
|>: :<|
jgs \/'''\/
__|>: :<|__
`--|>: :<|--`
jgs \/'''\/
__ /\../\ __
(__|>: :<|__)
jgs \/''\/
; / \ ;
| | | |
\ \ / /
jgs '.`"---"`.'
-=[ horse ]=- 6/97
,_ ,
/^\\ //\
| \\ // \
| || ,==. // |
\ ||.=~////"=,|| /
/(\ /////////\\\\\ /)
)))())' ((( ( './//)))
(////~/ )) (((/(/
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(((((\\| : : | (
\\)\\\| : : |
)))))| _.--'''--._ |
/(/// \.' _____ './
(JGS( / .-': :'-. \
))) \.' . . './
(( | . . |
) |/ '. .' \|
//( )\\
\\/ \//
`\ ''' /`
-=[ stethoscope ]=- 6/97
_ _
/_] [_\
// \\
\\ //
`\ /`
|| _
jgs || ( )
-=[ no smoking ]=- 6/97
__ __ )
\\\ /// (
_ __\\\///_____ )
jgs /// \\\
-=[ cigarette ]=-
_ ___________ )
-=[ angels ]=- 6/97
\/ \/
jgs / \
== == "we are each of us angels
<^\()/\()/^> with but one wing,
\/ \/ \/ and can only fly by
/ \/ \ embracing each other"
jgs `""``""`
-=[ The Pearly Gates ]=- 6/97
== ==
<^\()/^> <^\()/^>
\/ \/ \/ \/
/__\ . ' . /__\
== /\ . | . /\ ==
<^\()/^> !_\/ ' | ' \/_! <^\()/^>
\/ \/ !_/I_|| . ' \'/ ' . ||_I\_! \/ \/
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/_ \ !//| | || ' . /.\ . ' || | |\\! /_ \
(- ) /I/ | | || . | . || | | \I\ (= )
\__/!//| | | || ' | ' || | | |\\!\__/
/ \I/ | | | || ' . ' * || | | | \I/ \
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_!__|= || | | | || * + || | | | || |__!_
_I__| ||__|__|__|_|| A ||_|__|__|__||- |__I_
-|--|- ||--|--|--|-|| __/_\__ * ||-|--|--|--||= |--|-
| | || | | | || /\-'o'-/\ || | | | || | |
| |= || | | | || _||:<_>:||_ || | | | ||= | |
| |- || | | | || * /\_/=====\_/\ * || | | | ||= | |
| |- || | | | || __|:_:_[I]_:_:|__ || | | | ||- | |
_|__| ||__|__|__|_||:::::::::::::::::::::||_|__|__|__|| |__|_
-|--|= ||--|--|--|-||:::::::::::::::::::::||-|--|--|--||- |--|-
jgs|- || | | | ||:::::::::::::::::::::|| | | | ||= | |
-=[ building on hill ]=- 6/97
-=[ taxi cab ]=- 6/97
.----' `-----.
/826 : : ___ `\
|> ____; ; |/\><| ____ _<)
{____/ \_________________/ \____}
\ '' / \ '' /
jgs '--' '--'
-=[ fireman ]=- 6/97
( ..:::[=--. /o\ _
) .:::'' \ (")\ /_\
(,`):::,(. `/:\ I I
) (. )' (' |:|`\ ,={_O_}
jgs (,)' ). (' ),) _/^|_ -.__.' | |
-=[ US Marine Corp Logo ]=- 6/97
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
.-' .'.'.'.-| |-.'.'.'. '-.
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
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| \ \ ( / /
\ '.'`'. '-, ;'
) .'``'-:__;-'
<_.-, `._;-._
`-.,_ /
jgs `\/
=-[ bird/eagle? ]=- 6/97
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
.-' .'.'.'.-| |-.'.'.'. '-.
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
jgs //||\\
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
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jgs //||\\
.-. `) | .-.
_.'`. .~./ \.~. .`'._
.-'`.'-'.'.-: ;-.'.'-'.`'-.
`'`'`'`'` \ / `'`'`'`'`
jgs / ^^ \
-=[ Grim Reaper ]=- 6/97
[] `'--.._
||__ `'-,
`)||_ ```'--.. \
_ /|//} ``--._ |
.'` `'. /////} `\/
/ .""".\ //{///
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/` `| / | | | / ||
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| | |/ ||
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|||| ) |__/ | ||
|||| `.( | ||
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jgs / | ||
| \ ||
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/` | ||
`-.___,-. .-. ___,' ||
`---'` `'----'`
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| |:::|| |////} `-. \
| |:::|| //'/// `.\
| |:::|| // ||' `|
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| / \ / ||
| | | / ||
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//`. `. | \ ||
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//// ) .(/ | ||
|||| ,'` ) / //
|||| / / ||
`\\` /` | //
|` \ ||
/ | //
/` \ //
/` | ||
`-.___,-. .-. ___,' (/
`---'` `'----'`
tweaked/diddled by: Herman Hiddema
retweaked/rediddled by me (jgs) :)
-=[ senior citizen ]=- 6/97
/` `\
/ /"\ \
\_/o o\_/
( _ )
`\ /`
/ /_ _\ \
\ \___/ /
|| ||
|| ||
jgs |||
/ Y \
-=[ woman ]=- 6/97
(/6 6\)
)\ = /(
(_ ) ( _)
/ `\_/` \
/ (_ @ _) \
\ \)___(/ /
\/ \/
| |
| |
/ Y \
-=[ couple ]=-6/97
.=. ( 6 6 )
//"\\ \ - /
(/6 6\) _.) (._
)\ = /(-` `:` `\
_(_ ) ( _)-| : |\ \
(_/ `\_/` \ | : |/ /
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\ \)___(/ / |===|_)
\/`"""`\/ | L |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|_____| | | |
||| | | |
||| | | |
||| |_|_|
jgs / Y \ / T \
`"`"` `"`"`
(___) When I'm a little old lady
/` `\ Then I'll live with my children
/ /"\ \ and bring them great joy.
\_/o o\_/ To repay all I've had
( _ ) from each girl and boy
`\ /` I shall draw on the walls
/\\V//\ and scuff up the floor;
/ /_ _\ \ Run in and out
\ \___/ / without closing the door.
\/===\/ I'll hide frogs in the pantry,
|| || socks under my bed.
|| || Whenever they scold me,
||___|| I'll hang my head.
|_____| I'll run and I'll romp,
||| always fritter away
/ Y \ The time to be spent
`"`"` doing chores every day.
I'll pester my children ___
when they are on the phone. (___)
As long as they're busy /` `\
I won't leave them alone. / /"\ \
Hide candy in closets, \_/o o\_/
rocks in a drawer, ( _ )
And never pick up my clothes `\ /`
from the floor. /\\V//\
Dash off to the movies / /_ _\ \
and not wash a dish. \ \___/ /
I'll plead for allowance \/===\/
whenever I wish. || ||
I'll stuff up the plumbing || ||
and deluge the floor. ||___||
As soon as they've mopped it, |_____|
I'll flood it some more. |||
When they correct me, / Y \
I'll lie down and cry, `"'"`
___ Kicking and screaming,
(___) not a tear in my eye.
/` `\ I'll take all their pencils
/ /"\ \ and flashlights, and then
\_/o o\_/ When they buy new ones,
( _ ) I'll take them again.
`\ /` I'll spill glasses of milk
/\\V//\ to complete every meal,
/ /_ _\ \ Eat my banana and
\ \___/ / just drop the peel.
\/===\/ Put toys on the table,
|| || spill jam on the floor,
|| || I'll break lots of dishes
||___|| as though I were four.
|_____| What fun I shall have,
||| what joy it will be to
/ Y \ Live with my children....
`"`"` the way they lived with me!
(author unknown)
-=[ ocean scenes ]=- 6/97
( ( )__
^^ (_, \ ) ,_)
^^ '-'--`--' |
\ /
~, .-'-.
/| -- / \ --
~^~`^~^`^~ / |\ ~^~~^~``~~^~~^^~^~^-=======-~^~^~^~~^~~^~^~
~^~ ~^~ ^~ /__|_\~^~ ~^~^~^~_~^~^_~-=========- -~^~^~^^~^_~
~^~ ~^~^ ~ '======' `~^-~~^~-^~^_~^~~ -=====- ~^~^~-~^~^~^~~^~
jgs ~^~ ~^ ~^~ ~^~^ ~^~-~^~~^~-~^~~-~^~^~-~^~~^-~^~^~^-~^~^~^~
~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^ ~^~ ~^~^ ~^~-~^~~^~-~^~~-~^~^~-~^~~^-~^~^~^-~^~^~^~
*The sun setting is no less beautiful than the sun rising.*
-=[ 5 lines ]=- 6/97
\ ' /
~, .-. ^^
/| -= ( ) =- ^^
~^~ /_|\ ^~~-~^~^~-=~=~=-~^~^~^-~^~^~^~
jgs~^~ ~^~^ ~-~^~~-~^~^~-=^~~^-~^~^~^-~^~^~^~
-=[ 4 lines ]=- 6/97
~, ^^ | "The sun setting
/| ^^ \ _ / is no less
/ |\ -= ( ) =- beautiful than
~^~ ^ ^~^~ ~^~ ~=====^~^~-~^~~^~^-=~=~=-~^~^~^~ the sun rising."
-=[ skull ]=- 6/97
/ _ _ \
(_ /\ _)
jgs '-..-'
/| || |\
-=[ cauldrons ]=- 6/97
) )
/ \
/ \
| |
____\ /____
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jgs .'` .'```'. `-.
().'` `'.()
) )
) (
/ \
___| |___
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jgs ()/ () \()
-=[ cannibals ]=- 6/97
.-""-. \\\\\\//////
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|(_)(_)| /////////\\\\\\
( /\ ) //// ~0 ( 0~ \\\\
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-=[ cannibal w/cauldron ]=- 6/97
\\\V/// (o.o)
####### |=|
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| \ \ / / ()__\___ __ __/__() \ \ / / |
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()/ () \()
-=[ toilets ]=- 6/97
| ||.==.
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| /|
\ )\
jgs )( /_
.----------/ |
/ | |
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_____ _____ _____ _____
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_____ _____ _____ _____
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_____ _____ _____ _____
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| \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / |
\ '---' / \ '---' / \ '---' / \ '---' /
'._____.' '._____.' '._____.' '._____.'
-=[ the "bird" ]=- 6/97
| |
/ | | | |
| |\
| /
\ /`
jgs | |
-=[ Birthday Wishes - "in dog years" ]=- 6/97
H a p p y B i r t h d a y ...
did you know that in dog years,
you would be dead!
`;-, / @) @)\
\-\ | `-.
\=\ _oO)\O)\O)\O)\Oo_OOo=\ _ \
\-\oO( )/ // // // /_(_` )~`\ @) /
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\)\)\)' ' ' \)\)\)'
' ' ' ' ' '
-=[ small dragon ]=- 6/97
_(, {\V/} ,)_
/\ | " | /\
//\\(o o)//\\
||::/ ^ \::||
|||(( ))|||
|' \" "/ '|
jgs ""`""
-=[ small dragon hatching ]=- 6/97
.' '.
/ \
: ;
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: :
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`. .'
jgs `~~~`
.' '.
/ \
: ;
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: `Y :
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/\/ _\_ \
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jgs `~~~`
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/\/ \_\_ \
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jgs `~~~`
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/\/ \_\_ \
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/\/ \_\/\_\
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jgs `~~~` .-.`"
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` | " | /\
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`\ | " | /\
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|/ \_^/\_/\|
: \_/ `Y--':
/^| \ / \.--\ / |\
`" .-.`. / .' /\ `~
jgs` `~~~` .-.`"
_(, {\V/} ,)_
/\ | " | /\ \/\-'^^\/\/
//\\(o o)//\\ '. .'
||\/\_^/\_/\| '-.-'
: \_/ `Y--':
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/\ | " | /\
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_(, {\V/} ,)_
/\ | " | /\
//\\(o o)//\\ \/\-'^^\/\/
||::/ ^ \::|| '. .'
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_(, {\V/} ,)_
/\ | " | /\
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||::/ ^ \::|| '. .'
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/\ | " | /\
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jgs``~~"`"" ~`-.`"
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/\ | " | /\
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: \_/\|(( ))||/`Y-''-.-'
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/\ | " | /\
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/'. `'`
_(, {\V/} ,)_
/\ | " | /\
//\\(o o)//\\
||::/ ^ \::||
|||(( ))|||
|' \" "/ '|
jgs ""`""
-=[ skulls (line-style) ]=- 6/97
.-" "-.
/ \
/ \
| .--. .--. |
| )/ | | \( |
|/ \__/ \__/ \|
/ /^\ \
\__ '=' __/
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|\ /|
\ `"""""""` /
jgs / / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
,-' ( ) `-,
`-'._) (_.'-`
-=[ skulls (solid-style) ]=- 6/97
88' '88
8' '8
8 ,o. .o, 8
8 8 888; :888 8 8
8P '88' '88' Y8
P 8 'Y
b 888 d
`8b d8`
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'####; .ooooo. ;####'
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b 888 d
`8b d8`
8 `"""""""` 8
,##' '##,
,##' '##,
jgs ,##' '##,
.#####, ,#####.
`##' '##`
-=[ group hug ]=- 6/97
.-' G R O U P H U G '-.
.' ________________________ '.
/ .-'(")/6 6\(") /o o\("/6 6\'-. \
/ /o o\(") =_//a a\_=_/_(")-_/a a\ \
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| \(")\ - // /___/o o\__\ \ = /(")"/ |
\ '------' ____) -(____ '------' /
\ _____)(____ /
jgs\ ____) (____ /
`'---------.____) (____.---------'`
-=[ diamond bracelet ]=- 6/97
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
__ /\../\ __ /\../\ __ /\../\ __ /\../\ __ /\../\ __
(__|>: :<|__|>: :<|__|>: :<|__|>: :<|__|>: :<|__)
jgs \/''\/ \/''\/ \/''\/ \/''\/ \/''\/
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
-=[ 70's hippie ]=- 6/97
@@@@@'_ _'@@@@@
@@@| o o |@@@
'@| (_) |@'
\ ___ /
____/: `"` :\____
/`}}}}}\ /{{{{{`\
/ {{{{{ \ / }}}}} \
/ }}}}} \.-./ {{{{{ \
| {{{{{ / | \ }}}}} |
jgs | }}}}} \/|\/ {{{{{ |
| /{{{{{ '-' }}}}}\ |
-=[ bank robber ]=- 6/97
//_______\\ \
// |_______| \\ \
//| |[_BANK_] |\\_____________\
| | _ _ | | |
| | | | | | | _ _ _ |
O__, | | |'|'| | | [_] [_] [_] |
/\($) | |_| | |_| | |
($)/\__ | |=======| | |
_\ ` |_|=======|_|__________jgs_|
-=[ bag of money ]=- 6/97
.' '.
/ _||__ \
/ (_||_ \
| __||_) |
| || |
'. .'
jgs '------------'
-=[ barber pole ]=- 6/97
.' '.
| |
\ /
|##' ,|
|#' ,#|
|' ,##|
| ,###|
|###' |
|##' ,|
|#' ,#|
\ /
jgs | |
-=[ faerie ]=- 6/97
/\ ,
{Oo\{o\ .=.
{o: \:.\ / \
{O:' \:.-'_.-\_)____
{o:. /`~('-./-----.\
}o: // /| `/\
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`"`\ \ /.\ `""`
\ \
\ \
jgs /`\ )
|/| |
_// \|
| / ||
|/ / |
-=[ Molly chipmunk ]=- 6/97
/\\ //\
\ ||="=|| /
/` | | `\
/ .-'\| |/'-. \
/ <o> \ / <o> \
=\ Y /=
`-._ '---' _.-'
jgs `"""""`
-=[ abacus ]=- 6/97
|| | | | | | | | | | | | ||
jgs |'-'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'-'|
-=[ vampire ]=- 6/97
/ \
__ / .-. .\
/ `\ / \/ \
| _ \/ .==.==.
| ( \ /____\__\
\ \ (_()(_()
\ \ '---._
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| \ \||VV
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| \ ______)
\ \ /`
jgs \(
-=[ can of Budweiser ]=- 6/97
.-"`` _``"-.
/'. '.(##)'\
| .-'""""'-. |
|\ _.====._ /|
|| Budweiser||
|| :::::::: ||
|| %&%&%&%% ||
jgs `-.______.-'
-=[ rat ]=- 6/97
_ _
/ \ /)
\o o/ ((
/\ /\ ))
/==\ () /==\ //
| `UU` |//
| |/
.-'\ /'-.
(((` ) |----| ( `)))
jgs (((` `)))
-=[ candle ]=- 6/97
| |
| |
| |
| |
jgs '.___.'
-=[ crayons ]=- 6/97
_ _ _ _ _
/^\ /:\ /%\ /8\ /#\
/___\ /:::\ /%%%\ /888\ /###\
| _ | _ | _ | _ | _ |
| / \ | / \| / \ | / \ |/ \ |
|| || | || ||| || | |
|| || | || ||| || | |
|| || | || ||| || | |
| \_/ | \_/| \_/ | \_/ |\_/ |
jgs |=====|=====|=====|=====|=====|
| |:::::|%%%%%|88888|#####|
| _ |
| / \ |
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
| \_/ |
jgs |=====|
-=[ seated to standing postion ]=- 6/97
<()> () () () /|
#| #|\ #/\ # /| # / \
# \_ #\_\ #\_\ # /_| # \
### \ ### \ ### \ ### \ ### |
# # \_ # # /_ # # /_ # # /_ # # /_
() () () ()
|\_ /|\ /|\ /|\/
# | # / | \ # || \ # / |
# | # |\ # |\ # /|
### | ### | | ### / | ### / |
# # |_ # # |_|_ # # /_ |_ # # /_ |_
-=[ graduation cap ]=- 6/97
.-' _ '-.
`-.__ `\_.-'
| `-``\|
jgs `-.....-A
-=[ Jurassic Park/Lost World dino ]=- 6/97
, ;:._.-`''.
;.;'.;` _ `.
',;` ( \ ,`-.
`:.`, (_/ ;\ `-.
';: / `. `-._
`;.;' `-,/ . `-.
';;' _ `^` `.
';; ,'-' `--._ ;
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';. '`'::'`'' .'`'
, .;` `'::''`
_(_)_ wWWWw ,,, _
(_)@(_),,, (___) {{{}} _(_)_
/(_) {{{}} ~Y~ ~Y~ (_)@(_)
| {{}~Y~ (@)\|{}} \|/ /(_) joan stark
(\|/)~Y~\| \Y/\|~Y~ \|/ (\|/) <spunk1111@juno.com>
ASCII ART GALLERY: <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/>
== == "we are each of us angels with but one wing,
<^\()/\()/^> and can only fly by embracing each other"
\/ \/ \/
/ \/ \ joan stark <spunk1111@juno.com>
jgs `""``""` <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/>
_/.-.-.\_ ...just monkeying around...
( ( o o ) )
|/ " \| joan stark <spunk1111@juno.com>
jgs /`"""`\ <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/>
() __
joan stark () _./////_ _
<spunk1111@juno.com> .-' __'-. //\
() / (o) \\ === \////
} // `` -=(((
ASCII ART GALLERY: `\ ---. /\\\\
<http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/> '\'.`/_____.;' '-'
`-` `\/ jgs
