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Setting up Subversion

Asim Shankar

Friday, 25 February, 2005

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Initial Setup
3. Create A Repository
4. Branching
5. Remote Access
5.1. Over SSH
5.2. svnserve
6. Links to References

1. Introduction

For all subversion questions and details, one should first take a look at the Subversion Book (see Section 6, “Links to References”). Here are just some notes that filled some minor gaps when I setup things on my machine.

2. Initial Setup

This section assumes that you have installed subversion and related packages (such as the Apache module). The easiest way to do this is to get the .rpm's or something similar based on whatever packaging system your distribution uses. apt-get subversion or something similar on apt-enabled systems.


  • Create a new user, say svn by:

    $ useradd -d /home/svnroot -c subversion svn

    This also creates a new group, svn and at this point only user svn is in the group.

  • Add users that will use the repository/make changes to the group svn. Also, if you want to allow access to the repositories using http and Apache, then the user that the httpd process runs as must have permissions to the repositories. Typically, this can be done by adding user svn to the apache group.

    		$ usermod -G ...,svn user1
    		$ usermod -G svn,apache svn

  • Ensure that all members of the group have write access to the repository. The script groupmod.sh can be used to ensure that all files that are owner-writeable are group-writeable.

3. Create A Repository

Revision numbers in subversion are repository-wide. So typically, you would want a separate repository for projects that are independent.

Repositories can be created as follows:

  • First, we create the repository:

    $ svnadmin create /home/svnroot/project

    Make sure that /home/svnroot/project/ has all the requisite permissions (for example, if all users of the group svn will be making modifications, then /home/svnroont/project should be group-writeable.

  • Create a directory structure as follows:


    • trunk/ - This will contain all files actively worked upon and modified

    • branches/

  • Now,

    		$ cd project
    		$ svn import . file:///home/svnroot/project

4. Branching

Branching is a concept common to most version control systems. Chapter 4 of the Subversion Book [1] explains the idea.

Subversion (and possibly other systems, like CVS?) provide the ability to selectively merge changes in one branch into others. This has proven to be quite useful for Linux kernel modifications I've been playing around with. What I want to do is make changes and test them in UML (User-Mode Linux) and then later port them back to a non-UML kernel. Though UML and the regular kernel share most of the source, there are some differences manifested in the form of uml-patches. Thus, there are two "similar" but different code-bases. However, the experimentation I'm up to is in the common areas, i.e., are not UML-specific. Hence, I want to be able to avoid manually porting changes I make between the two.

This is where branches come in. Initially, we have the pure Linux source. Then branch this off to create a UML branch. Apply the uml patches to the source. So, now we have two branches - the main or the "trunk" and a uml branch. Changes made to any one of them that are safe for the other can be ported automatically by subversion's merge. Here's how it goes:

  1. Starting point: A repository with "pure" Linux source. Let it's URL be file:///home/svnroot/linux with all the code places in file:///home/svnroot/linux/trunk.

  2. Now we fork off a branch and apply the UML patches:

    		$ cd /tmp
    		$ svn copy file:///home/svnroot/linux/trunk \
    		           file:///home/svnroot/linux/branches/uml \
    			   -m "Creating a branch for UML"
    		$ svn checkout file:///home/svnroot/linux/branches/uml ./my-uml
    		$ cd my-uml
    		$ # Apply patches
    		$ patch -p1 < /path/to/patches/uml-....patch
    		$ svn commit

  3. The svn commit operation above would give you a revision number, suppose that's 3. Now, go ahead and make any changes to this branch, i.e., to the UML code. Compile it, test it and do whatever till you're ready to merge the changes into the non-UML source. The final commit operation will give you another revision number, suppose that's 5.

  4. At this point, you know that revision 3 is when you began making your changes (revision 3 itself was just the UML patch). And changes between revisions 3 and 5 are to be ported. This can be done by checking out a copy of the non-UML code and then using svn merge, as so:

    		$ cd /tmp
    		$ # Checkout trunk, or if you already have it checked out then
    		$ # skip this step
    		$ svn checkout file:///home/svnroot/linux/trunk ./non-uml
    		$ cd non-uml
    		$ # Merge changes between revisions 3 and 5 in the uml branch to here
    		$ svn merge -r 3:5 file:///home/svnroot/linux/branches/uml


NOTE: It seems that as of kernel 2.6.9, user-mode-linux (UML) has been merged into the vanilla kernel source and thus there is no reason to have separate branches for the UML and non-UML kernels. Of course, this doesn't mean that there aren't any other applications for branches and merging in subversion!

5. Remote Access

5.1. Over SSH

If the authentication you want to do is based on the users and groups on the system, then probably the best thing to do is to use SSH. This keeps things "secure" as you don't have to open up any other ports on the host machine. This requires no additional setup assuming that you have an ssh server running on the host machine already.

If the repository is located at /home/svnroot/project, then the URL for remote access would be svn+ssh://user@hostname/home/svnroot/project

5.2. svnserve

Another option is to use the svnserve server process that ships with subversion. The Subversion Book (see Section 6, “Links to References”) explains this nicely. I configured svnserve to be launched by xinetd, so I added a file svn in /etc/xinetd.d on my Fedora Core 2 installation. The file looked so:

		# default: on
		# Subversion server

		service svn
			socket_type 	= stream
			protocol	= tcp
			user		= svn
			wait		= no
			disable		= no
			server		= /usr/bin/svnserve
			server_args	= -i -r /home/svnroot 
			port		= 3690

6. Links to References